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Tax File Number (TFN) for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) 065-06030010

This page contains information about the requirement for a customer to provide a Tax File Number (TFN) or have a valid exemption from providing a TFN when claiming a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) or when they advise they have become partnered.

Requirement to provide a TFN

This table describes information about the requirement for a customer to provide a TFN or have a valid exemption from providing a TFN when claiming a CSHC or when they advise they have become partnered.




TFN requirement + Read more ...

Customers claiming a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) must provide their and their partner's Tax File Number (TFN) before the claim can be granted.

Where a customer's CSHC is being reviewed and/or their partner's TFN has not previously been provided, the TFN must be provided for the CSHC to remain current.

Paper files and documentation containing TFNs must be stored securely to guard against unauthorised access, use or disclosure. TFNs may need to be removed or blacked out from paper records if the records are to be sent to an external organisation or if a customer provides a document showing their TFN and Services Australia has not requested their TFN details.

If a customer loses their TFN, the agency may, after confirming Proof of Record Ownership (PoRO) disclose their TFN to them. Alternatively, the customer can visit the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website for more information.


TFN re-use provisions + Read more ...

If a customer's TFN details have already been provided for previous social security payment claims, TFN re-use provisions apply.

Note: customers who have previously claimed a family assistance payment only, and are now claiming a social security payment are exempt from these re-use provisions.

Has the customer previously claimed a social security payment, and a TFN was provided and recorded on the TFN screen?

  • Yes, the Auth: field will default to 'Y' for the customer and partner, if applicable. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 3


TFN statement + Read more ...

If the customer has provided a Notice of Assessment (NOA) with their claim form and TFN details have not been provided within the claim form, the TFN from the NOA can only be input onto the customer's computer record if the customer has been contacted and their verbal consent obtained to use the TFN for CSHC purposes. This contact must be documented on the customer's record.

The customer must not be asked to quote their TFN over the telephone. In cases where both the customer's and partner's TFN is required and both TNAs have been provided, both members of the couple must be contacted to obtain their consent. If the customer cannot be contacted by telephone, a request letter should be sent to obtain the TFN.

Has the customer completed the required TFN statement within the claim form?


Customer has given their TFN details + Read more ...

  • The customer's claim should be accepted.
  • The TFN should be recorded on the TFN Details (TFN) screen for the customer and partner, if applicable
  • Go to Step 7


Customer has not supplied their TFN details + Read more ...

In limited circumstances some customers may have a valid reason for exemption from supplying their TFN for CSHC. In these cases one of the following exemption codes can be coded:

  • 'DIS' (Natural Disaster Zone)
  • 'PDP' (Profoundly disabled person)
  • 'PNH' (Person in Nursing Home)
  • 'PPI' (Person in Psychiatric Institution)
  • 'CAT' (TFN request from ATO via agency)

This code is used where the customer/partner has applied for a TFN using one of the applicable Tax File Number Applications or Enquiry forms (NAT 1432, NAT 1589 or NAT 2628).

Note: the code 'GRA' (Grace period applied) must not be used for CSHC claims.

Where the customer has not supplied the required TFN details because they do not have a TFN or do not know their TFN details, the ATO can be authorised to provide these details.

For customers attending a service centre who have a TFN that has not been updated on their record, and do not know what their TFN is, advise the customer to visit the ATO website for more information on retrieving their TFN and provide it in writing to the agency. For contact details, see Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

The References page contains examples of how to assess requests for exemptions from providing TFNs. Note: the ATO does not assess exemptions from providing TFNs to Services Australia.

Issue a formal request to the customer/partner to complete and return, within 28 days, a Tax File Number Application or Enquiry form:

  • NAT 1432 - for Australian residents
  • NAT 1589 - for Aboriginals or Torres Strait Islanders
  • NAT 2628 - for a non-resident of Australia for tax purposes

Has the Tax File Number Application or Enquiry form (NAT 1432, NAT 1589 or NAT 2628) been returned within 28 days?


Customer has returned Tax File Number Application or Enquiry form (NAT 1432, NAT 1589 or NAT 2628) within 28 days + Read more ...

On the day of receipt of the completed Tax File Number Application ensure that:

  • the 'office use only' section has been completed
  • the application is signed and dated by the applicant
  • the customer has correctly completed (if required):
    • date of birth
    • family name if a partner is specified
    • postal and home address, and
    • Question 2 authorising the release of the TFN to Services Australia

Service Officers should complete as much of the 'office use only' section as possible, including details of ATO POI sighted. Documents accepted by the argency but not accepted by the ATO should not be listed.

See Requesting a Tax File Number (TFN) for:

  • an attachment containing a list of approved ATO POI documents and coding instructions
  • information about completing the 'office use only' block

Customer does not have required POI

If the customer does not have the POI required by the ATO, they should be asked if it is available to them. Remember that a recent bank statement with the customer's name and address on it or a driver's licence, are both acceptable documents. If necessary, the form should be returned to the customer with a request for them to bring it back with all required ATO documents. Alternatively, the customer may apply for a TFN through the ATO direct.

Where a customer genuinely does not have sufficient POI to meet ATO requirements, for example, homelessness, staff should provide detailed notes in the Notes section of the TFN application and attach copies of all available POI to the form.

  • Send the application to the ATO TFN processing address, see Australian Taxation Officer (ATO) - tax file numbers
  • Record the exemption reason code 'CAT' (TFN request from ATO) on the TFN screen
  • The TFN will be provided by the ATO within 28 days and will be automatically updated. Procedure ends here


Record the TFN details + Read more ...

  • Go to the TFN screen and code the following fields:
    • the customer's TFN in the TFN: field
    • record the Source: and DOR: and press [Enter]
  • The Auth: field will default to 'Y'
  • If the customer has a partner, repeat the above steps for their TFN details
  • If the customer is:
    • claiming CSHC, go to Step 8
    • providing their partner's TFN following notification of commencing a relationship, go to Step 9


Continue to process the claim + Read more ...

See Assessing Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) claims for further information. Procedure ends here.


Provision of TFN when partner's TFN is supplied following notification of commencing a relationship + Read more ...

  • Go to the TFN screen and code the following fields:
    • the customer's TFN in the TFN: field
    • record the Source: and DOR: and press [Enter]
  • The Auth: field will default to 'Y'
  • Complete the activity