Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (transition to work) eligibility and applications 007-17103149
This document outlines eligibility requirements for Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (transition to work) and how customers can apply for this subsidy.
On this page:
Eligibility for ACCS (transition to work)
Evidence requirements for ACCS (transition to work)
Completing an application for ACCS (transition to work)
Reassessment of ACCS (transition to work) voluntary Job Plans
Eligibility for ACCS (transition to work)
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Eligibility for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) + Read more ... To be eligible for ACCS (transition to work), customers must be eligible for CCS. Is the customer current on CCS or eligible for CCS?
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Eligible income support payment + Read more ... To be eligible for ACCS (transition to work) the customer must be receiving an eligible income support payment, which includes:
Is the customer in receipt of an eligible income support payment?
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Participating in an approved activity + Read more ... To meet the ACCS (transition to work) the customer must meet the ACCS (transition to work) activity requirements, which include:
The activity undertaken must be recorded as a CCS activity, and must be for a minimum of 8 hours per fortnight. Note: customers may be commencing their activity at a future start date, but it can be no more than 28 days into the future. For more information see ACCS (transition to work) approved activities and time limits. Is the customer undertaking or commencing an ACCS (transition to work) approved activity within 28 days of claiming?
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Other eligibility criteria for ACCS (transition to work) + Read more ... In addition to receiving an eligible income support payment and undertaking an approved activity, the individual must also meet the following criteria:
Evidence requirements for ACCS (transition to work)
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Proof of enrolment for study + Read more ... For study or training activities, proof of enrolment must be documentation from the educational institution confirming:
Further proof of enrolment information is required for customers studying with Open Universities Australia. If the customer is unable to provide evidence that they are studying towards a qualification, they are not eligible for ACCS (transition to work). Has the customer been studying for 6 months or more before applying for ACCS (transition to work)?
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Evidence of satisfactory progress for study + Read more ... An individual studying a course between levels 2 and 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework study level (Certificate II to Graduate Diploma) have to be making satisfactory progress to meet the ACCS (transition to work) activity requirements. An individual enrolled in a course that is 12 months or longer, are required to provide evidence of their progress towards course completion every 12 months. Further, if an individual has been studying for more than 6 months when applying for ACCS (transition to work), they are required to demonstrate satisfactory progress as well as proof of enrolment when applying for ACCS (transition to work). Satisfactory progress means the individual is participating in the course and achieving the minimum requirements of that course to the satisfactory of the course provider (such as achieving a pass grade for at least one of their subjects). Documentation to support progression can include:
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Evidence of work + Read more ... Suitable evidence to support work as an ACCS (transition to work) approved activity may include:
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Evidence of training + Read more ... Evidence of participation in a vocational training activity for ACCS (transition to work) may include one or more of the following: For apprenticeships and traineeships, a letter from the company (if applicable) or educational institution outlining:
Note: where the apprenticeship or traineeship is included in the Student Assistance (Education Institutions and Courses) Determination 2009 (No. 2) it is considered an approved course of education or study and for the purposes of the CCS activity test and ACCS some cases the apprenticeship Evidence of non-vocational training, that is other programs, customers are required to provide details of the program which should include:
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Evidence of Job Search + Read more ... Where a customer's job search efforts are monitored by an Employment Service Provider as part of their mandatory mutual obligation requirements, no additional evidence is required to support this activity. If an individual has no requirement to look for work, and is participating in the activity voluntarily (even where registered with an Employment Service Provider), evidence of looking for work is required. Evidence may include, but is not limited to:
Completing an application for ACCS (transition to work)
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Options to apply for ACCS (transition to work) + Read more ... Customers can apply for ACCS (transition to work) at the same time as lodging a claim for CCS, or separately where they are already receiving CCS.
Before issuing a FA085, Service Officers must review the customer's record to confirm they:
Note: There is no verbal application for CCS current customers wishing to apply for ACCS (transition to work). |
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Online claim + Read more ...
If the customer receives an ACCS (transition to work) eligible income support payment and they advise they are undertaking a CCS activity which is also an ACCS (transition to work) approved activity, the CCS claim will present the customer with the option to claim ACCS (transition to work). For details of the ACCS (transition to work) question set, go to Step 5. After completing the CCS/ACCS claim, the Next steps page displays:
All Required tasks must be provided before the customer can Submit their CCS/ACCS claim. Customers can access their online claim to return to the Next steps page at any time before it is submitted. Customers have the option to:
Until all required documentation has been provided, and the claim submitted, it is deemed no claim has been lodged or decision made. This means a customer's CCS payment can only be backdated from the date the claim is submitted. This is not reviewable. Note: while CCS can be backdated up to 28 days from the date of claim, ACCS (transition to work) start dates cannot be backdated. The start date for ACCS (transition to work) applications is the start of the next CCS fortnight after the date the claim was submitted. Started claims will automatically expire after 13 weeks. Procedure ends here. |
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Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) for CCS/ACCS (transition to work) + Read more ... An ACC is available for customers who:
An ACC can also assist Indigenous customers living in remote communities who have language or literacy barriers affecting their capacity to use online claims or forms. Before using the ACC workflow to complete a verbal claim, or enter details from an offline (paper) claim, Service Officers must update the customer's personal details via the Change in Contact Details workflow as these questions are not asked in the ACC. If the ACC started before the workflow was run, the claim can be saved and the updates made outside the claim before submitting it. Updates made using the Change in Contact Details workflow will appear on the Review and Submit page in the ACC. For information about claiming CCS via an ACC, see Claiming Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS). When completing an ACC for CCS, if the customer is in receipt of an ACCS (transition to work) eligible payment and they advise they are undertaking a CCS activity which is also an ACCS (transition to work) approved activity, the ACC will prompt the Service Officer to ask whether they wish to apply for ACCS (transition to work). If there is a started CCS claim on the Customer Claim Summary, the claim can be:
'Channel Hopping' within the ACC workflow allows:
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ACCS (transition to work) specific questions + Read more ... If a customer indicates they are undertaking an activity which would be an ACCS (transition to work) approved activity, and receiving an eligible income support payment, they will be presented with the 'Additional Child Care Subsidy - Transition to Work' page: Do you want to be assessed for Additional Child Care Subsidy (Transition to work)?
Study If the customer has been enrolled in any course of study within the last 10 years, details of the study are required, including whether the course was completed. Full details of the course currently being undertaken, or to commence within the next 28 days, are required:
Vocational training Full details of the vocational training being undertaken, or to commence within the next 28 days, are required:
Other non-vocational program Full details of the non-vocational program being undertaken, or to commence within the next 28 days, are required:
Work Details for each employer are required:
Looking for work The name of the customer's Employment Service Provider is required (if applicable) and the start date they commenced looking for work. After providing details of all activities, the Subsidy Period page will display:
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Review and submit claim + Read more ... Check that all information is correct on the Review your claim page. If answers need to be corrected, select the relevant Update button If personal details need to be corrected, exit the ACC and update using the Change in Contact Details workflow. This information will then populate into the claim Verbal claim declaration Does the customer agree to a verbal declaration script being read to meet their signature requirements?
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Next Steps + Read more ... This page lists:
Advise the customer of documents or evidence requirements, particularly in relation to ACCS (transition to work), explaining their claim cannot be lodged until the evidence is provided. Where the customer has not agreed to the verbal declaration, they will also need to provide a signed CDF before the ACC can be submitted. An ACC can be saved and will remain in draft for 13 weeks, after which time it will expire and a new claim (ACC) will need to be initiated. Is documentation/evidence required?
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Uploading documents or searching for existing evidence + Read more ...
On the Next steps page there is a link to the Upload documents service with an Upload button against each Required task. If the customer uploaded or provided documents before starting the ACC, access the customer's record in Process Direct and select the Documents icon. Investigate if documents are available to support the CCS/ACCS claim. Go to the Tasks icon in Process Direct and ensure the required documents have been updated to 'Provided'. Has required documentation/evidence been provided?
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Submit claim via ACC + Read more ... If it is determined sufficient evidence is available and accessible to support the CCS/ACCS claim, Service Officers are to Continue the ACC, and select the 'Provided' check box as appropriate The ACC can be submitted where the only outstanding information:
Once a claim is submitted, customers subscribed to Electronic Messaging will receive a Notification confirming the submission and reminded to monitor their claim tracker in their online account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app. The Submitted page will display:
All CCS/ACCS (transition to work) combined claims are allocated to appropriately skilled Service Officers for processing. See Processing Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (transition to work) applications. Procedure ends here. |
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ACCS (transition to work) online service + Read more ...
Do you want to be assessed for Additional Child Care Subsidy (Transition to work)?
If the customer does not have an active Job Plan, a message will present advising a Job Plan must be approved within 28 days of submitting the application, and they should contact Centrelink or their Employment Services Provider about entering into a Job Plan. Which activity(ies) would you like to claim Additional Child Care Subsidy for? Customers can select one or more of the following:
For each activity being undertaken, customers will be prompted to provide all details. Customers will not be able to progress until responses have been recorded. Note: in addition to multiple activities, customers can add additional activities for each type. For example, if 'Work' is selected, customers can record details of all employers where they have more than one employer. Once all activity details have been entered, customers will be asked: 'Would you like us to start paying your Additional Child Care Subsidy from the earliest possible start date?' If no is selected, customers will be prompted: 'What date would you like us to start paying your Additional Child Care Subsidy?' Customers will only be able to use a future date which is the first Monday of a CCS fortnight. When do you want the Additional Child Care Subsidy to end?
When the customer selects Next, they will be taken to the Review and submit page. |
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Review and Submit page + Read more ... This page is displayed at the end of the transaction to confirm details and provide a receipt number. The page also provides 'change' links, which will return the customer to the relevant page, displaying the data they initially entered. When the customer selects Next on the page to which they have been returned, they will be taken through the usual service flow. Once a customer confirms the information is true and correct, they can select Submit. |
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Receipt and Follow-up Actions + Read more ... Once submitted, the customer will be issued with a receipt number. Customers will be advised evidence will need to be provided to support their application for ACCS (transition to work). They will be prompted to All standalone ACCS (transition to work) applications are allocated to appropriately skilled Service Officers for processing. See Processing Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (transition to work) applications. |
Reassessment of ACCS (transition to work) voluntary Job Plans
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer contacts regarding Non Effective ACCS (transition to work) claim + Read more ... On 11 August 2023, Department of Education made changes to the Minister’s Rules to remove the Job Plan/Participation Plan requirement for customers that do not have mutual obligation or participation requirements. These changes were retrospectively backdated to 1 July 2022. Check the original claim assessment outcome Note/DOC. Has the customer contacted and requested reassessment of a non-effective claim lodged between 1 July 2022 and 20 November 2023 due to Job Plan requirements?
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Check if customer has mutual obligations or participation requirements or is exempt + Read more ... To check for mutual obligations or participation requirements:
To check for mutual obligation exemptions, go to the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen. Did the customer have mutual obligation or participation requirements within 28 days of claim lodgement?
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Check claim and evidence requirements + Read more ... Check the customer’s Document List and see Table 3 to determine if evidence of the customer’s ACCS (transition to work) activity was provided. Had the customer previously lodged evidence to support their ACCS (transition to work) activity?
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Refer to ACCS Processing Team (ACCSPT) + Read more ... Discuss with the customer their ACCS (transition to work) activity. Reassessment is required where the customer’s activity:
If the activity is Study, reassessment is required where:
To create a referral to the ACCSPT for reassessment:
Tell the customer the ACCS Processing team will:
Procedure ends here. |