Applying mutual obligation requirements 001-09020000
This document outlines mutual obligation requirements for job seekers applying for, or receiving JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker), Parenting Payment Single (PPS), and Special Benefit (SpB) (nominated visa holders) job seekers.
Ensuring Centrelink managed job seekers meet their mutual obligation requirements
Table 1:
Item |
Description |
1 |
Centrelink managed job seekers + Read more [1] Job seekers must meet their mutual obligation requirements to continue to receive their income support payment. Staff are to make sure that Centrelink managed job seekers are fully meeting their mutual obligation requirements. This includes the requirement to:
Failure to do so should result in their claim being rejected or payment cancelled. |
2 |
Provider managed job seekers + Read more [2] Provider managed job seekers must meet their mutual obligation requirements to continue to receive their income support payment. A job seeker with mutual obligation or participation requirements who refuses to register as a job seeker or be referred to an Employment Services Provider following completion of the JobSeeker Snapshot should have their claim rejected or payment cancelled. Provider managed job seekers who disagree with the activities in their Job Plan should be referred to their provider. |