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Practice location amendments for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream 012-18060500

This document outlines information about adding and splitting an additional practice branch location.

On this Page:

Assess the IP025 form

Process the IP025 form

Assess splitting an additional practice branch

Split an additional practice branch

Assess which location identifies as the main practice address

Change which location identifies as the main practice address

Assess the IP025 form

Table 1




Log into systems and check the practice details + Read more ...

Log on to these systems:

Assess the practice details on the form. The practice must provide their:

  • Practice ID at Question 2 or 3
  • Practice name at Question 5, and
  • Full practice address at Question 6

If the above practice details are missing, check the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then go to Step 10.

The practice does not need to provide these details:

  • Program notification at Question 1
  • ABN at Question 4
  • Practice phone number, fax number or email at Question 7


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key the Practice ID
  • Select Search. The Search Results will show
  • If no Search Results show, the practice ID is incorrect. Check the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then go to Step 10

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the form.

If the details match, go to Step 3.

If they do not match, check the company or trading name:

  • Select the Practice ID. The Practice Summary screen will show
  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Ownership Details from the drop down. The Ownership Details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the form?

An address variance may be accepted.


Practice status and form version + Read more ...

  • On the Practice Search screen, check the Search Results Status
  • Check the form version number on the bottom left corner of the form. Check if this is acceptable in the Practice Incentives forms list

Does the status show as Approved and is the form version acceptable?


Additional practice branch details + Read more ...

Assess the form.

  • The practice must provide:
    Full practice address - additional practice branch at Question 9
  • The practice does not need to provide:
    Practice name - additional practice branch at Question 8


Eligibility requirements + Read more ...

Are Questions 10 and 11 complete?

The practice does not need to complete Question 10 as long as the practice provides a Practice Incentives Individual general practitioner, nurse practitioner or health professional details (IP003) form for at least one general practitioner registered to the main practice address.

  • Yes, and the practice has selected Yes to both questions, go to Step 6
  • No, or the practice has answered No, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice


MBS services + Read more ...

Does the practice branch provide more than 3,000 services per annum at Question 12?


Accreditation details + Read more ...

Are Questions 13 and 14 complete?

The practice does not need to complete Questions 13 and 14 as long as the practice provides a copy of their ‘accreditation certification’ or ‘registered for accreditation certificate’.

  • Yes, and there is a copy of the:
    • 'Accreditation certificate', or
    • 'Registered for accreditation certificate'
    • Go to Step 8
  • No, check the rest of the form to see if any other details are needed before returning the form to the practice


General practitioner and nurse practitioner details + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Associated GPs from the drop down. The Associated GPs screen will show

Has the practice provided at least one IP003 form for a general practitioner registered to the main practice address?

The practice does not need to complete Question 15.


Check the Declaration + Read more ...

Check the declaration details on the form at Question 17. There must be:

  • The signature of at least one registered owner or an authorised contact person
    Do not check these details if the practice ID is missing, incorrect or the practice cannot be identified
  • Their full name
    If there are no name details, check the signature. Accept the form if the name can be identified from the signature

Are the declaration details complete?


Check the registered locations + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Locations from the drop down. The Locations screen will show
  • Under Current Locations, check if the additional practice branch is listed
  • Select View from the Details column to see the full practice address.

Is the additional practice branch listed?


Check the practitioners + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Associated GPs from the drop down. The Associated GPs screen will show

Are all practitioners who provided an IP003 form registered?


PIP consenting practice + Read more ...

Is the practice a PIP consenting practice?

If the practice is not PIP consenting and has not provided a separate WIP - Practice Stream Practice ID, do not make updates in WIP - Practice Stream.

  • Yes, finalise the work item as Complete, Already complete in Processing and National Demand Allocation (PaNDA). Procedure ends here
  • No, log on to WIP - Practice Stream Online and repeat Steps 10-11. Procedure ends here


Returning incomplete forms + Read more ...

If the form needs more details:

Process the IP025 form

Table 2




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to these systems


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • key the Practice ID
  • select Search. The Search Results will show

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the form.

If the details:

  • match, go to Step 3
  • do not match, check the company name or trading name:
    • Select the Practice ID. The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
    • Select Ownership Details from the drop down. The Ownership details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the form?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, check that the Practice ID keyed is correct or re-assess the form, go to Table 1


Add location - location address + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Locations from the drop down. The Locations screen will show
  • Under Add Location - Location Address, key the below details from Question 9:
    • Address Line 1
    • Address Line 2 (if applicable)
    • Locality
    • State
    • Postcode


Add location - accreditation details + Read more ...

Under Add Location - Accreditation Details:

  • Select/key the below details as per the accreditation certificate
    • Accreditation type
    • Accreditation body
    • Accreditation Number
    • Start Date
    • End Date
  • Select Add Location

Do not update the ABN, even if it is on the form.


Add General Practitioners or Nurse Practitioners + Read more ...

Add the practitioners who have lodged a Practice Incentives Individual general practitioner, nurse practitioner or health professional details (IP003) form.


Upload documentation and finalise work item + Read more ...


PIP consenting practice + Read more ...

Is the practice a PIP consenting practice?

If the practice is not PIP consenting and has not provided a separate WIP - Practice Stream Practice ID, do not make updates in WIP - Practice Stream.

Assess splitting an additional practice branch

Table 3




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to these systems


Assess the documents + Read more ...

Assess the below documents:

  • Practice Incentives application (IP001) form for the additional practice branch that is splitting from the main practice address
  • Letter from the practice owner(s). This must include:
    • consent to split the additional practice branch from the main practice address, and
    • the signature of at least one registered owner
  • Accreditation certificate, for the additional practice branch that is splitting from the main practice address

Has the practice provided the above documents?


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • key the Practice ID
  • select Search. The Search Results will show

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the letter.

If the details:

  • match, go to Step 4
  • do not match, check the company name or trading name:
    • Select the Practice ID. The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
    • Select Ownership Details from the drop down. The Ownership details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the form?


Review current locations + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Locations from the drop down. The Locations screen will show
  • Under Current Locations, check if the additional practice branch that is splitting from the main practice address is listed
  • Select View from the Details column to view the full practice address

Is the additional practice branch listed?


Search for the additional practice branch + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

  • select Practice. The Practice Search screen will show
  • key the locality or postcode of the additional practice branch
  • select Search
  • the Search Results will show

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the additional practice branch details on the letter.

If the details:


Returning incomplete forms + Read more ...

If the documents need more details:

If the practice is not a PIP consenting practice, upload the letter to both profiles.

Split an additional practice branch

Table 4




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to these systems


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • key the Practice ID
  • select Search. The Search Results will show

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the form.

If the details:

  • match, go to Step 3
  • do not match, check the company name or trading name:
    • Select the Practice ID. The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
    • Select Ownership Details from the drop down. The Ownership details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the form?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, check that the Practice ID keyed is correct or re-assess the documents, go to Table 3


Associated General Practitioners (GPs) + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Associated GPs from the Main menu. The Associated GPs screen will show

Check the start date of all exiting GPs.

The start date on PIP Online and WIP - Practice Stream cannot be before the start date on the Provider Directory System (PDS).

Log on to Provider Directory System (PDS).

Search for the practitioner from the Provider Directories menu:

  • Select Provider location
  • Select View from the drop down
  • Key the Provider stem (first 6 digits) in the Provider Stem field
  • Key the Provider location (7th character, alpha or numeric) in the Provider location field
  • Select Search. The Search Results will show

If the start date on the PIP Online and WIP - Practice Stream Online is:

  • Before the PDS date:
    • delete and re-add using the PDS start date
    • escalate to the Local Peer Support (LPS) via the Incentives Escalation Database
  • After the PDS date, go to Step 4


Close the practice branch + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Locations from the drop down. The Locations screen will show

Under Current Locations:

  • Go to the closing practice branch
  • Select View from the Details column to see the full practice address
  • Select the appropriate radio button from the Select column
  • Select Close Location. The Close Location screen will show
  • Key yesterday's date in the Closure Date field
  • Select Save and Exit


Add comment + Read more ...

  • Select Comments from the Main menu
  • The Comments screen will show

Under Add new comment:

  • Select/key the following details:
    • Area: Locations
    • Reason: Other
    • Comment: ‘Additional practice branch [location] split from original practice [Practice ID and name]. Refer to practice [split practice ID and name]’
  • Select Add Comment


Process application form + Read more ...

Process the Practice Incentives application (IP001) form.

Key the start date of all provider numbers as today’s date.

Note: the PIP Online and WIP - Practice Stream Online will not accept a start date before today’s date. The provider numbers are already registered for that period.


Upload documents and finalise the work item + Read more ...

  • Upload the documents to the practice profile. Upload the documents to PaNDA only if the practice ID is missing, incorrect or the practice cannot be identified
  • Finalise the Work Item as Complete, Request Rejected in PaNDA

If the practice is not a PIP consenting practice, upload the letter to both profiles.


PIP consenting practice + Read more ...

Is the practice a PIP consenting practice?

if the practice is not PIP consenting and has not provided a separate WIP - Practice Stream Practice ID, do not make updates in WIP - Practice Stream.

Assess which location identifies as the main practice address

Table 5




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to these systems


Assess the documents + Read more ...

Assess the letter from the practice owner(s). This must:

  • confirm which location identifies as the main practice address, and
  • include the signature of at least one registered owner
  • if there are no name details, check the signature. Accept the form if the name can be identified from the signature

Has the practice provided the above information?


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • key the Practice ID
  • select Search. The Search Results will show

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the letter.

If the details:

  • match, go to Step 4
  • do not match, check the company name or trading name:
    • Select the Practice ID. The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
    • Select Ownership Details from the drop down. The Ownership details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the form?


Review current locations + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Locations from the drop down. The Locations screen will show

Under Current Locations:

  • check if the additional practice branch that is identifying as the main practice address is listed
  • select View from the Details column to see the full practice address

Is the additional practice branch listed?


Additional practice branch + Read more ...

Search PaNDA for a Practice Incentives Additional practice branch (IP025) form.

Has the practice submitted an IP025 form?


Check the accreditation + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Eligibility from the drop down. The Eligibility screen will show

Is the additional practice branch accredited?

A registered for accreditation certificate is not acceptable. The practice’s accreditation must be ongoing to maintain eligibility for the PIP and the WIP - Practice Stream.

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, and an accreditation certificate is:
    • provided, go to Step 7
    • not provided, check the rest of the request to see if the request needs any other details before returning the request to the practice


Check the practice closure + Read more ...

If the current main practice address is closing, the practice must provide one of the below:

  • Practice Incentives practice closure or withdrawal (IP007) form
  • Written correspondence confirming the closure.

Has the current main practice address closed?


Check the practitioners + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Associated GPs from the drop down. The Associated GPs screen will show

Is at least one practitioner registered at the current main practice address, and the additional practice branch identifying as the new main practice address?


Returning incomplete documents + Read more ...

If the documents need more details:

If the practice is not a PIP consenting practice, upload the letter to both profiles.

Change which location identifies as the main practice address

Table 6




Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to these systems


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • Key the Practice ID
  • Select Search. The Search Results will show
  • If no Search Results show, the practice ID is incorrect. Check the rest of the form for incomplete questions only, then go to Step 10

Check if the practice name and address on the practice profile match the details on the letter.

If the details:

  • match, go to Step 3
  • do not match, check the company name or trading name:
    • Select the Practice ID. The Practice Summary screen will show
    • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
    • Select Ownership Details from the drop down. The Ownership details screen will show

Do these details match the details on the letter / form?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, check that the Practice ID keyed is correct or re-assess the form, go to Table 5


Additional practice branch + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Locations from the drop down. The Locations screen will show

Does an additional practice branch need to be added:


Accreditation details + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Eligibility from the drop down menu. The Eligibility screen will show

Do the accreditation details need updating?


Set the main practice address + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Locations from the drop down. The Locations screen will show

Under Current Locations:

  • Go to the location needing to be set as the main practice address
  • Select the radio button from the Select column
  • Select Set as Main
  • Select Yes


Eligibility requirements - accreditation + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Eligibility from the drop down. The Eligibility screen will show

Is the accreditation from the old main practice address to the new main practice address ongoing?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, the practice is not eligible for payment
    • Place the practice payments on hold
    • Escalate to the Local Peer Support (LPS) via the Incentives Escalation Database for assessment
    • Add a comment to the practice profile:
    • Select Comments from the Main menu
    • The Comments screen will show
    • Under Add new comment, select/key the below details:
    • Area: Locations
    • Reason: Other
    • Comment: additional practice branch [location] set as the main practice location, notification received on DD/MM/YYYY. Accreditation is/is not continuous. Practice payments placed on hold. System updated on DD/MM.YYYY P##### DD/MM/YYYY
    • Select Add Comment
    • Go to Step 8


Add a comment + Read more ...

  • Select Comments from the Main menu
  • The Comments screen will show

Under Add new comment:

  • Select/key the below details:
    • Area: Locations
    • Reason: Other
    • Comment: additional practice branch [location] set as the main practice location, notification received on DD/MM/YYYY. System updated on DD/MM.YYYY P##### DD/MM/YYYY
  • Select Add Comment


Practice closure + Read more ...

Has the practice notified that the original main practice address (now additional practice branch) is closed?

  • Yes, close the additional practice branch
  • No, go to Step 9


Upload documents and finalise the work item + Read more ...

  • Upload the documents to the practice profile. Upload the documents to PaNDA only if the practice ID is missing, incorrect or the practice cannot be identified
  • Finalise the Work Item as Complete, Request Rejected in PaNDA

If the practice is not a PIP consenting practice, upload the letter to both profiles.


PIP consenting practice + Read more ...

Is the practice a PIP consenting practice?

If the practice is not PIP consenting and has not provided a separate WIP - Practice Stream Practice ID, do not make updates in WIP - Practice Stream.