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Health Professional Online Services (HPOS) practice application for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream 012-10130010

This document outlines the process for the HPOS application process for the PIP, PIP Individual Incentives and the WIP - Practice Stream.

On this Page:

Assess the PIP HPOS application

Continue assessing the PIP HPOS application

Assess and process the IHI or Procedural GP Payment HPOS applications

Assess the WIP - Practice Stream HPOS Application

Continue assessing the WIP - Practice Stream HPOS application

Assess the supporting documents for a HPOS application

Assess the PIP HPOS application

Table 1




Log in to systems + Read more ...

Log on to PIP Online.


Search for the HPOS application + Read more ...

Search for a HPOS application in PIP Online:

  • Select Tasks. The Task Search screen will show
  • Select Application from the Task Type drop down
  • Select Awaiting Verification from the Status drop down
  • Select Search. The Search Results will show

To find a HPOS application:

  • Select View PDF from the View column. The application PDF will show
  • View the Submitted by row in the table on the first page:
    • If a P number shows, it is an internal registration
    • If a Registration Authority (RA) number (10 digit number) shows, it is a HPOS application

If the application is an:

  • internal registration
    • repeat this process to find a HPOS application
    • if no HPOS application found, procedure ends here
  • HPOS application
    • close the application PDF
    • select the Application Number from the Practice ID or Application Number column
    • go to Step 3


Check the eligibility requirements + Read more ...

Access the HPOS application.

The practice must complete the below details:

  • Does the practice have public liability insurance?
  • Do all medical practitioners at the practice have current professional indemnity cover?
  • Is the practice currently accredited, or registered for accreditation? Including the:
    • accrediting body
    • accreditation number
    • start date
    • end date
  • Practice Name
  • Practice type
  • Main Practice Location

A practice cannot submit a HPOS application without completing the above details and meeting the program eligibility requirements.

The eligibility confirmation message shows Based on your answers your practice is eligible for PIP.

Select Next. The Practice Details screen will show.


Check the practice details + Read more ...

The practice must complete:

  • At least one authorised contact persons details
    • Title
    • First Name
    • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Postal Address

If the above practice details are incomplete, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice.

The practice does not need to complete these details:

  • Authorised contact person’s Registration Authority (RA) Number
  • Facsimile Number
  • Email Address


Check Payment Details + Read more ...

The practice must complete the:

  • BSB
  • Account Number
  • Account Name


Check Additional Locations + Read more ...

Check if the practice has answered Yes to:

  • Having more than 1 location, and
  • One or more general practitioners from the main practice location also practise at the additional practice locations

If the practice has answered:

  • Yes to both questions
    • select Next. The Incentive Overview screen will show
    • go to Step 7
  • No to either question
    • select Next. A warning message will show
    • select Next again. The Incentive Overview screen will show
    • see Table 2


Check the additional practice branch(es) address + Read more ...

The practice must provide the:

  • full practice address
  • accreditation type. If accredited or registered for accreditation:
    • start date
    • end date
    • accrediting body
    • accreditation number
  • accreditation certificate if accredited or registered for accreditation

If the above practice details are incomplete, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice.

Select Next, see Table 2.

Continue assessing the PIP HPOS application

Table 2




Check the individual incentives + Read more ...

Under Incentive Overview screen, the Apply column will show which individual incentive the practice is applying for.

For each individual incentive the practice is applying for, a practice must confirm the relevant declarations.

  • Check that the practice has selected Yes to each of the individual incentive declarations
  • Make sure a tier level is selected for the After Hours incentive

If the practice is applying for:

  • IHI
    • Select Next for each individual incentive
    • The Indigenous Health Incentive screen will show
    • Go to Step 2
  • Other Individual Incentives
    • Select Next for each individual incentive
    • The Practice Ownership Details screen will show
    • Go to step 3

If the practice has not agreed to the relevant declaration, the practice is not eligible for the individual incentive. Check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice.

Select Next, go to Step 2.

A practice does not need to apply for any individual incentives.


Assess the IHI eligibility + Read more ...

Check if the practice indicated their eligibility for the Indigenous Health incentive (IHI).

  • If the practice has selected N/A at Question 2, this is acceptable. The practice needs to show that they are meeting these requirements if they are audited
    • Select Next. The Practice Ownership Details screen will show
    • Go to Step 3
  • If the above responses are No or incomplete, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if the practice is applying for any other individual incentives.
    Select Next, go to Step 3


Check the practice ownership details + Read more ...

The practice must provide:

  • Ownership arrangement type
  • Practice ownership details. If the ownership arrangement type is an individual proprietor, the Company name is optional
  • Ownership address information
  • Owners/Partners/Associates. In a body corporate arrangement, the same person may be both the director and secretary of the corporation. This is acceptable as long as is clearly stated on the Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration (IP008) form

If the above practice details are:

  • complete
    • select Next
    • the GP Details Summary screen will show
    • go to Step 4
  • missing or incorrect, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice

The practice does not need to provide these details:

  • Trading name
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)

Note: a practice cannot access online subscriptions if no RA number is keyed. If the practice has selected Yes to receive any of the online subscriptions and an authorised contact person or owner has not keyed their RA number, update all of the online subscriptions to No:

  • Select View Application Summary. The Application Summary screen will show
  • Go to Practice Details in the section column
  • Select View or Edit from the Actions column
  • Under Communication with Services Australia, select No to all of the online subscriptions


Check GP Details Summary + Read more ...

The practice must provide at least one general practitioner (GP) details.

If the practice has registered an additional location, check that one or more GPs are listed at both the main practice location and the additional practice branch(es). If No, the additional practice location is not eligible for PIP.

If the above practice details are:

  • complete
    • select Next. The Associated Documents screen will show
    • see Table 6
  • missing or incorrect, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice. Select Next, see Table 6

Assess and process the IHI or Procedural GP Payment HPOS applications

Table 3




Log in to systems + Read more ...

Log into PIP Online.


Search for the HPOS application + Read more ...

Search for the IHI or Procedural GP Payment application in PIP Online.

  • Select Tasks. The Task Search screen will show
  • Select Incentive Application from the Task type drop down
  • Select Awaiting Verification from the Status drop down
  • Select Search. The Search Results will show
  • Select the Practice ID from the Practice ID or Application Number column

If the Practice applying for the:


Assess the IHI eligibility + Read more ...

Check if the practice has indicated their eligibility for the Indigenous Health incentive (IHI).

If the practice has selected N/A at Question 2, this is acceptable. The practice needs to show that they are meeting these requirements if they are audited.

If the above details are complete, go to Step 5.

If the above responses are No or incomplete, verify and decline the application.
Go to Step 5.


Assess the Procedural GP Payment + Read more ...

Has the practice selected Yes to the declaration?


Verify the application + Read more ...

The application must be verified before being approved or declined.

  • Select Next
    • The Associated Documents screen will show
    • Do not upload any supporting documents
  • Select Verify or Approve
  • The Incentive Application Approval screen will show
  • Under Incentive Approval Check List, select No from the Requirement Met column for the question: Has the required supporting documentation been uploaded?
  • Under Incentive Application Verification:
  • Verification Decision: select Application Verified from the dropdown menu
  • Verification Comment: key ‘Online Application Verified’ and ‘operator number
  • Select Confirm
  • The Task Search screen will show


Approve or decline application + Read more ...

Select the practice from the Tasks tab.

If the individual incentive does not show, search for the individual incentive under the Awaiting approval status.

  • Select Next
    • the Associated Documents screen will show
    • do not upload any supporting documents
  • Select Verify or Approve
  • The Incentive Application Approval screen will show
  • Under Incentive Approval Check List, select No to Is Information Required for Approval?

To approve an application:

  • Select Approved from the Approval Decision drop down
  • Key ‘Practice Approved for (Incentive name)’ under Approval Comment
  • Select Confirm
  • Procedure ends here

To decline an application:

  • Select Declined from the Approval Decision drop down
  • key ‘Practice Declined for (Incentive name)’ under Approval Comment
  • Select Confirm
  • Procedure ends here

Assess the WIP - Practice Stream HPOS Application

Table 4




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to WIP - Practice Stream Online.


Search for the HPOS application + Read more ...

Search for a HPOS application in PIP Online.

  • Select Tasks. The Task Search screen will show
  • Select Application from the Task Type drop down
  • Select Awaiting Verification from the Status drop down
  • Select Search. The Search Results will show

To find a HPOS application:

  • Select View PDF from the View column. The application PDF will show
  • View the Submitted by row in the table on the first page
    • If a P number shows, it is an internal registration
    • If an RA number (10 digit number) shows, it is a HPOS application

If the application is an:

  • internal registration
    • repeat this process to find a HPOS application
    • If no HPOS application found, procedure ends here
  • HPOS application
    • close the application PDF
    • select the Application Number from the Practice ID or Application Number column
    • go to Step 3


Check the eligibility requirements + Read more ...

Assess the HPOS application.

The practice must complete the below details:

  • Practice Name
  • Practice Type
  • If the practice registered for PIP:
    • PIP Practice ID
    • Does practice consent to use PIP data for WIP – Practice Stream?
  • Main Practice Location
  • Does the practice have public liability insurance?
  • Do all practice health professionals have current professional indemnity insurance?
  • Is the practice currently accredited, or registered for accreditation?
    • Accrediting body
    • Accreditation number
    • Start date
    • End date
  • Select at least one of the health professional types listed. An employed enrolled nurse must be supervised by a nurse practitioner or registered nurse

A practice cannot submit a HPOS application without completing the above details and meeting the program eligibility requirements.

The eligibility confirmation message shows ‘Based on the information provided, your practice is eligible for the WIP - Practice Stream’.

Select Next. The Practice Details screen will show.


Check the practice details + Read more ... + Read more ...

The practice must complete:

  • At least one authorised contact person details
    • Title
    • First Name
    • Last Name
  • Phone number
  • Postal address

If the above practice details are incomplete, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice, go to Step 5

The practice does not need to provide these details:

  • Authorised contact person’s Registration Authority (RA) Number
  • Facsimile Number
  • Email Address


Check the practice details continues + Read more ...

Check the responses to the below Communication with Medicare online subscriptions:

  • Payment Advices and News Updates
  • Quarterly Confirmation Statements
  • General Correspondence

A practice cannot access these subscriptions online if no RA number is keyed.

Has the practice selected Access Online to any of the above online subscriptions, and an authorised contact person keyed their RA number?

  • Yes,
    • Select Next. The Payment Details screen will show
    • Go to Step 6
  • No,
    • Update all of the online subscriptions to Receive printed copy via mail
    • Select Next. The Payment Details screen will show
    • Go to Step 6

If the above practice details are incomplete, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice. Select Next. Go to Step 6.


Check Payment Details + Read more ...

The practice must complete the:

  • Account Name
  • BSB
  • Account Number
  • Re-enter BSB
  • Re-enter Account number

If the above practice details are:

  • complete
    • select Next
    • the Additional Locations screen will show
    • go to Step 7
  • incomplete, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice. Select Next, go to Step 7


Check Additional Locations + Read more ...

Check if the practice has answered Yes to:

  • Having more than one location?
  • One or more general practitioners from the main practice location also practice at the additional practice locations?
  • If Yes, check the additional location details have been completed, select Next
  • If No, the practice location does not meet the requirements for being considered as one practice. The application is to be processed for the main location only

If they have answered:

  • Yes to both questions,
    • select Next
    • the Incentive Overview screen will show
    • go to Step 8
  • No to either question,
    • select Next
    • a warning message will show, select Next again, the Incentive Overview screen will show
    • see Table 2


Check the additional practice branch(es) address + Read more ...

The practice must provide the:

  • full practice address
  • accreditation type, If accredited or registered for accreditation:
    • start date
    • end date
    • accrediting body
    • accreditation number
  • accreditation certificate if accredited or registered for accreditation

If the above practice details are incomplete, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice. Select Next, see Table 2.

Continue assessing the WIP - Practice Stream HPOS application

Table 5




Check the incentive details + Read more ...

Under Incentive Payments - Current Health Professionals Weekly Contracted Hours, check that the health professional details are provided that are indicated on the Eligibility Check screen.

For each health professional employed or engaged at the practice, the practice must provide the:

  • Health Professional Type
  • Weekly Contract Hours (HHH:MM)

The practice does not need to provide these details:

  • Last name
  • First Name
  • Identifier

Check that the practice agrees to the following declarations:

  • WIP - Practice Stream eligibility requirements
  • Collect and supply evidence

If the above practice details are:

  • complete
    • select Next
    • the Practice Ownership Details screen will show
    • go to Step 2
  • missing or incorrect, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice


Check Practice Ownership Details + Read more ...

The practice must provide:

  • Ownership arrangement type
  • Practice ownership details. If the ownership arrangement type is an individual proprietor, the Company name is optional
  • Ownership address information
  • Owners/Partners/Associates. In a body corporate arrangement, the same person may be both the director and secretary of the corporation. This is acceptable as long as it is clearly stated on the Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration (IP008) form

If the above practice details are:

  • complete
    • select Next
    • the GP Details Summary screen will show
    • go to Step 3
  • missing or incorrect, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice

The practice does not need to provide:

  • Trading name
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)

Note: a practice cannot access online subscriptions if no RA number is keyed. If the practice has selected Yes to receive any of the online subscriptions and an authorised contact person or owner has not keyed their RA number, update all of the online subscriptions to No:

  • Select View Application Summary
  • The Application Summary screen will show
  • Go to Practice Details in the Section
  • Select View or Edit from the Actions column
  • Under Communication with Medicare, select No to all of the online subscriptions


Check GP Details Summary + Read more ...

The practice must provide at least 1 general practitioner (GP) details.

  • If the practice has registered an additional location, check that one or more GPs are listed at both the main practice location and the additional practice branch(es)
  • If No, the additional practice location is not eligible for PIP

If the above practice details are:

  • complete
    • select Next. The Associated Documents screen will show
    • see Table 6
  • missing or incorrect, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice. Select Next, see Table 6

Assess the supporting documents for a HPOS application

Table 6




Check the associated documents + Read more ...

A practice must submit the below supporting documents:

  • Practice Incentives Practice ownership details and declaration (IP008) form
  • Accredited or registered for accreditation certificate
    • An accreditation certificate is required for each additional location indicated to be accredited or registered for accreditation in its own right
    • A PIP Consenting WIP practice does not need to provide an accreditation certificate

A Practice Incentives Individual general practitioner, nurse practitioner or health professional details (IP003) form may be submitted for a procedural general practitioner.

Check if the above documents are uploaded, on the Associated Documents screen:

  • Select the Reference hyperlink from the Reference Number column
  • The uploaded documents will show in a new window

Have the relevant supporting documents provided?


Search and upload documentation + Read more ...

Search PaNDA for any supporting documents that are submitted separately.

If only one of the supporting documents is submitted, check the supporting document to see if any other details are needed.

For an:

Are the relevant supporting documents submitted?


Assess the IP008 form - practice details + Read more ...

Assess the practice details on the IP008 form. The practice must provide their:

  • Consent to use PIP practice information for the WIP - Practice Stream at Question 3 (if the practice is applying for the WIP - Practice Stream only)
    If Yes, the PIP Practice ID must be provided
  • Practice name at Question 4
  • Full practice address at Question 5
    • If there is an address variance the system may have updated the address to match Australia Post data
    • Advise the practice of the address variance in the approval letter
  • Ownership arrangement type at Question 7
  • Company name (if an individual proprietor) and ownership address at Question 8

If the above practice details are missing, check the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, Go to Step 6.

The practice does not need to provide these details:

  • PIP application number at Question 1
  • WIP - Practice Stream application number at Question 2
  • Practice phone number, fax number or email at Question 6
  • Trading name at Question 8


Assess the IP008 form ownership details + Read more ...

Go to the Practice Ownership Details screen of the HPOS application.

  • Select View Application Summary
  • The Application Summary screen will show
  • Go to Practice Ownership Details in the section column
  • Select View or Edit from the Actions column
  • The Practice Ownership Details screen will show

Check that the below ownership details match the HPOS application:

  • Ownership arrangement type at Question 8
  • Company name and trading name (if applicable) and ownership address at Question 8

If the above details are missing or do not match the HPOS application, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice.


Assess the IP008 form - declaration + Read more ...

Check the declaration details on the form at Question 11. There must be:

  • the signature of all owners listed on the HPOS application
    Do not check these details if the HPOS application cannot be identified
  • their full name
    If there are no name details, check the signature. Accept the form if the name can be identified from the signature.

Are the declaration details complete?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice, go to Step 6


Assess accreditation certificate + Read more ...

Go to the Eligibility Check screen of the HPOS application.

  • Select Close
  • Select Yes to the warning message
  • The Task Search screen will show
  • Select the Application Number from the Practice ID or Application Number column
  • The Practice Eligibility Check screen will show

Assess the accreditation certificate.

Check that the details on the certificate match the details on the Eligibility Check screen.

If the details do not match the HPOS application, check the rest of the HPOS application to see if any other details are needed before sending a letter to the practice, go to Step 7


Assess the IP003 form + Read more ...

If an IP003 form has been submitted for a procedural general practitioner, assess the IP003 form.

If the HPOS application:

Procedure ends here.


Returning an incomplete application + Read more ...

If the HPOS application needs more details:

Update the application status:


Update the PIP application status + Read more ...

Update the PIP application HPOS application status to Awaiting Information for Verification:

  • Select Application Summary
  • Select Verify or Approve
  • The Application Verification and Approval screen will show

Under Approval Check List:

  • Select Yes/No to the below questions in the Requirement Met column:
    • Has the Accreditation evidence been provided?
    • Has the Ownership Declaration been received?

Under Application Verification:

  • Select Information required from the Verification Decision drop down
  • Add a comment detailing the reasons for the letter in the Verification Comment field
  • Select Confirm

Procedure ends here.


Update the WIP - Practice Stream application status + Read more ...

Update the WIP - Practice Stream HPOS application status to Awaiting Information for Verification:

  • Select Application Summary
  • Select Verify or Approve
  • The Application Verification and Approval screen will show

Under Record Application Status:

  • Select Awaiting Information for Verification from the Application Decision drop down
  • Add a comment detailing the reasons for the letter in the Decision Comments field
  • Select Record Decision