Assessing unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) for customers claiming or receiving Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) 001-04030030
Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.
If you have concerns about a child's safety, conduct the risk and referral process. If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call 000.
For Social Workers and Smart Centre Service Officers in the Over 18 UTLAH Team and staff processing YA, DSP, Special Benefit or TAP claims.
This document outlines how to assess UTLAH for customers receiving or claiming YA, DSP, SpB or TAP.
On this page:
Initial determination for UTLAH
Situations where parents are separated
Recording UTLAH Decision outcomes by social workers
Recording UTLAH Decision outcomes by O18 UTLAH staff
Coding a UTLAH grant or rejection
Initial determination for UTLAH
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Steps before undertaking a UTLAH decision + Read more ... If a customer advises they are homeless or they are at risk of becoming homeless, the customer's consent must be received before coding a Homelessness Indicator on their record. See Homelessness Indicators. If a customer is claiming more than one payment, for example, YA and TAP, only one UTLAH assessment is needed. A UTLAH assessment is not required if the customer can be assessed as independent under the State care category, see Assessing independence when a customer is in State care. This may apply to customers that are:
A new UTLAH assessment is not needed, if:
See Unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) initial contact for Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) for initial contact with a young person claiming UTLAH. Contact with customers when assessing UTLAH is by phone and letter. Check and update all contact details for the customer. If a new claim activity prevents the update, clearly provide the correct number and a current postal address on a DOC. If the customer does not have access to a working phone, consider the following alternatives:
The delegation for approving independence under the UTLAH criteria depends on the customer's age:
Some customers are independent by age. A UTLAH assessment is not required for:
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Nominee arrangements for YA, DSP, SpB or TAP customers applying for UTLAH + Read more ... Check nominee arrangements:
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Processing arrangements + Read more ... For customers under 18, Service Officers must check the required appointment has been booked. Is an appointment showing on the system?
For customers 18 and over, encourage the young person to lodge all required forms. Online or Assisted Customer claims for YA or TAP should have the customer's UTLAH responses in the Independence section, but forms may be needed. See:
Tell the customer the O18 team may contact them for further information. Calls are from a private number. Customer does not give consent and/or may advise that contact with their parents by the agency may put them at risk For example, from family and domestic violence, including abuse due to homophobia and transphobia. Note: do not seek consent to contact the relevant parent from a young person if:
The parent should not be contacted as part of the UTLAH assessment, even if the young person has given consent. This may put the young person or other family members at risk. In these cases, O18 Service Officers should consult with Social Work. If the young person cannot obtain completed SY016 statements for one or both parents, or advises it would be unsafe for them to do so, complete a warm transfer to O18. If the call is unsuccessful:
Note: do not record any sensitive details on the customer's record. Procedure ends here. For claim processing teams. Has the UTLAH decision been made by the social worker or the UTLAH Assessment Team (O18)?
For social workers or UTLAH Assessment Team (O18) staff undertaking a UTLAH assessment, go to Step 4. |
4 |
UTLAH assessment may not be needed + Read more ... Review the customer's circumstances to establish whether they are:
For YA, DSP or SpB customers, go to Step 5. For students claiming TAP, go to Step 6. |
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Other independence criteria for YA, DSP or SpB may apply + Read more ... Are there other reasons why the customer may be considered independent?
6 |
Other exemptions from providing parental income for TAP + Read more ... Are there other reasons why the customer may be exempt from providing parental income for TAP?
7 |
The customer is still living in the parental home + Read more ... Establish if the customer is living with their parent(s). If they are still living with either parent, it is not unreasonable to live at home and the customer is not independent for this reason. Is the customer still living with their parent(s)?
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Customer is not eligible for independence under the UTLAH criteria because they are living at home + Read more ... Tell the customer that independence under the UTLAH criteria or exemption from the TAP Parental Income Test cannot be made until they are no longer living at their parental home due to extreme circumstances. Explain their review and appeal rights. Note: sometimes a customer will test their eligibility for UTLAH before they leave home. It is important to identify if there is any risk of harm to the young person. Young person in immediate danger or at serious risk of harm Make a social work referral immediately, where a young person is at risk of harm in the family due to abuse, neglect or exposure to family and domestic violence. This should be a warm social work referral, if possible. If a warm referral to a social worker is not possible and the young person discloses, they may be in immediate danger or at serious risk of harm, talk to them about a referral to police or the child welfare agency in their state/territory. A delegated officer can release information in the public interest to the police or child welfare agency without the young person's consent, where the Service Officer believes providing the information will lessen the threat to the health, life or welfare of the young person. See Risk identification and management of threats to the safety or welfare of a child. Young person not in immediate danger or at serious risk of harm If the young person wishes to test their eligibility for UTLAH, offer a social work referral. Tell the customer their claim cannot be considered whilst they are living at home, but a social worker can:
For customers who:
Record details of the discussion on a DOC. Procedure ends here. |
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Is the customer receiving or claiming YA, DSP, SpB or TAP? + Read more ...
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Eligibility for the away from home rate of YA + Read more ... Check the Independent/Homeless/Away from Home Details (NIH) screen. Look for an away from home (AFH) grant code in the Rsn field. There is a list of AFH grant codes on the Resources page. If the customer is not receiving the away from home rate, consider if they are eligible to be paid this rate while waiting for the outcome of their claim for independence under UTLAH.
Is the customer already receiving the away from home rate of YA and receiving Rent Assistance (if eligible)?
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Assess the away from home rate + Read more ...
Where the away from home rate can be paid, update the rate details on the system, by selecting the appropriate codes on the NIH screen. Update the Accommodation (AC) screen as appropriate. |
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YA being paid to parent + Read more ... Payments can be directed to a customer under 18, instead of their parents, if:
If payments are now to go to the customer, update the Payment Destination Summary (PAS) screen with the customer's account details. |
UTLAH assessment process
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
The UTLAH assessment process + Read more ... |
2 |
Customer under 18 years of age + Read more ...
3 |
Customers who are 18 years of age and over + Read more ... The UTLAH Assessment Team (O18) undertakes UTLAH assessments for:
Note: DSP customers aged 18 years or over do not need a UTLAH assessment. Has the customer:
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Attempt contact with the customer and/or parents + Read more ... Make genuine attempts to contact the customer by phone to take a verbal statement and/or permission to contact parents. Send a pre-call notification SMS if the customer is subscribed to electronic messaging. If permission was given to contact parent/s, a genuine attempt to contact them by phone must be made. Was the contact successful and the customer or parent/s were able to provide all the information needed to make the assessment?
5 |
Issue the forms needed to assess the claim + Read more ... Issue forms when:
Forms can only be sent to parents if permission has been given by the customer. TAP customers use the same forms. The forms are:
Note: an SY015 supplied by the customer via their online services does not require a signature. SY016 and SY017 forms must have a wet ink signature, no digital signatures of any kind can be accepted. The O18 team requests an SY017 when:
Note: use of an Intervention Order as third-party evidence is to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The source of this information is independent. However, the order alone may not provide enough detail to determine all relevant circumstances. For example, whether or not there is continuous support. If the Service Officer determines more information is required, obtain further third-party evidence. Encourage the customer to upload the completed forms electronically. Reply paid envelopes can also be provided. Offer to send the SY016 form to the parent(s) on the customer's behalf:
If the customer is arranging for the statements to be completed, tell them:
If the SY015 and SY016 align, as determined by the O18 team, the Unreasonable to live at home Statement by Independent Third Party (SY017) is not required and should not be requested. If the customer is at risk or has other complex needs and minimal supports, consider a referral to a social worker. |
6 |
Hold UTLAH assessment for return of forms, parent or customer contact + Read more ... Place a Display on Access (DOA) DOC on the record so any caller can be transferred to the O18 team. See the Resources page for suggested text. Hold the UTLAH activity on the Activity List (AL) screen. To determine the correct hold to date, consider the time given for the return of the forms, see Requesting information (CLK). Select a date in the future from the pop-up calendar in the Resubmit Date field on the Activity Details (AY) screen. The open activity will be either:
Procedure ends here until:
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No information when the activity becomes due + Read more ... It may not be possible to make a decision to grant UTLAH if the customer:
Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer. Was the attempt to contact successful?
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Returned UTLAH statements or further contact + Read more ... When the statement forms are returned, check that:
Along with UTLAH circumstances, consideration should be given to issues of continuous financial or other support and no parental concern for 2 years or more. See the Resources page for examples and scenarios. If not, all information is available on forms, contact the customer, parent/s or third party (if necessary), to discuss the circumstances or to clarify any information. Record information in Secure Notes. Note: if there is not sufficient evidence to support the grant of UTLAH, check for supporting information from previous assessments and other details available on the record. Where appropriate, request information from the Social Work Information System with consideration that accessing this information is on a need-to-know basis. If parent/s or third-party contact while the claim is held:
To make the UTLAH assessment, establish if circumstances regarding both parents must be considered. Have the parents separated?
Situations where parents are separated
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Establish the parties involved + Read more ... Where parents are separated, the circumstances in relation to each of the 2 parents must be assessed. Assessment teams refer to parents as:
Note: stepparents are not assessed for UTLAH decisions. Look at the circumstances regarding parent one first. |
2 |
Parent the customer normally lives with + Read more ... Has the assessment of forms and/or interviews found that it is unreasonable for the young person to live at the home of parent one?
3 |
Another parent + Read more ... Has the assessment found that it is unreasonable for the young person to live at the home of Parent 2?
4 |
Exceptional circumstances + Read more ... In exceptional circumstances, it may be considered unreasonable for the young person to live with the other parent, although UTLAH reasons are not met. Such exceptional circumstances may include situations where:
In such exceptional circumstances, the young person meets the UTLAH provisions. |
5 |
Applying approved reasons for living away from home + Read more ... For DSP customers see Assessing payment rates and independence for Disability Support Pension customers under 21 years. For YA, SpB and TAP customers, has the assessment found that circumstances regarding Parent 2 meet an approved reason for living away from home?
Recording UTLAH Decision outcomes by social workers
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Determine customer claim/payment type + Read more ... After completing the UTLAH decision, determine the claim or payment type:
2 |
Record the UTLAH decision for YA (job seeker) + Read more ... Create an open Fast Note:
If UTLAH is rejected and the customer has not been notified, make 2 genuine attempts to contact and notify the customer of the decision. Note: if contact is successful, tell the customer that because of the rejection of UTLAH, more information such as parental income, may be required to assess the claim as a dependent customer. If the customer states they do not wish to be assessed as a dependent, include this in the Grant/Reject DOC. Complete the UTLAH progress DOC and any associated UTLAH work items (scans). Does the customer have an outstanding TAP claim in progress?
3 |
Record the UTLAH Decision for a Youth Allowance Student or Apprentice + Read more ... Create an open Fast Note:
If UTLAH is rejected and the customer has not been notified, make 2 genuine attempts to contact and notify the customer of the decision. Complete the UTLAH progress DOC and any associated UTLAH work items (scans). Does the customer have an outstanding TAP claim in progress?
4 |
Record the UTLAH decision for a DSP customer + Read more ... Create an open Fast Note:
If UTLAH is rejected and the customer has not been notified, make 2 genuine attempts to contact and notify the customer of the decision. Complete the UTLAH progress DOC and any associated UTLAH work items (scans). Does the customer have an outstanding TAP claim in progress?
5 |
Record the UTLAH decision for a Special Benefit (SpB) customer + Read more ... Create an open Fast Note:
If UTLAH is rejected and the customer has not been notified, make 2 genuine attempts to contact and notify the customer of the decision. Complete the UTLAH progress DOC and any associated UTLAH work items (scans). Does the customer have an outstanding TAP claim in progress?
6 |
Record the UTLAH Decision for Tertiary Access Payment + Read more ... Create an open Fast Note:
If UTLAH is rejected and the customer has not been notified, make 2 genuine attempts to contact and notify the customer of the decision. Note: if contact is successful, tell the customer that because of the rejection of UTLAH, more information such as parental income, may be required to assess the claim as a dependent customer. If the customer states they do not wish to be assessed as a dependent, include this in the Grant/Reject DOC. Complete the UTLAH progress DOC and any associated UTLAH work items (scans). Procedure ends here. |
Recording UTLAH Decision outcomes by O18 UTLAH staff
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
Determine customer payment/claim type + Read more ... After completing the UTLAH assessment, determine the payment or claim type. If the customer:
2 |
YA job seeker claims + Read more ... Record the decision on a DOC. Use Fast Note:
If UTLAH is rejected and the customer has not been notified, make 2 genuine attempts to contact and notify the customer of the decision. Note: if contact is successful, tell the customer that because of the rejection of UTLAH, more information such as parental income, may be required to assess the claim as a dependent customer. If the customer states they do not wish to be assessed as a dependent, include this in the Grant/Reject DOC. For Service Officers undertaking a UTLAH assessment only, create an additional open Fast Note:
Complete any associated UTLAH work items (scans). For job seeker new claim proficient Service Officers undertaking end to end processing, see Step 1 in Table 6. Otherwise, procedure ends here. |
3 |
Students and Australian Apprentice online claims + Read more ... Record the decision on a DOC. Use Fast Note:
If UTLAH is rejected and the customer has not been notified, make 2 genuine attempts to contact and notify the customer of the decision. Note: if contact is successful, tell the customer that because of the rejection of UTLAH, more information such as parental income, may be required to assess the claim as a dependent customer. If the customer states they do not wish to be assessed as a dependent, include this in the Grant/Reject DOC. For Service Officers undertaking a UTLAH assessment only, create an additional open Fast Note:
Complete any associated UTLAH work items (scans). If the customer has a TAP claim in progress, go to Step 5. For student new claim proficient Service Officers undertaking end to end processing, see Step 1 in Table 6. Otherwise, procedure ends here. |
4 |
Current YA or SpB customers + Read more ... Record the decision on a DOC. Use Fast Note:
If UTLAH is rejected and the customer has not been notified, make 2 genuine attempts to contact and notify the customer of the decision. Note: if contact is successful, tell the customer that because of the rejection of UTLAH, more information such as parental income, may be required to assess the claim as a dependent customer. If the customer states they do not wish to be assessed as a dependent, include this in the Grant/Reject DOC. For Service Officers undertaking a UTLAH assessment only, create an additional open Fast Note:
For SpB Customers:
Complete any associated UTLAH work items (scans). If the customer has a TAP claim in progress, go to Step 5. For student new claim proficient Service Officers undertaking end to end processing, see Step 1 in Table 6. |
5 |
Record the UTLAH Decision for Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) + Read more ... Create an open Fast Note:
If UTLAH is rejected and the customer has not been notified, make 2 genuine attempts to contact and notify the customer of the decision. Note: if contact is successful, tell the customer that because of the rejection of UTLAH, more information such as parental income, may be required to assess the claim as a dependent customer. If the customer states they do not wish to be assessed as a dependent, include this in the Grant/Reject DOC. Complete the UTLAH progress DOC and any associated UTLAH work items (scans). If the customer:
Coding a UTLAH grant or rejection
Table 6
Step |
Action |
1 |
Determine customer claim/payment type + Read more ... If the customer is claiming, or receiving:
2 |
Coding independence for YA or SpB customers + Read more ... Once UTLAH has been assessed, code the decision to grant or reject UTLAH on the Independent/Homeless/Away from Home Details (NIH) screen, using details from the Decision DOC. For customers aged under 18 who are granted independence, record the customer's bank account details. This avoids difficulties that can arise if the payments are incorrectly paid to the parent(s). To update the payment destination, go to the Payment Destination (PA) screen and code the customer's Financial Institution code, Account Number and Account Title. To code the UTLAH decision for:
3 |
Coding the UTLAH decision in Customer First (CF) + Read more ... Go to the Independent/Homeless/Away from Home Details (NIH) screen. Code the following fields, with information from the Decision DOC:
Complete the Source and DOR (Date of Receipt) fields. The DOR must match the Start Date for arrears or the payment to pay correctly. Before finalising the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen, check that:
Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen. |
4 |
Coding the UTLAH decision in Process Direct (PD) + Read more ... For new claims being assessed in Process Direct, use Super Key and go to the Independence/Homeless/Away from Home Details (NIH) screen. Code the following fields, with information from the Decision DOC:
Service Profiler will automatically place homeless customers on 2 weekly reporting. After the claim is finalised, stimulate outstanding payments and remove reporting requirements for UTLAH customers who:
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Coding outcome of assessment of independence for DSP customers under 18 + Read more ... For DSP, the preferred method to record a UTLAH decision is to use the DSP New Claim and Service Update Assessment script. The script records the Independent Living Code on the Pension Disability Information (PDI) screen, creates a letter and a DOC. To manually record the decision, go to the PDI screen. Code fields as follows:
Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen. Record details on a DOC. Note: DSP customers aged 18 years or over do not need a UTLAH assessment. If the UTLAH claim has been:
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Coding the UTLAH decision for TAP customers + Read more ... For customers aged under 18 who are exempt from providing parental income for the TAP Parental Income Test, record the customer's bank account details on the system. This avoids difficulties that can arise if payments are incorrectly paid to the parent(s). To update the payment destination, go to the Payment Destination (PA) screen and code the customer's Financial Institution code, Account Number and Account Title. TAP claims are processed in Process Direct. The UTLAH decision is recorded as a Parental Income Exemption. See Assessing and finalising claims for the Tertiary Access Payment (TAP). |
7 |
Record details of decision on a DOC + Read more ... Record the decision on a DOC, if one is not present. Complete a Fast Note:
8 |
Send UTLAH grant/reject advice to the customer + Read more ... If the decision is to:
If UTLAH has been:
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Check for a current Child Support assessment + Read more ... Customers with a current Child Support assessment in place must be identified. See Maintenance Income Test (MIT) for ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance (YA) for details of how to do this. For these customers, Child Support must be notified if UTLAH is granted. If the customer is:
Create a Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Update > Child Support - Action Req'd noting the date the young person left their parent/s care. If the customer does not meet any of the above descriptions, Child Support is not notified. |
10 |
Storage of sensitive information + Read more ... Make sure sensitive information (report and statements) is scanned with a Medical Information File Envelope (MIFE) indicator on the customer's record. The social work report is stored in the Social Work Information System (SWIS) and can only be accessed by staff with the appropriate level of access. Over 18 statements must be scanned on to the customer's record and any sensitive information (phone interviews) placed in Secure Notes. Note: if a customer has received Crisis Payment and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP). |