Online practice application for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream 012-10130010
This document outlines the process for the HPOS application process for the PIP, PIP Individual Incentives and the WIP - Practice Stream.
On this page:
Check for duplicate applications and confirm supporting documents have been submitted
Assess the WIP - Practice Stream HPOS online application
Returning an incomplete application
Check for duplicate applications and confirm supporting documents have been submitted
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Identifying the application + Read more ... HPOS applications may be allocated to staff for action by:
2 |
Search for an online application + Read more ... To search for an online application in PIP Online and/or WIP - Practice Stream online:
To find an online application
If the application is:
3 |
Ownership details and declaration form + Read more ... Check Question 1 on the Practice Incentives practice ownership details and declaration form (IP008), If the practice has entered a:
4 |
Confirm if online application is submitted + Read more ... Search for the application in PIP and/or WIP - Practice Stream Online
Does the application show in the search results?
5 |
Check for a duplicate practice profile + Read more ... Depending on how the address details are keyed, the on-line system may not identify a duplicate address. A manual check must be done to confirm the address is not already registered.
A list of practices with matching locality and postcode will show. Check the practice address against the list. Is the practice address already registered?
6 |
Practice address is already registered + Read more ... Check the Status column for the registered practice. If the status is:
Note: practices that have been closed or withdrawn must be accredited before reapplying if the ownership is the same. The practice cannot reapply while registered for accreditation. See Practice application for PIP and WIP – Practice Stream for more information. Program Management (Policy) will review new applications for closed/withdrawn practices to ensure they are managed correctly. Policy team will advise of any workarounds or additional information required to complete the application process. |
7 |
Check the associated documents + Read more ... A practice must submit the below supporting documents:
The practice does not need to submit a Practice Incentives Individual general practitioner or nurse practitioner details (IP003) form unless they are registering a procedural general practitioner. This is only applicable if the practice is applying for PIP. A practice can upload their supporting documents to the application before selecting submit application. Check if the above documents are uploaded, on the Associated Documents screen:
Have all of the required supporting documents been uploaded?
Note: as staff continue to process the application, they may determine further additional support documents are required. They can repeat these search steps at any time throughout the process. |
8 |
Search for supporting form and documents + Read more ... If the mandatory supporting documents are not uploaded to the associated documents, search PaNDA for documents submitted separately. See Managing PaNDA work items for Incentive Programs. Always search PaNDA using both the application ID and the practice name. Are the relevant supporting documents submitted?
Note: time must be allowed for practices to submit the required documents. Do not reject applications for missing information until 7 days after the application date of lodgement. |
Assess the PIP application
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Open the online application + Read more ... Go to the ‘Tasks’ tab:
Check the practice accreditation details on the online application match the details on the accreditation or registered for accreditation certificate that is provided with the supporting evidence. The following details must match:
If the practice name does not match the name on the accreditation certificate, check the Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration (IP008) form or ownership details screen to see if it matches the company or trading name. If they match, this is acceptable. The practice address on the certificate must match the address entered for the application. An address variance may be acceptable, refer to LPS. Do the practice name and address details on the certificate match the practice details or the ownership details (practice name only)?
Note: if the other accreditation details on the certificate do not match, refer to LPS to confirm if the certificate is acceptable. If the details have been entered incorrectly and the certificate is acceptable, the accreditation information will need to be corrected after approval. |
2 |
Check the practice name and address + Read more ... The practice name and main practice address on the Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration (IP008) form must match the details on the online form. Do the details at Question 3 and 4 of the IP008 form match PIP online?
Note: an address variance may be acceptable. Refer to LPS for assessment. |
3 |
Check the practice details + Read more ... The practice must complete:
The practice does not need to complete these details:
Has the practice completed these details for at least one authorised contact person?
4 |
Check the communication preference + Read more ... If the practice has advised they do not want to receive any of their communication via electronic notification (HPOS), go to Step 5. If the practice has advised that they do want to receive any of their communication via electronic notification (HPOS), check that at least one authorised contact person or owner has registered an RA number:
Has the practice provided an RA number for at least one authorised contact person or practice owner?
Note: a practice cannot access online subscriptions if no RA number is keyed. If the practice has selected Yes to receive any of the online subscriptions and an authorised contact person or owner has not keyed their RA number, update all the online subscriptions to No. |
5 |
Check Payment Details + Read more ... The practice must complete the:
From the Application Summary page for the online application, select the View or Edit from the Actions column for the Payment Details or next if on the Practice Details page. Payment Details page will show. Are the practice bank account details complete?
6 |
Check Additional Locations + Read more ... Check if the practice has answered Yes to:
Note: it is an eligibility requirement for additional locations that at least one GP is working at both the main and the additional location. If the practice does not have a GP working at both locations, the additional location/s does not meet the requirements to be registered as one practice. Continue assessing application for the main practice location only. |
7 |
Check the additional practice branch(es) address + Read more ... The practice must provide the:
Are the additional branch location details complete?
Additional locations do not need to be accredited if they provide less than 3 000 MBS services per year. |
8 |
Check the individual incentives + Read more ... On the Incentive Overview screen, the Apply column will show which individual incentives the practice is applying for:
If the practice has not selected any individual incentives, select Next, go to Step 9. The practice does not need to apply for any incentives to be eligible for the PIP. Quality Improvement Incentive
Indigenous Health Incentive
eHealth Incentive
After Hours Incentive
If practice is in RRMA 3-7, Procedural General Practitioner (GP) Payment
Are the Incentive application screens complete?
9 |
Check the practice ownership details + Read more ... The practice must complete the mandatory information below in both the online application and the Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration (IP008) form. They must also provide evidence to confirm the practice ownership details. The IP008 outlines the acceptable evidence to confirm the ownership. See Change of ownership for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream for information on ownership signatory and evidence requirements. Mandatory ownership information
Check the evidence provided confirms the ownership details entered. The practice does not need to provide:
Note: the evidence is the source of truth when determining the ownership structure type. Does the evidence provided support the ownership type on the IP008 and the ownership details screen?
10 |
Owners/Partners/Associates details + Read more ... See Change of ownership for PIP and WIP - Practice stream for information on ownership signatory and evidence requirements. Note: the evidence is the source of truth when determining who the Owners/Partners/Associates are. The ownership evidence may list more Owners/Partners/Associates than have been listed in the online application and Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration (IP008) form. Only the minimum number need to be registered for the purpose of registering for PIP and/or WIP - Practice Stream. Do not add owners listed in the evidence who have not signed the IP008. If a company/body corporate operates under sole directorship, there will only be one owner to sign the declaration. The sole director box must be ticked or sole director clearly stated at the declaration. Where a change to the Owners/Partners/Associates is made at the end of processing the application make a note of the change and the reasoning in the comments on the practice profile. Check the evidence to confirm:
Have the required number of owners/representatives been listed on the system, signed the IP008 and do they appear on the evidence?
11 |
Check General Practitioner (GP) Details Summary + Read more ... The practice must provide details for at least one general practitioner (GP). If the practice has registered an additional location, at least one GP must be listed at both the main practice location and the additional practice branch(es). If no GPs work at both locations, the additional practice location is not eligible for PIP. If no GPs are registered, search PaNDA for Practice Incentives individual general practitioner or nurse practitioner (IP003) forms that may have been submitted separately. Check completed work items as well as open items for forms that have been rejected due to the practice not being registered. If the practice has submitted at least one IP003, this is acceptable. Has at least one GP been registered at the main practice location and any additional practice branches?
12 |
Add a GP to the application + Read more ... If the practice has submitted Practice Incentives individual general practitioner or nurse practitioner (IP003) forms instead of adding the GPs as part of the application process, the GPs must be added to the profile by the assessing Service Officer. If an IP003 has been submitted for a Procedural GP, assess the IP003 form. For steps on adding GPs or updating the Procedural GP, see Table, Step 1-3 and then Table 7, Step 9 in Practice application for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream. |
13 |
Confirm the application can be approved + Read more ... |
Assess the WIP - Practice Stream HPOS online application
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check the eligibility requirements + Read more ... Open the online application. Go to the ‘Tasks’ tab:
Check all mandatory questions on the online application are completed (those shown with an ‘*’) and the following details on the online application match the Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration IP008 form:
If 'yes' has been selected to PIP consenting, the following fields will be automatically populated with the information from PIP Online. If 'no' was selected, make sure the details for following mandatory questions match the practice details on the IP008 form and the accreditation or registered for accreditation certificate:
If the practice name does not match the name on the accreditation certificate, check if the IP008 form or ownership details screen matches the company or trading name. If they match, this is acceptable. The practice address on the certificate must match the address entered for the application (an address variance may be acceptable - refer to LPS.) Note: if the other accreditation details on the certificate do not match, refer to LPS to confirm if the certificate is acceptable. If the details have been entered incorrectly and the certificate is acceptable, the accreditation information will need to be corrected after approval. Make sure at least one of the health professional types listed has been selected. If the practice has an employed enrolled nurse, they must be supervised by a nurse practitioner or registered nurse. A practice cannot submit an online application without completing all mandatory fields and meeting the program eligibility requirements. The eligibility confirmation message shows ‘Based on the information provided, your practice is eligible for the WIP - Practice Stream.’ Are all the above fields completed and do all the details match where required?
2 |
Check the practice details + Read more ... If the practice has selected 'yes' to PIP consenting, the following fields will be automatically populated with the information from PIP Online. Select Next and go to Step 3. The practice must complete:
The preference is for all 3 communication types to be completed. The practice does not need to provide these details:
Has the practice nominated any of their communication be sent via electronic notification (HPOS email)?
3 |
Communication via electronic notification (HPOS email) + Read more ... For a practice to receive electronic nomination, at least one owner or authorised contact person must have an RA number registered to the practice profile. Check that at least one authorised contact or owner has registered an RA number. To check this:
Has at least one owner or authorised contact person got an RA number registered to the practice profile?
Note: a practice cannot access online subscriptions if no RA number is keyed. If the practice has selected 'Yes' to receive any of the online subscriptions and an authorised contact person or owner has not keyed their RA number, update all the online subscriptions to 'No'. |
4 |
Check Payment Details + Read more ... If the practice has selected 'Yes' to PIP consenting, the following fields will be automatically populated with the information from PIP Online. Select Next and go to Step 5. On the Payment Details page the practice must complete the:
Are the practice bank account details complete and the re-entered details match the entered details?
5 |
Check Additional Locations + Read more ... If the practice has selected 'yes' to PIP consenting, the following fields will be automatically populated with the information from PIP Online. Select Next and go to Step 6. Check if the practice has answered Yes to:
Has the practice selected 'yes' to having more than one location and is there at least one General Practitioner (GP) working at both the main and additional locations?:
If the practice answered 'No' to the second question about having a GP at the main location and additional location, the additional locations will not meet the requirements for being considered as one practice. Process this application for the main practice location. |
6 |
Check the additional practice branch(es) address + Read more ... If the practice has selected 'yes' to PIP consenting, the following fields will be automatically populated with the information from PIP Online. Select Next and go to Step 7. The practice must provide the:
Additional locations do not need to be accredited if they provide less than 3 000 MBS services per year. Are the additional branch location details complete?
7 |
Check the incentive details + Read more ... Under Incentive Payments - Current Health Professionals Weekly Contracted Hours, check that the health professional details are provided that are indicated on the Eligibility Check screen. For each health professional employed or engaged at the practice, the practice must provide the:
The practice does not need to provide these details:
Check that the practice agrees to the following declarations:
Are the incentive details complete?
8 |
Ownership details and evidence + Read more ... If the practice has selected 'yes' to PIP consenting, the following fields will be automatically populated with the information from PIP Online. The details on the system must match the details on the Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration IP008 form. Go to Step 9. The practice must complete on the online application the:
They must also provide evidence to support the practice ownership details. Check the evidence provided confirms the ownership details. See Change of ownership for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream for information on ownership signatory and evidence requirements. Where a change to the practice ownership type is made at the end of processing the application, make a note of the change and the reasoning in the comments on the practice profile. The practice does not need to provide these details:
Note: the evidence is the source of truth when determining the ownership structure type. Does the evidence provided support the ownership type on the IP008 form and the Practice ownership details screen?
9 |
WIP- Practice Stream - PIP consenting practice + Read more ... When applying for WIP - PS where a practice is also applying or is registered for PIP, they are asked if they want to become a PIP consenting practice. This means they are consenting certain PIP information will be used for the WIP - Practice Stream, including the practice ownership details. Are the ownership details on the WIP - PS online application and Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration IP008 form the same as what is on their PIP practice Profile?
10 |
Owners/Partners/Associates details + Read more ... The practice must provide a list of Owners/Partners/Associates that are to be registered to their practice profile. They must also:
Note: if the Practice is PIP consenting and has previously supplied evidence to confirm the practice ownership type, evidence is not mandatory for the WIP - Practice Stream application. Check the PIP online system and confirm:
The ownership structure type will determine the minimum number Owners/Partners/Associates that need to be registered and the evidence required to support the Owners/Partners/Associates. A company or body corporate may operate under sole directorship, where the director and company secretary are the same person. There will only be one owner to sign the declaration. The Sole Director box must be ticked or sole director must be clearly stated at the declaration. RA number is not mandatory. Note: the evidence is the source of truth when determining the Owners/Partners/Associates. There may be more Owners/Partners/Associates on the evidence provided than what the online application and IP008 form has listed. Only the minimum number need to be registered for the purpose of registering for PIP and/or WIP - Practice Stream. Owners listed in the evidence but not completing the IP008 form will not be added to the profile as owners. Where a change to the Owners/Partners/Associates is made at the end of processing the application make a note of the change and the reasoning in the comments on the practice profile. Based on the evidence, is the declaration at Question 8 on the IP008 form completed by the minimum required number of Owners/Partners/Associates and match the names in the online application (or PIP online system for PIP consenting practices)?
See Change of ownership for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream for information on ownership signatory and evidence requirements. |
11 |
Check General Practitioner (GP) Details Summary + Read more ... If the practice has selected yes to PIP consenting, the GP details from the PIP profile will be automatically populated in the WIP - Practice Stream. The practice must provide details for at least one General Practitioner (GP). If the practice has registered an additional location, at least one GP must be listed at both the main practice location and the additional practice branch(es). If No, the additional practice location is not eligible for PIP. If no GPs are registered, search PaNDA for Practice Incentives Individual general practitioner, nurse practitioner or health professional details (IP003) forms that may have been submitted separately. Check completed work items as well as open items for forms that have been rejected due to the practice not being registered. If the practice has submitted at least one IP003 form, this is acceptable. Has at least one GP been registered at the main practice location and any additional practice branches?
12 |
Confirm the application can be approved + Read more ... |
Returning an incomplete application
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
HPOS application is incomplete + Read more ... If the HPOS application needs more details:
Update the application status:
2 |
Update the PIP application status + Read more ... Update the PIP application HPOS application status to Awaiting Information for Verification:
Under Approval Check List:
Under Application Verification:
3 |
Update the WIP-Practice Stream application status + Read more ... Update the PIP application HPOS application status to Awaiting Information for Verification:
Under Record Application Status:
4 |
Finalise work item + Read more ... Finalise the work item in PaNDA by: