Youth Bonus Wage Subsidy (YBWS) 26 Week Suspension Period 001-17030800
External websites
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Workforce Australia - Transition to Work
Youth Bonus Wage Subsidy (YBWS) initiative managed by Workforce Australia
Examples for the YBWS 26-week suspension period
Example |
Description |
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Initial contact + Read more ... A Youth Allowance (YA) jobseeker customer has received a letter advising their payments to have been suspended. The customer contacts Services Australia to enquire about the suspension. In Process Direct, select The Service Officer tells the customer that:
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New claim needed + Read more ... A customer calls and advises they have quit their job. They say the reason for quitting was they were bullied and harassed by a colleague, however the employment separation certificate indicated they had an altercation with the supervisor. The customer should be advised they will need to lodge a new claim and the conflicting information will be investigated when the claim is assessed. The investigation will determine whether an unemployment preclusion period will be applied to the new claim. If it is decided the customer ceased work voluntarily, their payments would be cancelled from the date employment ceased and they would need to reclaim to go back on income support payments. They may be subject to an unemployment preclusion period. |
3 |
Evidence needed + Read more ... A customer calls within the 26-week suspension period and states that:
As the customer has notified within the 26-week suspension period, the payment can be restored from the date Services Australia was notified that work ceased. The leave payments received will need to be assessed for Income Maintenance Period (IMP) purposes. If the customer ceased work within the 26 weeks suspension period however did not contact us until 27 weeks, their payment would have auto-cancelled at the end of the 26 weeks. If they still require assistance and want to go back on income support, they will need to lodge a new claim. |
4 |
Customer turning twenty-two when suspended YBS and has ceased employment + Read more ... YBS suspended customers will not be picked up by the auto-benefit transfer processing as the customer is not current. The customer's payment will be cancelled AGD in these circumstances and they will have to claim Jobseeker Payment (JSP). This means YAL (JSK) customers turning twenty-two during the time they are suspended YBS will not auto-transfer to JSP and will be cancelled AGD. Once cancelled, the customer will lose the remainder of their 26-week YBS suspension and will be subject to normal cancellation rules, that is, they cannot return to payment without lodging a new claim. If a Youth Allowance (YA) customer who is turning 22 contacts to notify they have ceased employment under YBWS through no fault of their own prior to turning 22, and there is a CAN/AGD activity with a date in the future on the record the Verify Employment Separation workflow in Process Direct or the Verify Employment Separation guided procedure in Customer First cannot be used. If the date of contact is prior to the date they turn twenty-two, the customers YA can be restored via the Benefit Action (BA) screen from the date of contact. If the contact is after the date, they turned twenty-two, the customer is required to lodge a new claim. |
5 |
Customer meeting mutual obligation requirements + Read more ... A customer who is suspended YBWS contacts to advise their employer has shut down for holidays and they are on unpaid leave for 4 weeks. They ask about going back onto payment. The payment can be restored if the customer is prepared to meet their mutual obligation requirements while on leave. Once payment is restored:
The Participation Summary screen will display both the date the indicator was received from the provider, and end date of restoration of payment. If the customer indicates they are not prepared to look for work while they are off work, their payment should be cancelled as they are no longer qualified as a job seeker. Section of the Guide has more information. |
6 |
Customer's hours have reduced + Read more ... A customer is identified as eligible for the YBWS employment placement by DEWR and is employed part-time undertaking 25 hours per week. The customers Income Support Payment (ISP) status is YBS/SUS. The customer advises their hours to have reduced to 20 hours per week.
If payment is restored:
7 |
Customer reduces hours or ceases work due to full-time study - at fault + Read more ...
8 |
Customer reduces hours or ceases work due to full-time study - not at fault + Read more ...