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Defence Force Reserves as an approved activity 001-09070040

This page contains information regarding mutual obligation requirements for JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA) (job seekers), Special Benefit (SpB) and Parenting Payment (PP) customers involved in Defence Force Training or Reserve Service.

Assessment of Defence Force Training or Reserve Service

This table describes additional information regarding the mutual obligation requirements when a customer is involved in Defence Force Training or Reserve Service.




Lodgement of Reporting Statement + Read more ...

If a customer advises they will be doing/or have done a Reserve Forces training program or are undertaking regular reserve service, advise the customer to advise these details when completing their regular reporting. See Reporting statements for job seekers.


Defence Force Reserve Training, (including the Defence Indigenous Development Program + Read more ...

Participation in this activity will fully satisfy mutual obligation requirements for:

  • all JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) or Special Benefit (SpB) recipients who are principal carers and people assessed as having a partial capacity to work
  • Parenting Payment (PP) recipients who have mutual obligation requirements

The customer needs to provide evidence of their training camp in the form of their Reserve papers or a letter from the Defence Force Reserves Service Commander (or similar officer).

To update a Defence Force Reserve Training exemption in Process Direct:

  • Key AEX in the Super Key field, select [Enter]
  • The Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) will display
  • Select Add new row
  • The Create Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) modal will display
  • Select DFR – Defence Force Reserves from the Activity Type drop down menu
  • Complete the Start date and End date, select Save
  • Complete the Receipt Date and Channel fields, select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Selecting Assess again, then select Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
  • Select Finalise to complete the transaction
  • The system will determine if a new Job Plan is to be negotiated.
  • If the training camp is overseas, refer to the portability procedures for the particular benefit type for further information on overseas absences:
  • Record the decision on a DOC (including where the training camp is)


Continuous full-time Defence Force Reserve Service + Read more ...

JSP/YA/SpB is cancelled immediately upon commencement of continuous full-time service as the customer is considered to be employed, and is no longer qualified for payment.

PP can continue, but any income from continuous full-time service is taxable and is not exempt from the income test.

If the PP customers continuous full-time reserve service is for 30 hours of more per fortnight, this will fully satisfy their mutual obligation requirements and they are not required to look for additional work.

  • On the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen, code DFR - Defence Force Reserves. The system will determine if a new Job Plan is to be negotiated.

If the reserve service is for less than 30 hours per fortnight, their mutual obligation requirements will be determined by either the agency or their Employment Services Provider according to who is managing the job seeker


JSP/YA/SpB - Defence Force Reserve Service (greater than 35 hours per week) + Read more ...

  • The Defence Force Reserve Service can be approved as an requirement that fully satisfies mutual obligation requirements if:
    • the customer has been on payment for at least 3 months since they were last granted
    • the customer has not completed more than 12 weeks of reserve service in excess of 35 hours per week in the last 12 months
  • Check DOC (DFSERVICE) for previous periods of service
  • If the customer has completed in excess of 12 weeks reserve service at 35+ hours per week in the last 12 months, and is continuing the reserve service at this level, cancel payment immediately
  • If the customer commences reserve duty at 35 hours or more per week before they have been on payment for 3 months, cancel their payment immediately
  • JSP/YA/SpB is cancelled immediately upon commencement of continuous full-time service, as the job seeker is considered to be employed, and no longer qualified for payment
  • If the customer can have the reserve service approved as fully meeting mutual obligation requirements, the requirement must be coded on the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen using the code 'DFR' - Defence Force Reserves. The system will determine if a new Job Plan is to be negotiated
  • Place a DOC (ADFSERVICE) on the person's record showing the period of service (days/weeks)


JSP/YA/SpB - Part-time Defence Force Reserve Service (less than 35 hours per week) + Read more ...

This requirement will not fully satisfy mutual obligation for job seekers who are not principal carers or do not have a partial capacity to work. They must continue to meet their mutual obligation requirements, for example, job search, but can seek to renegotiate their points requirement with their Employment Services Provider.


JSP/YA/SpB Principal carers Defence Force Reserves + Read more ...

JSP/YA/SpB is cancelled immediately upon commencement of continuous full-time service, as the customer is considered to be employed, and no longer qualified for payment.

Principal carers engaged in regular paid Reserve duty for 30 hours or more per fortnight, will fully satisfy their mutual obligation requirements and are not required to look for additional work.

  • On the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen, code 'DFR' - Defence Force Reserves. The system will determine if a new Job Plan is to be negotiated

Principal carers engaged in regular paid Reserve duty for less than 30 hours per fortnight, will have their mutual obligation requirements determined by either the agency or their Employment Services Provider according to who is managing the job seeker.


PP - Defence Force Reserve Service + Read more ...

PP customers engaged in regular paid Reserve duty, including continuous full-time reserve service, for 30 hours or more per fortnight will fully satisfy their mutual obligation requirements.

On the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen, code 'DFR' - Defence Force Reserves. The system will determine if a new Job Plan is to be negotiated.

If the reserve service is continuous full-time service, the income is not exempt and must be coded to reduce the rate of payment.

Principal carers engaged in regular paid Reserve duty for less than 30 hours per fortnight, will have their mutual obligation requirements determined by either the agency or their Employment Services Provider according to who is managing the job seeker.