Payments from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) and referrals to the DVA Clearance Team 108-03050010
The following tables represent information about DVA payments. Information on coding DVA payments is available for DVA Clearance Team staff through the Operational Blueprint, Completing Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) clearances and income coding.
Further information on DVA payments including current payment rates can be found on the DVA website.
DVA income support payments
Table 1
Payment |
Description |
Service Pension |
Equivalent rate to the Age Pension and Disability Support Pension, eligibility for veterans is subject to service, age, invalidity and means test requirements. The partner of a veteran, a widow or widower of a deceased veteran, may also be eligible. Forms of Service Pension:
Social Security Age Pension |
From 26 March 1998, veterans receiving Disability Compensation Payment from DVA, who are eligible to receive Social Security Age Pension (and eligible partners) can choose to receive their Pension from either DVA or Services Australia. Any Age Pension paid by DVA is assessed under Social Security Act. |
Veteran Payment |
This is different to Veteran Supplement (VSP) Veteran Payment (VP) is an interim payment paid by DVA and provides help to veterans waiting on the outcome of a claim with DVA for a mental health condition. The partner of a VP recipient can also be entitled to receive this payment from DVA. VP is income and asset tested and is a taxable payment. |
Income Support Supplement |
Income Support Supplement (ISS) is paid to Australian war widow/ers in addition to Wholly Dependent Partner (WDP) payment or War Widow(er)'s Pension (WWP). ISS cannot be paid at the same time as a DVA Service Pension, Veteran Payment or a Social Security pension or allowance. ISS is income and asset tested and is generally taxable. See the DVA website for further information. |
Adjusted Disability Pensions (ADP)
Table 2: adjusted Disability Pensions are a group of compensatory DVA payments that are paid to veterans for loss of lifestyle. They do not stop customers receiving Social Security payments.
Payment |
Description |
Disability Compensation Payment |
Do not refer this payment to the Compensation Management Team. Disability Compensation Payments - formerly Disability Pensions - were counted as income for Social Security purposes before 1 January 2022. Disability Compensation payments are:
There are four categories of Disability Compensation Payment that will display on the Department of Veterans' Affairs Summary (DVAS) screen:
Customers may also qualify for Specific Disability Item payments. These will be in addition to the Disability Compensation Payments mentioned above and must be coded separately on the DVAS screen.
Limiting Amount (LMT)
Permanent Impairment |
Payments may be made under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence Related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA) or the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act (MRCA). Payments made under DRCA are an actuarial lifetime equivalent lump sum only. Payments made under MRCA can be paid as:
Lump sums are treated as exempt income for Social Security purposes. Fortnightly payments are to be included as income before 1 January 2022. For Family Tax Benefit (FTB), ongoing payments and lump sums are deemed to be income in the tax year they are received. |
Special Rate Disability Pension |
Special Rate Disability Pension (SRDP) is a tax exempt payment made under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) Before 1 January 2022, it was assessed as ordinary income for Social Security purposes. It is also included in the assessment of adjusted taxable income for family assistance payments. SRDP may be reduced (offset) by DVA after receiving Commonwealth Superannuation. The amount of superannuation may be exempt income (and therefore not assessable) for payments made under the Social Security Act. The customer is entitled to a Repatriation Health card (Gold card) and MRCA supplement from DVA. These need to be considered when assessing any agency entitlements. SRDP does not provide manifest eligibility for Disability Support Pension. |
Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA) |
DFISA was abolished from 01 January 2022 and Adjusted Disability Pensions became exempt income under the means test for income support payments. DFISA payments are not coded on the Department of Veterans' Affairs Summary (DVAS) screen. |
DVA payments for Dependants
Table 3: DVA make payments to eligible widow/ers other dependants. These payments are paid to compensate the widow/ers and dependents of veterans whose death is war or defence service related.
Payment |
Description |
War Widow(er)'s Pension |
Paid under the Veterans' Entitlement Act, War Widow(er)'s Pension (WWP) is paid fortnightly. Grants of this payment are sent through the automated data exchange. Note: due to multiple entitlement exclusion, a person cannot receive a WWP and a Social Security benefit at the same time (concurrently) if granted after 20 March 1995. Before 20 March 1995 war widow/ers were able to receive a means tested income support payment under the Social Security Act. The rate was fixed at a maximum 'frozen' rate of $124.90. Limiting Amount (LMT)
Orphan Pension |
Orphan's Pension is:
New grants are notified via manual data exchange. The Social Security Act Double Orphan Pension is not payable if the customer is receiving DVA Orphan Pension. The payment:
Wholly Dependent Partner Payment |
Wholly Dependent Partner Payment (WDP) is paid under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA). Customers who receive WDP are not eligible for a social security income support payment or benefit due to multiple entitlement exclusion rules. The exclusion starts when the first payment is made. These rules apply for the lifetime of the WDP recipient regardless of how they take the payment. WDP can be paid:
WDP recipients may be entitled to an Income Support Supplement from DVA. They may also receive an Additional Death Benefit lump sum. WDP is included in Adjusted Taxable Income (ATI) for family assistance payments and is tax exempt. |
Eligible Young Person |
Eligible Young Person (EYP) is paid under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA). To be eligible for payment of EYP, the person must be:
An EYP is paid:
The payment is tax exempt. |
Other Dependant |
These are paid under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA). To be eligible for the Other Dependent lump sum payment, the person must not qualify as a wholly dependent partner or eligible young person but must have been wholly or partly dependent on the member or former member for economic support immediately prior to that person's death. For example, a parent, sibling or care receiver. These payments are tax exempt. |
Prescribed Child |
These are paid under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) Act 1988 (DRCA) Section 17 to dependants of a deceased member and were wholly dependent on the deceased whose death was determined to be service related. These payments are tax exempt. |
Education Payments
Table 4: this table has information for DVA provided financial assistance and support services for eligible dependents of a veteran.
Payment |
Description |
Veterans' Children Education Scheme (VCES) |
The Veterans' Children Education Scheme (VCES) is paid under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA) and is a prescribed educational scheme payment. Customers cannot receive education payments from both the agency and DVA, due to multiple entitlement exclusion rules. When receiving a VCES payment:
These payments are tax-exempt if under 16 or when the veteran is deceased. |
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (MRCAETS) |
The Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (MRCAETS) is paid under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) and is a prescribed educational scheme payment. Customers cannot receive education payments from both the agency and DVA, due to multiple entitlement exclusion rules. When receiving a MRCAETS payment:
These payments are tax-exempt if under 16 or when the veteran is deceased. |
Income Support Bonus |
The Income Support Bonus is paid in March and September to eligible VCES and MRCAETS students. The income support bonus is tax exempt. |
Prisoner of War Recognition Supplement
Table 5
Payment |
Description |
Prisoner of War Recognition Supplement |
Introduced 20 September 2011, all surviving Australian former Prisoners of War (POWs) were paid a Prisoner of War Recognition (POWR) Supplement if they were interned by:
The POWR Supplement is income tax-exempt. It is exempt income for purpose of the VEA and Social Security Act income tests, and family assistance. |
Table 6l
Payment |
Description |
Supplement hierarchy |
Highest to lowest:
Non-Taxable DVA Supplements |
These supplements are:
Supplements included:
Taxable DVA Supplements |
The Pension Supplement is a:
Exempt DVA income for Social Security payments
Table 7l
Category |
Description |
Exempt income |
DVA payments that are exempt under the income test for Social Security purposes include:
DVA rates adjusted for CPI
Table 8: this table lists DVA payments that are coded on the DVAS screen, and whether the rate is adjusted automatically.
Category |
Description |
These rates are automatically adjusted for CPI |
There is no automatic rate adjustment for other payments. These rates are manually coded onto the DVAS screen and may not be accurate. |