Cessation of employment income 108-07010110
Income provisions from employment including pensioners and allowees
Social Security Guide,, General Provisions for income from employment
Social Security Guide,, Employment income for pensioners of age pension age from 20/09/2009
Social Security Guide,, Employment income for allowees
Social Security Guide, 3.1.11, Working credit
Social Security Guide, 3.1.12, Employment income nil rate period
Definition of waiting period
Social Security Guide, 1.1.W.10, Waiting period
Social Security Guide, 1.1.I.60, Income maintenance period (IMP) (JSP, YA, Austudy, WA, PA, PP, DSP)
Definition of weeks for Seasonal Work Preclusion Period (SWPP)
Social Security Guide, 1.1.W.15, Weeks: Seasonal work, intervening & self-supported
Treatment of lump sum termination payments
Social Security Guide,, Application of the income maintenance period (IMP)
Social Security Guide,, Definition of leave for the IMP
Social Security Guide,, Hardship Provisions for the IMP
Links to the Federal Register of Legislation site go to an 'All versions' page. Select the 'Latest' version.
Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP)
- Module D-Income test (1068B-D1)
- subsection 7, 'Lump sum payments arising from termination of employment'
- subsection 8, 'Directed termination payments excluded'
- subsection 10, 'Certain termination payments taken to be ordinary income'
- subsection 13, 'Start of income maintenance period-employment terminated'
- subsection 17, 'Single payment in respect of different kinds of termination payments'
Parenting Payment Single (PPS)
- Module E-Ordinary income test (1068A-E1)
- subsection 2, 'Roll-over of lump sum leave payments'
- subsection 4, 'Certain leave payments taken to be ordinary income'
- subsection 7, 'Start of income maintenance period-employment terminated'
- subsection 11, 'Single payment in respect of different kinds of termination payments'
JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
- Module G-Income test (1068A-G1)
- subsection 7, 'Lump sum payments arising from termination of employment'
- subsection AF, 'Directed termination payments excluded'
- subsection AH, 'Certain leave payments taken to be ordinary income'
- subsection AKA, 'Start of income maintenance period-employment terminated'
- subsection AKC, 'Start of income maintenance period where liquid assets test waiting period applies'
Youth Allowance (YA)
- Module H-Income test, payments (1067G-H1)
- subsection 4, 'Lump sum payments arising from termination of employment'
- subsection 10, 'Directed termination payments excluded'
- subsection 12, 'Certain leave payments taken to be ordinary income'
- subsection 14A, 'Start of income maintenance period-employment terminated'
- subsection 14C, 'Start of income maintenance period where liquid assets test waiting period applies
- Module D-Income test (1067L-D1)
- subsection 3, 'Lump sum payments arising from termination of employment'
- subsection 4, 'Directed termination payments excluded)'
- subsection 6, 'Certain leave payments taken to be ordinary income
- subsection 9, 'Start of income maintenance period-employment terminated'
- subsection 10A, 'Start of income maintenance period where liquid assets test waiting period applies'
Working Credit
- section 1073J, Working credit balance prevents loss of qualification in certain cases
Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999
- section 105C, Review of entitlement to be paid CCS or ACCS – taking account of changes of circumstances etc.