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Approved mutual obligation requirements for mature age customers 001-09070140

This page contains a summary of the types of activities available for mature age job seekers to meet their participation requirements. A job seeker should discuss suitable activities with Centrelink or, if appropriate, their Employment Services Provider. Note: this list is not exhaustive.

On this page:

Approved mutual obligation requirements A-D

Approved mutual obligation requirements E-W

Approved mutual obligation requirements A-D

Table 1: This table describes the types of categories and approved activities that meet mutual obligation requirements that can be undertaken by a mature age job seeker. The approved mutual obligation requirements are listed in alphabetical order from Australian Disability Enterprises to Disability Employment Services.




Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) + Read more ...

Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) is an approved activity that employs people with a disability, illness or injury often in a specialist work environment.


Community Services Order (CSO) + Read more ...

A Community Service Order can be imposed by the Court (with the offender's consent) on suitable offenders, sentencing them to perform community work for a certain number of hours instead of serving time in prison or in lieu of paying a fine.

The offenders perform unpaid work at approved organisations and are supervised during their community service. These customers are not considered to be in prison. A community service order is a type of Community Based Order that can be imposed by a Court.


Defence Force Reserves (DFR) + Read more ...

Defence Force Reserves can be regarded as an approved activity and may include annual training camps, programmed courses, full time or part-time work in the Defence Force.


Disability Employment Services (DES) + Read more ...

Disability Employment Services (DES) work with job seekers who have disabilities to help them gain and maintain employment.

Approved mutual obligation requirements E-W

Table 2: This table describes the types of categories and approved activities to meet mutual obligation requirements that can be undertaken by a mature age job seeker. The approved mutual obligation requirements are listed in alphabetical order from Employment to Work for the Dole. Note: some of the activities can only be approved by the employment services provider.




Employment, including paid work and self-employment (PTW/SEL) + Read more ...


Job search (JSE) + Read more ...

Employment Services Providers will determine the number of job search contacts required for a job seeker and include these in their points based target.


Language and literacy assistance + Read more ...

Customers identified as requiring assistance with language or literacy skills can be referred to the following programs:


Non-vocational mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...

Job seekers may benefit from one of the following activities that can only be approved by the provider:

  • Undertaking an assessment of their present capacity or needs by a provider or organisation
  • Drug and alcohol rehabilitation
  • Intervention - non-specific
  • Parenting skills program
  • Health maintenance program
  • Child care


Restart wage subsidy + Read more ...

The Restart wage subsidy is paid to employers that employ a mature age job seeker, who has been unemployed and on income support for 6 months or more, in a position:

  • that commenced on or after 1 July 2014
  • in which the employee works for a minimum of 15 hours per week
  • that is a sustainable, ongoing position, where the employer knows of no reasons why the job will not continue indefinitely (the employment should not be expected to end when the wage subsidy ceases)
  • in which the employer is not receiving any other government wage subsidies, with the exception of a Tasmanian Jobs Programme wage subsidy
  • that complies with minimum standards for employment as established under relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory law (including any award conditions applicable to the position)
  • that is not a commission-based, self-employment or a subcontracted position
  • that does not displace an existing employee, and
  • that will not bring the Commonwealth into disrepute

The subsidy will be delivered through Workforce Australia providers. The Resources page contains a link to information on Restart.


Study + Read more ...

Part-time or full-time study may be undertaken as an approved mutual obligation requirement, depending on the job seeker's circumstances. Part-time study may be approved with additional job search.

Only providers can approve PSW - any job seeker participating in a combination of Study and Paid Work for at least 70 hours per fortnight.


Voluntary work + Read more ...

Voluntary work is available as a voluntary mutual obligation requirement for customers who are 55 years of age or over. Voluntary work must be with an approved volunteer organisation.

Note: if the job seeker is required to attend a 'base' or like place and is participating in a work-like mutual obligation requirement for the duration of their time on call, these hours may count towards their voluntary work hours.

If the job seeker is going about their daily life, without participating in any work-like mutual obligation requirement while on call, these hours cannot be counted towards their voluntary work hours.

Centrelink and providers are able to approve Voluntary Work (VWK) and Voluntary and Paid Work (VPE) activities.


Workforce Australia - Work for the Dole (WFD) + Read more ...

Under Workforce Australia, job seekers can participate in Work for the Dole (WFD) to improve their job prospects, get valuable work experience and help their local community. Participants are entitled to a supplement when participating in WFD.