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General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive (GP ACAI) for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) 012-10150000

On this page:

Determine if the GP has an outstanding GP ACAI payment

Assess the General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive Payment banking details form (IP011)

Confirm a registration/update request

Process the IP011 form

Failed EFT payments

Telephone and email enquiries - payment not received

Request a duplicate payment advice

Determine if the GP has an outstanding GP ACAI payment

Table 1




Confirm the provider number + Read more ...

Open the Intranet home page:

  • Under My Tools, select Customer Service and Medicare Portal
  • Select (GABC) SA Specialist Team from the Source Office dropdown
  • Select Provider Directory System (PDS) from the eBusiness Gateway dropdown
  • Select Submit
  • The Provider Directory System Home screen displays
  • Select provider in the main menu and then View
  • The provider search screen displays
  • In the Search ID field, key the first 6 digits of the provider number at question 1 in the GP ACAI banking details (IP011) form
  • In the ID Type select Provider Stem from the drop down list
  • Select Search

Did the Provider Details screen display, and does the provider name match the details at question 2 on the IP011?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, the provider number is incorrect. Assess the form for other missing information before returning it to the GP, see Table 2


Check for held or failed payments + Read more ...

  • Check the current 'GP ACAI Held and Failed payments_MM YYYY report' saved in Incentives Workflow > Calculation and Payments > GP ACAI
  • Open the report for the current quarter
  • Select Ctrl F and key the provider stem in the Find what field
    • Key the first 6 digits of the provider number at question 1 on the GP ACAI banking details request form (IP011). Note: if the provider stem has leading zeros these should not be keyed. For example, '000492' should be keyed as 492
  • In the Within field, select Workbook from the drop down list
  • Select Find All

Did the search highlight a matching provider number?


Check for additional provider stem + Read more ...

GPs may have more than one provider stem. The GP ACAI payment reports do not link multiple stems to the original provider stem.

To check for an additional provider stem, go to the Intranet home page:

  • Under My Tools, select Customer Service and Medicare Portal
  • Select (GABC) SA Specialist Team from the Source Office dropdown
  • Select Provider Directory System (PDS) from the eBusiness Gateway dropdown
  • Select Submit
  • The Provider Directory System Home screen displays
  • Select provider tab in the left column and then View
  • Key the first 6 digits of the provider number in the Search ID field
  • In the ID Type select Provider Stem from the drop down list
  • Select Search
  • The Provider Directory System Home screen displays

Is there more than one provider stem listed against Provider Stem at the top of the page?

  • Yes, repeat Step 2 for each provider stem
  • No, go to Step 4


Reject the Banking details form + Read more ...

If the provider stem, or additional stem, is not listed on the 'GP ACAI Held and failed payments_MM YYYY' report there are no outstanding payments for the GP.

  • Return the form to the GPs preferred mailing address using the GP ACAI more information needed (Z2072) letter. Select 'we are unable to finalise your request' and 'the GP ACAI has ceased' options
  • Upload the letter to the PaNDA work item
  • Add a processing note confirming that the GP does not have any outstanding GP ACAI payments and the IP011 was not updated
  • Finalise the work item as Complete, Request rejected in PaNDA
  • Print and send the letter to the GP
  • Procedure ends here

Assess the General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive Payment banking details form (IP011)

Table 2




Log into systems + Read more ...

On the Intranet home page:

  • Select Customer Service
  • Select Medicare Portal
  • Select (GABC) SA Specialist Team from the Source Office dropdown
  • Select Provider Directory System (PDS) from the eBusiness Gateway dropdown
  • Select Submit

The Provider Directory System Home screen displays.


Provider’s details + Read more ...

Assess the form.

The GP must provide:

  • Provider number at Question 1
  • Provider name at Question 2
  • Address at Question 3

If the above details or pages of the form are missing, check the form version and the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then go to Step 7.

The GP does not need to provide the below details:

  • Postal address at Question 4
  • Phone number, Fax number or email at Question 5


Form version + Read more ...

Check if the form version number on the bottom left corner of the form is acceptable in the Practice Incentives forms list.

See also: Forms and letters for PIP and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream

Is the form version acceptable?


Bank account details + Read more ...

Check the below mandatory details are complete at Question 6:

  • BSB number
  • Account number
  • Account held in the name(s) of

The name of the bank, building society or credit union is not required.

If the above details are incomplete, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice.


Check provider’s details + Read more ...

Check PDS to confirm the provider’s name and provider number is correct:

  • Select Provider
  • Select View
  • Key Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Search ID field
  • Select Provider stem from the ID Type dropdown
  • Select Search

Check if the practitioner’s name matches the form.

If the provider number on PDS does not match the details on the form:

  • Select Provider Location
  • Select View
  • Select Detailed Search
  • Key Family Name and Given Name
  • Select Search

If the provider details on the form do not match PDS or the form is illegible, reject the form for further information.


Check declaration + Read more ...

Check the declaration details on the form at Question 8. There must be:

  • the signature of the GP
  • their full name
    • if there are no name details, check the signature. Accept the form if the name can be identified from the signature
  • declaration date

Are the declaration details complete?


Return an incomplete form + Read more ...

If the form needs more details:

See also, Forms and letters for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream

Confirm a registration/update request

Table 3




Confirm the general practitioners (GP) contact details match the PDS record + Read more ...

Log into the Provider Directory System (PDS):

  • Select Provider
  • Select View
  • Key Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Search ID field
  • Select Provider stem from the ID Type dropdown
  • Select Search

The provider details show.

Does the provider have a preferred contact number recorded?


Check the contact details match provider location details + Read more ...

Check the phone number linked to the provider location in PDS:

  • Select Provider Location
  • Select View
  • Key the provider stem in the Provider Stem field
  • Key the 1st location identifier for the provider number in the Provider Location field
  • Select Search

The provider location details show.

Does the provider have a contact number recorded for the location?


Contact the GP + Read more ...

  • Phone the GP using the contact number found in the previous steps. Attempt contact options in the order of:
    • mobile number in PDS contact details
    • landline in PDS contact details
    • contact number linked to the provider location
  • Confirm the GP’s identity. See the Perform security check for Access to Patient Verification Information table.
  • Record the phone number, date and time of the calls and any other relevant details as a processing note in PaNDA

Has the GP’s identity been confirmed?

Note: Services Officers must make 2 genuine attempts to contact the GP. Attempt contact using the GPs contact details in PDS. Attempts to contact the GP via an associated PIP practice, using the contact details nominated by the practice, will not count as a genuine contact attempt. There must be a minimum of 30 minutes between calls.


Confirm the banking details update + Read more ...

Did the GP request their GP ACAI banking details be registered or updated?


Finalise the work item in PaNDA + Read more ...

  • Return the form to the GP's preferred mailing address using the GP ACAI more information needed (Z2072) letter. Note: all rejection reasons must be addressed. If the GP name is missing use ‘Medical Practitioner’
  • Upload the letter to the PaNDA work item. See Processing and National Demand Allocation (PaNDA). Add a processing note in PaNDA confirming action taken
  • Finalise the work item as Complete, Request rejected in PaNDA
  • Print and send the letter to the GP
  • On the 'GP ACAI Held and Failed payments' report, locate the provider line. Add the following to the comments field 'Unable to contact GP/unable to confirm update request/Incomplete IP011 returned DDMMYY. PaNDA ID XXXXXXXXXX, PaNDA work type xxx'

Process the IP011 form

Table 4




Log into systems + Read more ...

On the Intranet home page:

  • Select Customer Service
  • Select Medicare Portal
  • Select (GABC) SA Specialist Team from the Source Office dropdown
  • Select Provider Directory System (PDS) from the eBusiness Gateway dropdown
  • Select Submit

The Provider Directory System Home screen displays.


Check provider bank details + Read more ...

Check the provider bank details in PDS:

  • Select Provider Bank Details
  • Select Create/Amend
  • Key the Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Search ID field
  • Select Medicare Stem from the ID Type dropdown
  • Select Search. A list of bank details displays
  • Confirm the Search ID and Provider name match the details on the form

Are the bank details on the form listed?


Create new bank details + Read more ...

Create new program bank details in PDS.

  • Select Create New Bank Details
  • Key the below details:
    • BSB code
    • Account Number
    • Account Name
  • Select Create
  • Select Save
  • If the BSB Number is Not Found, return the form to the GPs preferred mailing address. See Step 6 in Table 2

Re-assign the work item to another Service Officer and notify that Service Officer.

Procedure ends here for the original Service Officer.


Check pended bank details + Read more ...

Do the bank details have an approval status of ‘P’?


Approve pending bank details + Read more ...

Approve the pending bank details:

  • Select Provider Bank Details
  • Select Pending. Pending approval records display
  • Key the Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Search ID field. Filtered search results display
  • Select View next to the bank details to be approved. The provider bank details screen displays

Do the bank details match the details on the form (Question 6)?

  • Yes, select Approve
  • No, select Reject
    • Add a note in PaNDA
    • Re-assign the work item in PaNDA to the original Service Officer who keyed the bank details
    • Procedure ends here


Check bank account name + Read more ...

Does the bank account name need to be amended?


Amend bank account name + Read more ...

To amend the bank account name:

  • Select Provider Bank Details
  • Select Create/Amend
  • Key the Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Search ID field
  • Select Medicare Stem from the ID Type dropdown
  • Select Search. The provider bank details screen displays
  • Select Amend next to the bank details to be amended
  • Key the new account name in the Account Name field
  • Select Update
  • Select Save


Check bank details start date + Read more ...

If the bank details Start Date is in the future, pend the work item as Pend, Future start date in PaNDA.

Procedure ends here.


Check program registration + Read more ...

Check the PDS to confirm the program registration.

  • Select Program Registration
  • Select Create/Amend
  • Key the Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Search ID field
  • Select Medicare Stem from the ID Type dropdown
  • Select Search
    • A list of program registrations display
    • Check that the Search ID and Provider name match the details on the form

Are SIPACA program details listed?


Create new SIPACA registration + Read more ...

  • Select SIPACA from the New Program dropdown at the bottom of screen
  • Select Create New Program Registration. The Create Program Registration screen displays
  • Select the bank account details on the form from the Current Payment Instructions dropdown
  • Key today’s date in the Current Start Date field
  • Select Save

Go to Step 16.


Check duplicate registration + Read more ...

Do the registered SIPACA bank details match the details on the form?


Check registration start date + Read more ...

Is the SIPACA Registration Start Date today’s date?


Same day updates + Read more ...

If the bank details are updated on the same day, multiple form submissions may have been received.

Search for the work item in PaNDA to see which has a later date of lodgement.

If date of lodgement of the work item being processed is:

  • earlier, do not update the bank details:
  • later, contact the GP to confirm they requested the bank details to be updated

Contact the GP

  • Phone the GP using the contact number found in Table 2
  • Confirm the GP’s identity. See the Perform security check for Access to Patient Verification Information table. Services Officers must make 2 genuine attempts to contact the GP by phone. There must be a minimum of 30 minutes between calls
  • Record the date and time of the calls and all other relevant details as a processing note in PaNDA

Has the GP confirmed they requested banking details be updated?


Future date SIPACA registration + Read more ...

  • Select Amend next to SIPACA. The Amend Program Registration screen displays
  • Under Current Payment Instructions, key today’s date in the End date field
  • Select the bank details on the form from the Future Payment Instructions dropdown
  • Key tomorrow’s date in the Future Start Date field
  • Select Save

Is there is a Failed EFT comment in the Comments field?


Amend SIPACA registration + Read more ...

  • Select Amend next to SIPACA
    • The Amend SIPACA Program Registration screen displays
  • Under Current Payment Instructions, key yesterday’s date in the End date field
  • Select the bank details on the form from the Future Payment Instructions dropdown
  • Key today’s date in the Future Start Date field
  • Select Save

Is there is a Failed EFT comment in the Comments field?


Finalise work item + Read more ...

Finalise the work item as Complete in PaNDA.

Failed EFT payments

Table 5




Failed payment comment + Read more ...

If there is a Failed EFT message in the comments field, Service Officers must:

  • Open the 'Summary of Failed EFT Payments' spreadsheet in Incentives Workflow > Calculation and Payments
  • Select Failed SIP and/or SIP ACAI Payments tab
  • Key the below in the relevant fields:
    • BSB
    • Account number
    • Account name
    • Date bank details updated on PDS
    • Service Officer number
  • Select Save

Program Management run and check this spreadsheet. If bank account details have been updated since the last payment run, they will arrange a release of payment to the new bank account. The provider will then receive their payment.

Telephone and email enquiries - payment not received

Table 6




Perform security check + Read more ...

Perform a telephone security check for GP ACAI enquiries.


Check if the GP has an outstanding payment + Read more ...

  • Check the current 'GP ACAI Held and Failed payments_MM YYYY report' saved in Incentives Workflow > Calculation and Payments > GP ACAI
  • Open the report
  • Select 'Ctrl' and 'F' and key the provider stem in the Find what field
    • Key the first 6 digits of the provider number at question 1 on the GP ACAI banking details request form (IP011). Note: if the provider stem has leading zeros these should not be keyed. For example, '000492' should be keyed as 492
  • In the Within field, select Workbook from the drop down list
  • Select Find All
  • Check for additional provider stems. See Table 1, Step 3

Did the search highlight a matching provider number?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, advise the caller:
    • the incentive ended 31 July 2024
    • all outstanding payments have been identified
    • the GP does not have any outstanding payments. Procedure ends here


Check if GP’s provider number is linked to the PIP profile + Read more ...

Log on to PIP Online

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key the provider number in the Provider Number field
  • Select Search. Search results display the location the provider number is registered
  • Select the practice from the search results
  • Select Practice details from the Main menu
  • Select Associated GPs. The Associated GPs screen displays

Is the provider number listed as a current GP?

  • Yes,
    • Confirm the provider number start date. The GP ACAI calculates from this date
    • Go to Step 4
  • No:


Check the PIP payment status + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Payment Details. The Payment Details screen displays

Is the status of the payments On Hold?

  • Yes, and the caller is:
    • an owner, tell them the practice payments are on hold
    • not an owner, do not tell the GP the practice payments are on hold. Tell the GP to speak to an owner or authorised contact person
  • No, go to Step 5


Check the GP ACAI Payments screen in PIP Online + Read more ...

If a payment has been made, a payment advice will be generated and will indicate which account the payments were directed to.

  • Select the Provider tab
  • Select Aged Care Access Incentive Payments from the Main menu
  • Key the Provider stem (first 6 digits) in the Provider Number field
  • Select Get Details
  • The GP ACAI payment history displays

Was an ACAI SIP paid to this provider?

  • Yes,
    • Select View PDF next to the appropriate payment
    • Tell the provider a payment has been made. Provide the payment and bank account details on the payment advice
    • If it was a practice account, the practitioner will need to discuss this with the practice
    • The GPACAI payment screen can show a future payment date. Always check the payment has been released before advising the provider it is paid
  • No, go to Step 6


Check PDS - bank details recorded for GP ACAI + Read more ...

The provider must have current bank details recorded.

Log on to PDS:

  • Select Program Registration
  • Select Create/Amend
  • Key the Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Search ID field
  • Select Medicare Stem from the ID Type dropdown
  • Select Search. A list of program registrations display

Are bank details registered for GP ACAI?

  • Yes,
    • Do not tell the practitioner the bank details registered for GP ACAI. Service Officers can ask the GP what bank account should be registered. If it is a practice account or an account the GP did not consent to, the practitioner must discuss this with the practice or account holder to retrieve the funds
    • If the payment cannot be located, go to Step 7
  • No,
    • the GP must provide their current banking details. This can be done in HPOS, or by submitting a GP ACAI banking details form (IP011)
    • locate the provider line in the 'GP ACAI Held and Failed payments' report. In the comments field add the following 'GP called HH:MM DDMMYY. Was advised to update bank details. IP011 faxed/emailed/posted to fax number/email address/postal address (delete if not applicable)'

Note: the IP011 was removed from the website 1 August 2024. Services Officers can fax or email the form to GPs who are not able to update their details using HPOS. See Resources page for a link.


Check the ACAI SIP calculation and payment spreadsheet + Read more ...

The ACAI SIP spreadsheets identify practitioners who have received a payment and any held payments.

  • Open the relevant ACAI SIP calculation spreadsheet:
    Incentives Workflow > Calculation and Payments
  • Select the Payment Details tab
  • Select View tab > Freeze Panes > Freeze Top Row. This will keep the top row visible while scrolling through the rest of the worksheet
  • Select Column A - PROV_NUM
  • Press and hold [CTRL] + [F] and search for the provider stem

Is the practitioner listed on the spreadsheet?

  • Yes, check the payment code in the PYMT_STATUS column
    • See Payment codes on the Resources page for information on payment status descriptions and actions needed
    • If the payment code is X and the practice payments are not on hold (see Step 3), go to Step 8
  • No, go to Step 9


Check the GP ACAI manual payment spreadsheet + Read more ...

Program Management provide a monthly spreadsheet showing all GP ACAI manual payments that have been made.

To see if a manual payment has been made to the practitioner, open the SIP ACAI and SIP Manual Payment Reporting for IPD spreadsheet from:
\Incentives Workflow > Calculations and Payments > GP_ACAI > Manual Payments

Is the practitioner listed on the spreadsheet?

  • Yes, tell the practitioner the payment has been made to their registered bank account. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 9


Is the GP billing the correct MBS item numbers + Read more ...

Has the provider been using the correct Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) item numbers related to the GP ACAI?

  • Yes, go to Step 9
  • No, the provider is not eligible for GP ACAI payments


Check for failed EFT Payments + Read more ...

Program Management provide a list of failed EFT payments each quarter.

These payments are listed on the 'Summary of Failed EFT Payments' spreadsheet:
Incentives Workflow > Calculation and Payments

Select the ACAI SIP tab and search for the relevant practitioner details using the provider number.

Is the practitioner listed on the spreadsheet?

  • Yes,
    • Check that the bank details are correct
    • Tell the practitioner that the payment will be released in the next payment run. A timeframe cannot be given as ad hoc payments are manually arranged throughout the quarter
  • No, and the payment cannot be located or the practitioner does not agree with the outcome, go to Step 11


Review of decision (ROD) + Read more ...

Tell the practitioner to submit a review of decision in writing to Incentive Programs.

The practitioner must state their case and include their:

  • name
  • full provider stem (first 6 digits)
  • financial year and tier level the payment relates to
  • signature

This review will be uploaded into PaNDA and managed by Program Management.

Do not give the practitioner a timeframe for an outcome.

Do not advise the practitioner to lodge an ROD if they:

  • were billing incorrect or ineligible item numbers
  • had not been added to the practice profile for previous quarters

Request a duplicate payment advice

Table 7




Check the GP ACAI Payments screen in PIP Online + Read more ...

  • Log into PIP Online
  • Select the Provider tab
  • Select Aged Care Access Incentive Payments from the Main menu
  • Key the Provider stem (first 6 digits) in the Provider Number field
  • Select Get Details

The GP ACAI payment history displays.


Check the duplicate payment advice request + Read more ...

Has the GP requested the duplicate payment advice?

Requests for a duplicate payment advice must come from the GP. Written requests should include the GP’s full name, provider number and signature, and postal address.

Do not accept requests from a practice authorised contact person or practice owner who is not the GP.

See also Forms and Letters in PIP and WIP Practice Stream.

  • Yes, and there is sufficient information to identify the GP, go to Step 3
  • No, and the request is:
    • Verbal, advise the caller the request must come from the GP
    • Written, return the request to the GPs preferred mailing address. Go to Step 7

Note: duplicate payment advices are only available for 7 years. If the request is for payment advices older than 7 years, go to Step 8.


Confirm a payment advice was generated + Read more ...

Confirm a payment was made by checking the payment quarter and payment release date on the ACAI payment history table.

Is the payment listed?

  • Yes, and
    • sufficient time has passed for mail delivery of the payment advice, go to Step 6
    • insufficient time has passed, advise provider it has been sent
  • No, check if the payment advices has been returned to sender. Go to Step 4


Check for returned mail + Read more ...

Check for returned mail

Check for returned to sender (RTS) mail for the provider:

  • Open PaNDA
  • Select the PaNDA Search tile
  • Select Incentives from the Program drop down and INC_RTS_MAIL work type
  • Key the provider number in the Case ID field and select Search

Is there a RTS payment advice for the quarter?

  • Yes, redirect to the postal address provided by the GP
  • No, check if a manual payment was made to the provider. Go to step 5


Check for a manual payment + Read more ...

To see if a manual payment has been made to the practitioner, open the SIP ACAI and SIP Manual Payment Reporting for IPD spreadsheet from Incentives Workflow > Calculations and Payments > GP_ACAI > Manual Payments

Is the payment listed on the spreadsheet?

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No, there is no payment advice and the request cannot be actioned. Procedure ends here


Request a duplicate payment advice + Read more ...

Open the request template from Incentives Workflow > GP ACAI Duplicate Statement Request Template

Add all relevant information to the template and save to a secure folder as a PDF.

Note: do not save the PDF to a personal H:Drive or Desktop.


Send the request to Program Management + Read more ...

Requests for an ACAI Duplicate Payment Advice are completed by Program Management (Projects). The request template must be uploaded to PaNDA for action:

  • Launch PaNDA desktop icon
  • Go to Document Upload
  • Select Create new work item from the Upload Type dropdown list
  • Browse to locate the PDF request
  • Date of lodgement is date of submission
  • Program: select Incentives from the dropdown list
  • Work type is INC_NO_Projects
  • Add the provider number to the Practice ID field
  • Use Escalation code SIP DUP in the Practice Name field
  • Add a processing note if applicable

Upload document

Note: item status must stay ‘Open’. Do not ‘Pend’ requests

Work item will be allocated to Program Management for action. Procedure ends here

See also:


Returning an incomplete request + Read more ...

If more information is needed, or the GP is requesting payment advices older than 7 years, request a free text letter to return the correspondence to the GPs preferred mailing address.

  • Add a processing note to the PaNDA work item noting the additional information required
  • Add the free text letter name to the practice name field
  • Re-assign the work item to INC_NO_POLICY

See Forms and letters for PIP and WIP – Practice Stream for help.

See also: