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Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) eligibility 010-03030000

This document outlines how to determine if a student is eligible for AIC.

Testing eligibility requirements for AIC

Portions of this table are for AIC Smart Centre staff only.




Residency + Read more ...

The student and the AIC applicant must be either:

Does the student and the AIC applicant meet one of the above criteria?


Age requirements + Read more ...

AIC allowances can only be paid for students who either:

  • have reached the minimum primary school entry age for their state or territory; and are either:
    • primary, secondary or ungraded level students under 19 years of age on 1 January of the year of study
    • secondary students undertaking home education and under the minimum age at which the state or territory requires them to be registered for home education
    • tertiary level students and under the minimum age at which the state or territory requires them to participate in education, or
    • receive a concession to the above age limits

For further assistance, see Age requirements for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).

Does the student meet the AIC age requirements?


Isolation conditions + Read more ...

A student is considered isolated when their family circumstances fall into one of the following categories:

  • Geographical isolation
  • Students with special needs
  • Students deemed to be isolated

For further assistance, see Age requirements for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).

Are isolation conditions for AIC met?


Approved study + Read more ...

To be eligible for AIC, a student must be:

  • enrolled in and undertaking a full-time study load
  • at an approved institution
  • in an approved course, and
  • at an approved level of study

For further assistance, see Approved studies for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).

Is the student enrolled in approved study for AIC?


Other Government assistance + Read more ...

Is the student or applicant receiving Australian Government assistance that would preclude them from AIC?


Custodial or state care + Read more ...

AIC allowances are not payable for a student who is in:

  • a custodial institution (such as a prison, remand centre or training school) for the period of their custody, or
  • state authorised care and whose permanent accommodation is financed wholly or substantially by a state or territory government

Is the student in a custodial institution or wholly or substantially supported while in state authorised care?


Approved Living Arrangement + Read more ...

Check if the student is in one of the following living arrangements:

Is the student in one of the above living arrangements?

  • Yes, and the claim was lodged:
    • by 1 March in the year following the study year being claimed, go to Step 9
    • after 1 March in the year following the study year being claimed, go to Step 8
  • No, the student is not eligible for AIC, go to Step 10


Lodgement date + Read more ...

A claim must be lodged by 1 March in the year following the year of study, that the applicant is seeking assistance for, or no allowance is payable for the student.

If a customer experiences pre-claim vulnerable circumstances in the 8 weeks prior to contacting the agency about their intent to claim, they get an extra 14 days to submit their claim. They may get an extra 13 weeks to claim in some circumstances. In these cases, the AIC claim lodgement date is the day the applicant contacts Services Australia.

For more information, see Intent to claim and vulnerable customers.

Has the applicant met late lodgement vulnerability?


Student may be eligible for AIC + Read more ...

Tell the customer they may have met the eligibility criteria for AIC.

Phone contact: Typically done by Smart Centre staff. Staff may complete this step if trained.Record details on a DOC and advise the applicant to lodge a claim for AIC. See Initial contact with customers claiming under the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC). Procedure ends here.

If a claim for AIC has already been lodged, see Assessing claims and forms for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).


Student not eligible for AIC + Read more ...

Tell the customer they have not met the eligibility criteria for AIC.

Check eligibility to other Centrelink administered payments for students.

Phone contact: Typically done by Smart Centre staff. Staff may complete this step if trained.Record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here.

If a claim for AIC has already been lodged, see Assessing claims and forms for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).