Add child claim for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) 007-17103127
Claim access path
The claim is available in Online Service, Express Plus Mobile App, Child Care Summary page and staff facing workflows to allow a customer, nominee or Service Officer to add a child for assessment.
Item |
Description |
1 |
Online Service landing page menu: Menu: My Family Menu subgroup: Family Assistance Claim: Add child to Child Care Subsidy |
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Online Service Child Care Summary page: Menu: My Family Menu subgroup: Child Care Claim: Child Care Subsidy summary URL/Button: Add child to Child Care Subsidy |
3 |
Online Service Claim Options page: Menu group: Payments and Claims Menu subgroup: Claims Item name: Make a claim Life event: Families Claim option: Child Care Subsidy |
4 |
Express Plus landing page menu: Menu: Launch CCS Menu subgroup: CCS Dashboard URL/Button: Add child to Child Care Subsidy |
5 |
Assisted Customer Claim Options page: Menu group: Payments and Claims Menu subgroup: Claims Item name: Make a claim Life event: Families Claim option: Child Care Subsidy |
6 |
The ‘Add child to CCS’ claim option is available but a full CCS claim also needs to be lodged: Staff or customers may attempt to add multiple children but not all meet the criteria for the shortened claim option. If this occurs, the introductory page will only list the eligible children for selection. In these cases, a full CCS claim needs to be lodged for the children that are not selectable for a shortened claim. There is an information alert on the page that states ‘If you have other children that are not shown above who you want to add to Child Care Subsidy, you will need to complete a full Child Care Subsidy claim’. Selecting the hyperlink will navigate the user to the Families streaming questions. Completing this will then launch a full CCS claim. |
Process Direct
See Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions for help with navigation and process status definitions.
The Services Australia calendar can be used to identify the start of a CCS fortnight throughout the year.
The letter or electronic message template available via this link is endorsed for use by Services Australia and is the latest version. Staff should not be using locally produced letters or electronic messages.