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Social worker assessment for Crisis Payment (CrP) Extreme Circumstances family and domestic violence 003-12060010

Contact details

Social workers - referrals contact details for Smart Centre Social Work SME

WLM Technical Assistance - Form

Rejection codes and reasons

Table 1


Rejection Code



CRI - 4 Extreme circs CrP in last 12 months

You have already received 4 Crisis Payments due to an extreme circumstance in a 12 month period.


NEH - Does not intend to establish new home

You are not establishing a new home.


NVE - Unable to verify circs by third party

We were unable to verify your circumstances.


NEC - No extreme circs

You have not suffered an extreme circumstance that meets the criteria.


CNC - Customer could not be contacted

We were unable to contact you to finalise the assessment of your claim.


NDE - Not in Australia on the day of the event

You were not in Australia when your extreme circumstance occurred.


PNL - Alleged perpetrator has not left the home

We could not confirm that the alleged perpetrator left the home.


PNF - Alleged perpetrator not a family member

The alleged perpetrator does not meet the definition of a family member for this claim.


PNC - Alleged perpetrator not living with customer

We could not confirm that the alleged perpetrator was living with you at the time of the extreme circumstance.


LPR - Not prevented from returning home

You were not legally prevented from returning to the home.


LOD - Claim not lodged within required period

You did not claim within the required timeframe.


NFH - Not in financial hardship

You are not in severe financial hardship.


NIA - Not in Australia on day of lodgement

You were not in Australia on the day you made a claim.


NQP - Not receiving an ISP

You are not receiving a social security benefit, social security pension or ABSTUDY Living Allowance.


PEC - Already paid for this circumstance

You have already been paid a Crisis Payment for this extreme circumstance.

Fast Notes

Social workers need to use the following Fast Notes to document the claim determination:

  • Grants and rejections, select from the applicable options:
    • select Auto text, use Social Worker > Claims > Grant/Reject - Stay in Home Crisis Payment
    • select Auto text, use Social Worker > Claims > Grant/Reject - Leaving Home Crisis Payment
    • select Auto text, use Social Worker > Claims > Grant/Reject - CrP Perpetrator
  • Withdrawn claims:
    • select Auto text, use Social Worker > Claims >Crisis Payment Claim EXV/EXO Withdrawn

Financial Verification

If a Service Officer requests verification of financial hardship via the social work referral, DOC or verbally, check if the customer can upload financial verification to their agency record and support them to do so.

In limited circumstances, a social worker can take a verbal verification of financial hardship. To complete the financial hardship verification the social worker should consider:

  • funds available for other essential expenses such as utilities cannot be exempt from the assessment. If the customer has funds over the allowable limit, they must be deemed ineligible for CrP
  • joint bank accounts. These must be included in the assessment. However if the account is considered unrealisable these funds may be excluded. See Unrealisable assets under the Assets Test hardship provisions