Social worker assessment for Crisis Payment (CrP) Extreme Circumstances family and domestic violence 003-12060010
This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point If the customer is with another person, on speakerphone or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, see Family and domestic violence to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.
If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call 000. If you have concerns about a child’s safety, conduct the risk and referral process.
For Services Australia social workers only.
This document explains the Services Australia social workers role in assessing claims for Crisis Payment (CrP) for family and domestic violence (CrP-EXV). Assessing CrP-EXV is an opportunity to offer the customer appropriate help and referrals to other support services.
On this page:
Review of decision for CrP-EXV
Explanation of decision for CrP-EXV
Process for assessing Crisis Payment due to extreme circumstances family and domestic violence (CrP-EXV)
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Claim due to extreme circumstances Family and Domestic Violence + Read more ... For Crisis Payment (CrP) for Other Extreme Circumstance (CrP-EXO), see New claim for Crisis Payment Other Extreme Circumstances. Social workers must read the CRI OLC Claim Progress DOC and any annotations to check if the Crisis Payment Extreme Circumstances Processing Team (CPECPT) has confirmed basic eligibility. Where this has not been recorded, social workers will need to confirm all other qualification criteria. This includes relationship status, current address and accommodation details. See New claim for Crisis Payment for extreme circumstances family and domestic violence. If the customer has a One Main Contact (OMC) (CPECPT) will not check their claims. Social workers must consult with the OMC before contacting the customer to complete a CrP assessment. If the social worker runs the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) or there is an existing claim without a social work referral they must:
Social workers must make sure the customer has the correct claim for their circumstances. If the customer has claimed CrP under the incorrect category (EXO, EXV left home, EXV Stay at Home or EXV Perpetrator) tell them:
Note: if the customer has a pending Income Support Payment (ISP) claim the CrP claim must be assessed and an outcome recorded to reject or grant the claim pending the ISP. Urgent processing of the ISP should be requested as part of the assessment. |
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Social worker - assess the claim + Read more ... The social worker must:
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Social worker - contact with the customer + Read more ... The social worker:
Was the contact with the customer successful?
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Contact with the customer + Read more ... Tell the customer about the assessment for CrP-EXV. Does the customer want to continue with the claim?
5 |
Withdrawal of a claim + Read more ... A customer can withdraw a claim if the social worker has not made a decision. For how to record a withdrawn claim see Recording Crisis Payment (CrP) assessments - social work. Does the customer want to withdraw their claim?
6 |
Unable to contact the customer + Read more ... If the social worker is unable to contact the customer, they must decide if there is enough information to continue with the claim. Is there enough information to continue with the claim?
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Assessing the customer's situation + Read more ... The social worker must determine how to assess the customers claim. If the customer is
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Customer lodges a combined Unreasonable to Live at Home (UTLAH) (Under 18) ISP claim and CrP claim + Read more ... Note: customers aged 18-21 who have lodged a combined ISP/UTLAH and CrP claims. The social worker should make every effort to assist the customer to supply evidence to support their UTLAH claim. Once all information has been provided refer the customer to the O18 team to have the assessment completed. Does the social worker have the capability and capacity to complete the CrP-EXV assessment and the UTLAH assessment?
9 |
Customer is the victim of family and domestic violence and is leaving home + Read more ... The social worker must discuss the customer's situation and provide interventions and referrals where appropriate. In this situation, the alleged or actual perpetrator is defined as:
As part of the assessment the social worker must:
For customers not current (suspended or claim pending) on a social security benefit, social security pension or ABSTUDY Living Allowance:
Note: multiple third parties or prolonged attempts to get information should not be required as this will delay the outcome for the customer. If a social worker is unable to get third party verification, they can use their professional discretion if the customer has met all other basic criteria. Document this in a CrP-EXV SWIS report. If the customer’s CrP-EXV assessment under the category of Left Home is significantly delayed due to agency processes they may qualify for a point in time assessment. See Step 10. Does the customer have a fraud investigation DOC on their record?
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Does the customer qualify for a Point in time Assessment + Read more ... The point in time assessment would apply in very limited circumstances. The customer must meet all the qualification criteria for CrP-EXV. If the customer’s CrP-EXV assessment has been significantly delayed due to agency processes, the social worker can recommend a CrP-EXV claim is granted under the Left Home category. The customer will qualify if:
The social worker must obtain sufficient verification and clearly document the customer’s circumstances on their record for the Service Officer to determine the customers’ qualification for CrP-EXV. |
11 |
Customer is the victim of family and domestic violence and is remaining at home + Read more ... The social worker must discuss the customer's situation and provide interventions and referrals where appropriate. In this situation, a family member is defined as:
As part of the assessment the social worker must:
Note: there is no discretion for social workers to use their judgement when assessing remain at home claims. If a professional third party is not available, alternative verification must be sought. The third party used must be able to demonstrate they are in a position to verify the violent relationship due to interactions with the customer claiming the CrP. Consider if a child support exemption assessment is required or a social casework referral. For customers not current (suspended or claim pending) on a social security benefit, social security pension or ABSTUDY Living Allowance.
Does the customer have a fraud investigation DOC on their record?
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Customer is the actual or alleged perpetrator of family and domestic violence and has left the home + Read more ... The social worker must discuss the customer's situation and provide interventions and referrals where appropriate. In this situation, the other party is defined as:
As part of the assessment the social worker must:
Note: there is no discretion for social workers to use their professional judgement. Evidence of police involvement and of the customer being legally prevented from returning home must be provided.
For customers not current (suspended or claim pending) on a social security benefit, social security pension or ABSTUDY Living Allowance.
Does the customer have a fraud investigation DOC on their record?
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Customer has an active fraud investigation DOC on their record + Read more ... During assessment of a CrP-EXV the social worker must contact Fraud Investigation team if:
Is there an active fraud investigation DOC on the customer’s record?
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Outcome + Read more ... Determine if the customer qualifies for CrP-EXV under the family and domestic violence provisions. If an undelegated social worker is making the decision, they must discuss the claim determination with their Social Work Support Manager. This should be done before completing the CrP-EXV Grant/Reject Fast Note. Use the relevant Grant/Reject Fast Note to record the determination. Answer all fields (do not delete the fields) and include any other information relevant for the Service Officer to make a determination. This includes:
Other actions:
If the CrP-EXV is:
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CrP-EXV rejected + Read more ... Tell the customer of their review and appeal rights. Does the customer want an Explanation of Decision or to appeal the decision?
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Update work item + Read more ...
In Process Direct:
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Review and appeals process + Read more ... |
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Contingency Arrangements if system issues occur + Read more ... Social workers should not use contingency arrangements unless directed to do so by the Social Work Services Branch. Social Work Services Branch will be responsible for providing details on contingency processes to make sure that there is no delay to a customer's claim for CrP-EXV. See Resources page for Contingency Fast Notes. |
Review of decision for CrP-EXV
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Review of a decision + Read more ... A customer can request a reassessment if they contact within 13 weeks of receiving a decision about their CrP-EXV claim and the:
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Roles of reassessment + Read more ... Any delegated social worker can complete the reassessment for the FDV eligibility component of CrP-EXV. This is if the claim is rejected by a social worker, or Service Officer in the CPECPT.
Claims rejected by a Service Officer based on the basic eligibility criteria should be actioned by a Service Officer. If a Service Officer will complete the reassessment the:
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Social worker completes reassessment + Read more ... The social worker should review the decision. If the outcome is:
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Reassessment grant + Read more ... The social worker must:
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Reassessment reject + Read more ... The social worker must:
If the customer requests an Explanation or Decision or formal review, see Table 3. |
Explanation of decision for CrP-EXV
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Explanation of a decision + Read more ... Social workers who are:
Note: an Explanation of Decision must be completed by a social worker who has completed LMS CLK1303 and CLK01252. These activities are mapped to social workers that hold the NV_CLK_SWO_Review skilltag. This ensures only suitably skilled social workers undertake an Explanation of Decision. Socia workers in:
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Social worker – Front of House + Read more ... Run the Internal Review/Explanation script. To do this open Customer Record:
A skill tagged social worker will pick up the script. To allocate the Explanation of Decision to a certain skill tagged social worker:
This means the activity will not be assigned to another skill tagged social worker. |
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Social worker – Smart centre + Read more ... Smart centre social workers should consult with their SWSM, and determine who will run the Internal Review/Explanation script for their follow-up. After the script is run the social worker should:
This prevents the activity being assigned to another skill tagged social worker. Smart Centre SWSMs should email the request to Smart Centre Social Work SMEs. See Social workers - referrals for contact details. They will:
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Work Optimiser - Explanation of Decision activity + Read more ... The social worker should:
If the decision was:
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Favourable decision + Read more ... If the Explanation of Decision outcome is favourable:
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Not favourable decision + Read more ... If the Explanation of Decision outcome is not favourable:
Note: staff must make genuine attempts to contact the customer for an Explanation of Decision. Does the customer want a formal review?