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Failed Payments (GDES) for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and Workforce Incentive Program (WIP) - Practice Stream 012-19042402

This document outlines how to action failed payments for Incentive Programs

On this page:

Failed GP ACAI payments

Update the GP/ACAI banking details in the spreadsheet and online systems

Failed PIP or WIP - Practice Stream payments

PIP and WIP - Practice Stream practice update and payment redirection

Failed GP ACAI payments

Table 1




View the summary spreadsheet + Read more ...

Open the Summary of Failed EFT payments spreadsheet from:

G:\INCENTIVESWORKFLOW\Calculation and Payments


Review Failed EFT payment data + Read more ...

Select the Failed GP ACAI Payments tab. A list of failed EFT payments will show.

Check columns A, B, C and J for new partial provider data:

  • Calc ID
  • Provider stem
  • Amount, and
  • GDES return report date

Note: columns D - I will be blank.

Has new data been added?


View GP ACAI Calculation spreadsheet + Read more ...

  • Open the relevant GP ACAI calculation spreadsheet from the file path:
    G:\INCENTIVESWORKFLOW\Calculation and Payments\_GP ACAI
  • Open the folder for the relevant year
  • Select the spreadsheet

For example Run 54 GP ACAI Calculation November 2021


Locate provider details + Read more ...

In the Summary of Failed EFT payments spreadsheet note the Provider Stem to be investigated (column B):

In the GP ACAI Calculation spreadsheet:

  • select the Payment details tab. A list of all providers paid in relevant quarter will show
  • highlight column A (prov Num)
  • press [Ctrl+F]. The Find and Replace window will show
  • in the Find what: field, key the provider stem from Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet. Do not include any leading zeros
  • select Find Next
  • matching provider stem will highlight


Payment and provider number details + Read more ...

Compare the provider stem and payment amount on the 2 spreadsheets:

  • in the Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet note the:
    • Calc ID (column A) and
    • Amount (column C)
  • in the SIP ACAI calculation spreadsheet compare the:
    • Calc ID (column C), and
    • Amount (column G)

Does the data on the 2 spreadsheets match?

  • Yes, highlight the relevant rows in red to identify that the payment appears on the failed EFT report
    • select the identified row number
    • on the Home tab, from the Font group, select the Fill colour drop down
    • select the red square under Standard Colours
    • select Save
  • No, the provider and amount do not match or, there are multiple entries for the same amount:
    • email Incentives Delivery Leaders mailbox for investigation
    • the Team Leader will escalate to Program Management for confirmation

Repeat this step for each entry on the spreadsheet.

Do not alter any information on the SIP ACAI Calculation spreadsheet. Take extra care at this step.


Provider name - PDS search + Read more ...

Note: the provider stem from column B in the Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet.

Use this to search for the provider in the Provider Directory System (PDS).

Log on to the Provider Directory System (PDS).

From the Provider Directories menu:

  • select Program Registration
  • select View from the drop down. The Program Registration View screen will show
  • key the Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Search ID field
  • select Medicare Stem from the ID Type drop down
  • select Search. The Program Registration View screen will show

The Program Registration View screen shows:

  • the provider Name
  • a list of programs the provider is registered for, and
  • the bank account details

Add the Provider name in column D on the Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet.


GP ACAI bank details - PDS search + Read more ...

Check if the provider's GP ACAI banking details have been updated.

Under Program Registration for this provider:

  • go to SIP ACAI from the Program column
  • select View from the Action column
  • under Current Payment Instructions, go to the Payment Instruction Start Date

Is the Payment Instruction Start Date after the last point-in-time date?


Provider’s preferred email + Read more ...

Locate the provider’s preferred email.

From the Provider Directories menu:

  • select Provider
  • select View from the drop down. The Provider View screen will show
  • key the Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Provider Stem field
  • select Search
    • the Provider View Personal Details screen will show
    • ensure the correct provider is returned
  • under Contact, go to the provider’s preferred email
  • key the provider’s preferred email, in column E of the Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet

Use the Telephone or Mobile number to call the GP and request their preferred email address.


Contact the provider + Read more ...

Email the provider using their preferred address from PDS

  • Open the Service Incentive Failed EFT Payment email template from:
    G:/INCENTIVESWORKFLOW/Calculation and Payments
  • Prepare and send the email to the provider

Add the date the email was sent in column F of the Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet.


Add a comment in PDS + Read more ...

From the Provider Directories menu:

  • select Program Registration
  • select Create/Amend from the drop down. The Program Registration Create/Amend screen will show
  • key the Provider Stem in the Search ID field
  • select Medicare Stem ID Type dropdown
  • select Search. The Program Registration Create/Amend screen will show

Under Program Registration for this provider/practice:

  • go to SIP ACAI from the Program column
  • select Amend from the Action column
  • in the Comment field key:
    'Quarter and Year, SIP ACAI FAILED EFT P-NUMBER dd/mm/yy'
  • select Save


Follow up + Read more ...

The Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet is reviewed each fortnight. Repeat Steps 1-7 during each review.

Have the PDS bank details been updated since the last review?

  • Yes, see Table 2, Step 3
  • No, this will remain as an outstanding provider. Procedure ends here

Update the GP/ACAI banking details in the spreadsheet and online systems

Table 2




Process the IP011 form + Read more ...

Assess and process the Practice Incentives Program Service Incentive Payments banking details (IP011) form to update the provider bank details.

See General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive (GP ACAI) for Practice Incentives Program (PIP) for more information.


View the Summary of Failed EFT payment spreadsheet + Read more ...

  • Open the Summary of Failed EFT payments spreadsheet from:
    G:\INCENTIVESWORKFLOW\Calculation and Payments
  • Select the Failed ACAI Payments tab to view the failed EFT payment data


Update the banking details + Read more ...

Update the Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet, with the banking details from the IP011 form.

  • Add the date the new bank details were updated in PDS (processing date) to column K
  • Key the below details into the appropriate columns:
    • BSB
    • Account number
    • Account name

Check if the provider has been listed in previous payment quarters:

  • highlight column B
  • press [Ctrl+F]. The Find and Replace window will show
  • In the Find what: field, key the Provider Stem
    Do not include any leading zeros
  • Select Find next

Are there any failed payments from previous quarters?

  • Yes, add the updated bank details to each failed payment row in the spreadsheet:
  • No, save the changes

Program Management will:

  • check the Summary of Failed EFT Payments for finalised updates
  • arrange to redirect payments once a quarter, this occurs in the month prior to the next calculation (January, April, July and October), and
  • remove finalised data to the Redirected spreadsheet, noting the payment release dates

Failed PIP or WIP - Practice Stream payments

Table 3




Update the failed payment(s) spreadsheet + Read more ...

Program management update the Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet when notified of returned payments:

  • Open the Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet at:
    R:\SA\ADEL-209-Greenhill\INCENTIVESWORKFLOW\Calculation and Payments
  • On the Failed PIP and WIPPS Payments tab add the following information:
    • Column A – Program
    • Column B – Payment Quarter
    • Column C – Payment Run Number
    • Column D – Practice ID
    • Column E – Amount

Program management process is complete until payment details have been updated by a Service Officer, see Step 4 in Table 4.


Identify a returned payment + Read more ...

Service Officer

Open the Summary of Failed EFT Payments spreadsheet at:
G:\INCENTIVESWORKFLOW\Calculation and Payments

Has new returned payment information been added?


Log into systems + Read more ...

Log on to these systems:

  • PIP Online, or
  • WIP - Practice Stream Online


Search for the practice + Read more ...

Search for the practice in PIP Online or WIP - Practice Stream Online.

On the Practice Search screen:

  • key the Practice ID
  • select Search
  • the Search Results will show

Is the practice listed?

  • Yes, select the practice hyperlink. Go to Step 5
  • No,
    • Check that the Practice ID has been keyed correctly
    • If the practice ID is not valid, email Incentives Delivery Leaders mailbox for investigation


Check the payment status + Read more ...

  • Select Payments from the Main menu
  • Select Payment History from the drop down. The Payment History screen will show

Under PIP/WIP - Practice Stream payments:

  • find the failed payment(s) quarters as shown on the report
  • the calculation quarter is the latest quarter before the date of payment failure indicated on the report

Does the Payment Status show as Rejected or Error?

  • Yes, update the spreadsheet with the following:
    • Column F – Practice Name
    • Column G Operator Name
    • go to Step 6
  • No, issue has been resolved. Procedure ends here


Check the practice comments + Read more ...

Select Comments from the Main menu. The Comments screen will show.

Is there a failed payments comment?

  • Yes,
    • If further action or follow up is required, go to Step 7
    • If no further action is required, procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 7


Check practice bank details + Read more ...

  • Select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • Select Payment Details from the drop down. The Payment Details screen will show

All updates to the practice bank details are in Update History, starting from the most recent.

Updated By will show who updated the details. Internal updates have a Service Officer P-number. HPOS updates have a 10-digit RA number.

Only changes made by a Service Officer can be checked against a form.

Check all associated documents carefully. The below forms can be used to update bank account details:

Does the Updated By column show a P number:

  • Yes, check the bank account details were updated correctly
    • select Associated Documents from the Main menu
    • the Associated Documents screen will show
    • locate the form used to update the bank details
    • confirm the bank details on the Payment Details screen against the form
    • If there is an error in the bank details, process the form correctly then go to Step 2 in Table 4
    • If the bank details are correct, go to Step 8
  • No, go to Step 8


Investigate the failed payment(s) + Read more ...

Examine the reasons for the failed payment.

  • Select Associated Documents from the Main menu. The Associated Documents screen will show
  • Were there any practice updates rejected before the date of the failed payment?
    For example, a rejected Change of ownership form. For help see Search and view an associated document
  • Check Comments
    • the Comments screen will show
    • check all of the comments for reasons for the failed payments(s). For help see the Search and view a comment

Was the reason for the failed payment/s identified:

  • Yes, resolved the issue, then see Table 4
  • No, or when further follow up is required go to Step 9


PIP consenting practice + Read more ...

A practice participating in PIP and the WIP - Practice Stream may have failed payments for both programs.

Always check the Failed EFT spreadsheet for failed WIP - Practice Stream payments for the same practice.

Is the practice a PIP consenting practice?

  • Yes, make the updates in PIP Online only
  • No, make the updates in both the PIP and WIP - Practice Stream Online systems


Contact practice + Read more ...

Payment details can only be discussed with an owner or authorised contact person. To find the practice contact details:

  • select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • select Contact Details from the drop down
  • the Authorised Practice Contacts will show
  • the practice Phone Number is under Update other details.

To find an owner's name:

  • select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • select Ownership Details from the drop down
  • owners’ names are listed under Owners/Partners/Associates

Discuss the following:

  • There is a failed payment in PIP and/or WIP - Practice Stream
  • Ask if there have been changes to the practice details. For example:
    • change to bank account details
    • change of ownership
    • a relocation
    • an amalgamation
  • Provide advice on how to update the changes either by completing the appropriate form or updating the details via HPOS. Offer to help them to do this
  • If the practice is not PIP consenting and there are failed payments in both the PIP and the WIP - Practice Stream. a separate form or HPOS update is needed for each practice ID number

If the owner or authorised contact person has/is:


HPOS update + Read more ...

Did the practice immediately update their bank account details through HPOS?

  • Yes, update the Failed PIP and WIPPS Payments tab with:
    • Column H – Date of first follow up
    • Column I – Date of second follow up (if applicable)
    • Column J – Comments
    • Column K – Payments to be released
    • Column L – Date bank details updated online
    • Columns M to O – Correct bank account details
  • No, go to Step 12


Add a comment + Read more ...

Add a comment in PIP and/or WIP - Practice Stream Online system.

Select Comments from the Main menu. The Comments screen will show.

Under Add new comment, enter:

  • Area: Payment Details
  • Reason: Other
  • Comments: add the below details:
    • the name of the authorised contact or owner
    • relevant failed payment quarter(s)
    • the outcome of the phone call. This includes if a message has been left and/or follow up is required
    • state that once the bank account details are updated, Failed EFT spreadsheet must be updated with the new details
  • select Add Comment


  • If there are failed payments in both the PIP and the WIP - Practice Stream and the practice is not PIP consenting, add a comment in both the PIP and the WIP - Practice Stream Online systems
  • Do not take any further action until:
    • a call is returned, or
    • the required documents are provided

When the documents are provided, update the Failed PIP and WIPPS Payments tab with the below:

  • Column H – Date of first follow up
  • Column I – Date of second follow up (if applicable)
  • Column J – Comments
  • Column K – Payments to be released
  • Column L – Date bank details updated online
  • Columns M to O – Correct bank account details

See Step 2 in Table 4


Unanswered call/s + Read more ...

If the contact attempt(s) are unanswered, the practice may have closed.

Check if 1 of the listed practice owners is listed as a current GP on the practice profile.

To check the practice owners:

  • select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • select Ownership Details from the drop down. The Ownership Details screen shows
  • view the practice owners under Owners/Partners/Associates

To check the current GPs:

  • select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • select Associated GPs from the drop down
  • the Associated GPs screen will show

Is one or more of the current GPs recorded as a practice owner?


Search for the provider contact details + Read more ...

Log on to the Provider Directory System (PDS)

From the Provider Directories menu:

  • Select Provider
  • Select View from the drop down. The Provider View screen will show
  • Key the Provider Stem (first 6 digits) in the Provider Stem field
  • Select Search. The Provider details screen will show

Under Contact, are alternative contact details available?

  • Yes, repeat Steps 10-13 above. Use the alternative contact details
  • No, go to Step 15


Add a comment + Read more ...

Add a comment in the PIP and/or WIP - Practice Stream Online system.

  • Select Comments from the Main menu. The Comments screen will show

Under Add new comment enter the below details:

  • Area: Payment Details
  • Reason: Other
  • Comments: key ‘Practice payment/s have failed and all attempts to contact the practice have been unsuccessful. No further follow-up can occur at this stage. Practice payments have been placed on hold to avoid incorrect or misdirected payments’
  • Select Add Comment

If there are failed payments in both the PIP and the WIP - Practice Stream and the practice is not PIP consenting, record a comment in both Online systems.


Payment holds and notifying Program Management + Read more ...

Place the practice payments on hold. Use the reason Other - See comments.

Is the practice PIP consenting?

  • Yes, WIP – Practice Stream payment will be on hold as well
  • No, go to WIP – Practice Stream and place WIP – Practice Stream payments on hold

Add a comment to the Failed EFT Payment spreadsheet to notify that the practice payments are on hold and the practice could not be contacted.

See also: Payments for PIP and WIP-Practice Stream.

Procedure ends here.

PIP and WIP - Practice Stream practice update and payment redirection

Table 4




Process the practice update request + Read more ...

The practice may have lodged a form that will resolve the failed payment. Assess and process the form to update the practice details.

See Related links for the relevant procedure.


Check the payment status + Read more ...

Check if the practice’s payments are on hold:

  • select Practice Details from the Main menu
  • select Payment Details from the drop down. the Payment Details screen will show

If the payment is On Hold:

  • Add a comment to the Failed EFT spreadsheet
  • Program Management will decide what action to take with the payment hold


Add a comment + Read more ...

Add a comment in the PIP and/or WIP – Practice Stream Online system.

Select Comments from the Main menu. The Comments screen will show.

Under Add new comment enter the following:

  • Area: Payment Details
  • Reason: Other
  • Comments: include the following information
    • Payment hold has been removed/not removed
    • If not removed, why?
    • If a request was made for the release of the failed payments, add the calculation quarters and the date the request was added to the spreadsheet
    • Otherwise, note why the payment release was not requested
  • Select Add Comment

If there are failed payments in both the PIP and the WIP - Practice Stream and the practice is not PIP consenting, record a comment in both Online systems.

See also: Associated documents and comments for PIP and WIP - Practice Stream


Redirect payment + Read more ...

Failed payments will be redirected by program management. This will be within approximately 2 weeks from the redirection date, unless payments are on hold or there are other issues.

Program management will update the below columns in the Failed EFT spreadsheet when payments are redirected.

  • Column P – Date sent to Finance
  • Column Q – Date payment released