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Citizenship testing 005-01040000

This document outlines information about the Australian citizenship test and the role of Services Australia in administering the test in a number of Services Australia locations. The test is part of the citizenship process.

On this page:

Pre-appointment checks

Service Centre Front of House streaming

Attendance at the citizenship test interview

Administering the Citizenship test 18 to 59 years (inclusive)

Completing the citizenship testing

Storage and destruction of personal and identifying information

Pre-appointment checks

Table 1




An appointment email is sent to each citizenship testing positional mailbox + Read more ...

The email will contain the Daily Attendees List, a list of all applicants expected for an appointment that day.

Access to the mailbox is for the Citizenship Service Desk and test administrators only. Test administrators must make sure they have access to their site positional mailbox and secure folder.

Staff can:

  • apply for access via the ICT Security portal, or
  • email Services Australia Citizenship testing service desk for assistance

See Resources page for links to mySupport and for information about mailbox set up.


Set up for the appointment + Read more ...

Before the first appointment

Test administrators must make sure:

  • Login ID and password is ready for use
  • iPad battery is charged, updated to the latest iOS and operating (use the practice test credentials to test the iPad)
  • camera battery is charged, operational and the SD card is inserted
  • headsets are available and ready to offer to applicants
  • Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is accessible. See the Resources page
  • Copies of the Australian citizenship appointments, Conducted by Services Australia fact sheet are printed and ready to issue to applicants

Pre- appointment administration

Open the service centre Citizenship testing positional mailbox, locate the email sent from the Department of Home Affairs that contains the Daily Attendees List.

Check the Daily Attendees List details, including:

  • Name of applicant attending. Including their:
    • age
    • date of birth
    • mobile phone number
  • Appointment date and time
  • Type of appointment:
    • Standard test, or
    • Assisted test
  • Citizenship appointment ID (for each applicant)
  • Password, used to log applicant onto the citizenship test

Note: children of the applicant are not required to attend the appointment.

The Resources page contains resource material with more information about uploading documents.

Service Centre Front of House streaming

Table 2




Customer presents at Reception + Read more ...

Reception allocates the following queue/contact type to the appointment and books the customer into the virtual wait room with the Priority Flag:

  • Queue: Appointment - F2F
  • Contact Type: Dep of Home Affairs

Use the customer's full name and mobile number when booking customer into the FoH App.


Customer Interview (CI) + Read more ...

  • CI assigns Customer in FoH App
  • CI collects the customer from the wait room and presents in the FoH App
  • CI completes requirements, see Step 2 in Table 1

After testing is complete, CI escorts the customer to the waiting area to exit the service centre.

  • CI will then return to update the FOH App and move the customer into After Work
  • CI will then complete any outstanding work and complete the appointment

If CI is not able to complete the outstanding work during the appointment they will Pause After Work for work to be actioned at a more appropriate time.


Resume After work + Read more ...

CI will resume After work for each customer when undertaking any additional work if not completed during the appointment. For example, downloading photos, finalising spreadsheets and actioning zipping files to email Department of Home Affairs.

After all work is finalised, CI completes walk-in.

Complete end of day processing. See Table 6.

Attendance at the citizenship test interview

Table 3




Meet and greet + Read more ...

Welcome the applicant and explain the appointment process.

Tell the applicant that it is a requirement that a photo is taken as part of the appointment process.

Does the applicant agree to have their photo taken?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, do not proceed:
    • Record details in the Daily Attendees List, in the Services Australia comments section
    • End the appointment. Tell the applicant the appointment cannot proceed, and the Department of Home Affairs will contact them

See Resources for links to the Quick Reference Guide (QRG) or Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for suggested script.


Request one original photo identity document + Read more ...

Ask the applicant to provide one original photo ID.


  • applicant's details
  • authenticity of the photo ID

If the applicant is changing their identity or contact details, tell the applicant to:

  • update their ImmiAccount, or
  • send an email to Department of Home Affairs Support Line

Record details of change in the Daily Attendees List, in the Services Australia comments section.

Did the applicant provide photo ID and was the photo ID verified?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, do not proceed:
    • Record details in the Daily Attendees List, in the Services Australia comments section
    • End the appointment. Tell the applicant the appointment cannot proceed, and the Department of Home Affairs will contact them

See Resources for links to the Quick Reference Guide (QRG) or Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for suggested script.


Visual comparison between photo ID and the applicant + Read more ...

When undertaking a visual comparison:

Does the applicant's identity match the photo ID?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, do not proceed. Applicant not the one pictured:
    • Record details in the Daily Attendees List, in the Services Australia comments section
    • End the appointment. Tell the applicant the appointment cannot proceed, and the Department of Home Affairs will contact them

See Resources for links to the Quick Reference Guide (QRG) or Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for suggested script.


Confirm applicant's information + Read more ...

Ask the applicant for their:

  • first name
  • last name
  • date of birth

Check with the applicant, their name is:

  • as it appears on the Daily Attendees List
  • spelt correctly, as this is how it will appear on their citizenship certificate

Record any discrepancies in the Daily Attendees List, in the Services Australia comments section.


Take applicant's photo + Read more ...

The applicant must have their photo taken in accordance with the Australian Passport Photo guidelines, Camera Operator guidelines and Facial Image capture checklist. Each location offering citizenship testing has a camera to take photographs of citizenship applicants.

The Resources page contains links to resource materials.

Administering the Citizenship test 18 to 59 years (inclusive)

Table 4




Before the test starts (applicant aged 18-59) + Read more ...

Applicants aged 16, 17 and over 60 attend their interview with the Department of Home Affairs.

The test administrator may provide help with using the iPad, by using the mouse or reading the questions aloud.

Give the applicant:

The test:

  • can be submitted when all 20 questions have been answered
  • result screen will display a 'Pass' or 'Fail' outcome

Applicants are to tell the test administrator when they have completed the test. They must not close the screen.

The test administrator must read the overall 'Pass' or 'Fail' result. Located at the bottom of the screen.


Explain test rules (applicant aged 18-59) + Read more ...

Tell the applicant:

  • There are 20 randomly generated questions, with 3 possible answers
  • They are not allowed to refer to any resources
  • Mobiles should be on silent or switched off
  • They have 45 minutes to complete the test
  • They can review their answers by moving backwards and forwards in the test
  • They need to achieve 75%, including correct answers for all 5 mandatory Australian values questions to pass the test
  • Headphones are provided, if they want to listen to the test questions
  • The test administrator can help with using the iPad. The applicant must indicate the answer they think is correct
  • Asked to stop immediately if they attempt to cheat. Do not proceed with the test
  • They need to notify when the test is completed

Note: while the applicant is taking the test, the test administrator must supervise the test and not leave the room.


Administer the test + Read more ...

To log in to the citizenship test, the test administrator must:

In the following screens:

  • Test Administrator Login:
    • Enter Logon ID and Password. These were given by the Department of Home Affairs at the completion of the training
    • Select Enter to continue.
  • Client Login:
    • Enter the applicant's Citizenship Appointment ID and Password, as provided in the Daily Attendees List
    • Select Enter to continue
  • Welcome:
    • Select Start to commence the test
  • Name Confirmation:
    • The applicant must confirm their name on the screen is correct
    • Select Submit

The test will commence after applicant has confirmed their name.

See Resources for links to the Quick Reference Guide (QRG) or Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for suggested script.


Failure to comply with the rules of the test + Read more ...

If the applicant attempts to cheat, tell the applicant to stop immediately and do not proceed with the test:

  • Tell the applicant:
    • to leave the test area
    • that the Department of Home Affairs will contact them with further instructions
  • Record details in the Daily Attendees List, in the Services Australia comments section

See Resources for links to the Quick Reference Guide (QRG) or Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for suggested script.


Test completion and results + Read more ...

After the applicant has finished the test, check if they are happy with their answers and select Submit then OK.

Once the test is submitted, for marking the Result screen will appear with a Pass or Fail outcome.

Test results

  • Pass:
    • 75% and above
    • Correctly answered the 5 values questions
    • Conclude the appointment
  • Fail:
    • 75% or more and did not answer all mandatory questions correctly
    • Below 75% and answered all mandatory questions correctly
    • Below 75% and did not answer all mandatory questions correctly

The applicant must inform the test administrator when the Test results screen appears.

The test administrator will determine if the applicant needs to resit the test, only if time permits.

The results will display on the applicant's screen, select Finish. The results will be transmitted to the Department of Home Affairs. Record the result on the Daily Attendees List under the Services Australia comments section.

If the applicant fails the test, offer a resit if time and resources permits. Applicants can sit the test a maximum of 3 times at each appointment.

Failing the citizenship test does not affect their permanent residence visa or their ability to continue living in Australia.

See Resources for a link to the Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for examples of fail screen results.

Completing the citizenship testing

Table 5




Give fact sheet to applicant + Read more ...

Thank the applicant for their time and give the applicant a copy of the Australian citizenship appointments, Conducted by Services Australia fact sheet, see Resources page.

Tell them to ring the Department of Home Affairs number, on the back of the fact sheet if they have any questions.

If the applicant fails the test:

  • First or second appointment (as indicated in their appointment letter). Tell them they will be invited by the Department of Home Affairs to attend another test appointment
  • Third appointment. Tell them the Department of Home Affairs will contact them to either schedule a new test appointment or make a decision on their application

Do not give any advice on how long it will take the Department of Home Affairs to:

  • provide a decision, or
  • when a conferral ceremony may be scheduled


End of day processing + Read more ...

Complete each column of Daily Attendees List and add an electronic signature by inserting the test administrator's name.

Compress applicants photos and the Daily Attendees List into a zip file no larger than 15,000KB or 15MB.

Reply to the appointment email from the Department of Home Affairs by close of business of the testing day, 'reply all' and attach the zip file.

See Resources, Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Quick reference Guide (QRG) for more information on how to Zip files and send a reply email to Home Affairs.

Storage and destruction of personal and identifying information

Table 6




Storing photos + Read more ...

Save the image to the folder created for the appointment day on the national secure drive. Use the following naming convention <<Given Name(s)>> <<Family Name>> - PHOTO


  • Amanda Jane BLOGS - PHOTO.jpg
  • John CITIZEN - PHOTO.jpg

See Resources for a link to Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).


Destruction of personal and identifying information + Read more ...

Test administrators must:

  • destroy all printed personal and identifying information using the secure waste bin
  • maintain a copy of all electronic documents and emails for a maximum of 90 days after the appointment date. Delete all files after 90 days
  • photos are stored on the Secure Digital (SD) card for a maximum of 7 days. Delete all photos off the SD card 7 days after the appointment date

See Resources for a link to Services Australia Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).