Aged Care – fees and charges 065-19103017
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Aged care
Aged Care means assessments
Medicare and Aged Care - Local Peer Support (LPS)
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Aged Care Fee Calculator
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Aged care fees worksheet 20/03/2025
Aged care fees worksheet 20/09/2024
Aged care fees worksheet 01/07/2024
Aged care fees worksheet 20/03/2024
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Aged care fees worksheet 20/09/2020
Aged care fees worksheet 01/09/2020
Aged care fees worksheet 01/07/2020
Aged care fees worksheet 20/03/2020
Aged care fees worksheet 20/09/2019
Aged care fees worksheet 01/07/2019
Aged care fees worksheet 20/03/2019
Aged care fees worksheet 01/01/2019
Aged care fees worksheet 20/09/2018
Aged care fees worksheet 01/07/2018
Aged care fees worksheet 20/03/2018
Aged care fees worksheet 01/01/2018
Aged care fees worksheet 20/09/2017
Aged care fees worksheet 01/07/2017
Aged care fees worksheet 20/03/2017
Aged care fees worksheet 01/01/2017
Aged care fees worksheet 20/09/2016
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Aged care fees worksheet 20/03/2016
Aged care fees worksheet 01/01/2016
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Aged care fees worksheet 01/07/2015
Aged care fees worksheet 20/03/2015
Aged care fees worksheet 20/09/2014
Aged care fees worksheet 01/07/2014
External websites
Department of Health and Aged Care - AN-ACC Q&As
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Department of Health and Aged Care - AN-ACC Q&As
FAQs - calculating fees and charges
Table 1
Item |
Questions and answers |
1 |
What are the allowable income amounts for means assessment purposes? There are different allowable income amounts depending on the care recipient's marital status at the date of effect of the assessment. The aged care allowable income amount is made up of:
The pension rates for a single person (as at 20 September 2019) are:
The allowable income amount is $850.40 + $68.90 + $174.00 - $37.00 = $1,056.30 per fortnight. The pension rates for a partnered person (as at 20 September 2019) are:
The allowable income amount is $641.00 + $51.90 + $308.00 - $27.90 = $973.00 per fortnight. The pension rates for a member of an illness separated couple (as at 20 September 2019) are:
The allowable income amount is $850.40 + $68.90 + $308.00 - $37.00 = $1,190.30 per fortnight. |
2 |
How do I calculate the daily means tested care fee (MTCF)? The daily MTCF is determined by comparing the MTCF daily amount in excess of the maximum accommodation supplement ($54.39 as at 20 September 2016) up to the cost of care subsidy per day. For example, if the MTCF daily amount is $80.00 and the maximum accommodation supplement is $54.39 and the care subsidy is $30.00, the fee calculation is: $80.00 - $54.39 = $25.61 As $25.61 is less than the subsidised cost of care ($30.00), the daily MTCF the care recipient pays is $25.61. Note: the MTCF amount can vary after entering residential care if the care recipient's circumstances or the value of their income or assets changes. |
3 |
What is the date of event (DOV) for means test assessments? The date of event (DOV) is the date used to calculate aged care fees and charges for care recipients and can vary depending on the situation. |
4 |
What determines whether a care recipient will pay an accommodation payment or an accommodation contribution (low means or not low means)? The means assessment determines the care recipient's 'daily means tested amount'. If a care recipient's daily means tested amount at entry is less than the maximum accommodation supplement rate ($57.49 as of 20 September 2019), they are low means and will not pay an accommodation payment. Instead, they pay an accommodation contribution of up to $57.49 per day (equal to their daily means tested amount). If the daily means tested amount at entry is over the maximum accommodation supplement rate of $57.49 per day, the care recipient is not low means and pays an accommodation payment (Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD), or a combination of a smaller RAD and a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)). |
5 |
What is an ACFI? The Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) is a tool used by aged care providers to determine a care recipient’s level of care needs. The assessed level of care determines the government subsidy paid to the aged care service for providing care to the resident. An ACFI:
There are 3 funding categories aligned to the assessment of care required:
Each of these categories has 4 funding levels:
For example, a care recipient’s may have been assessed using the ACFI as:
Based on ACFI subsidy rates from 1 July 2019, the assessed cost of care is:
6 |
How does an ACFI affect the MTCF? Although based on income and assets, the means tested care fee (MTCF) is also limited by the 'cost of care' based on a care recipient's Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) assessment. A care recipient cannot pay more than the applicable funding for their assessed level of care. For example:
As at 1 July 2019, a subsidy of $57.819 per day is paid to aged care providers for new care recipients with an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) approval, until an ACFI is submitted. Services Australia adjusts and backdates payments to providers when they receive the ACFI. |
7 |
What is a standard resident? A Standard resident is a resident who is neither a Protected resident, Phased resident nor a Non-Standard resident. |
8 |
What is a protected resident? A Protected resident must have been in permanent care or on pre-entry leave at any time in the 28 days prior to 20 September 2009 and not subsequently discharged from care for more than 28 days and not be:
9 |
What is a phased resident? Certain residents who entered permanent care for the first time between 20 September 2009 and 19 March 2013 inclusive were Phased residents for daily fee purposes. From 20 March 2013, all existing Phased residents are Standard residents for daily fee purposes. Residents who entered care on or after 20 March 2013 are Standard residents only. |
10 |
What is a non-standard resident? A Non-Standard resident must be a pre-2008 reform resident, meaning they entered permanent care before 20 March 2008 and have not subsequently been discharged from care for more than 28 continuous days and not have a dependent child, and:
Fees and Subsidies by Scheme and Resident Status
Table 2: Care recipient aged care fees and service provider subsidy and supplements by resident status.
Scheme |
Resident Status |
Fees and Charges |
Subsidies and Supplements (subject to eligibility criteria) |
1997-2005 Residential Care |
Concessional (determined by service provider) |
BDF – Basic Daily Fee / Basic Daily Care Fee |
ITF – Income Tested Fee |
ITSR – Income Tested Subsidy Reduction |
Accommodation Bond |
N/A |
Accommodation Charge |
Concessional Supplement |
1.7.2005 Residential Care |
BDF – Basic Daily Fee / Basic Daily Care Fee |
ITF – Income Tested Fee |
ITSR – Income Tested Subsidy Reduction |
Accommodation Bond |
N/A |
Accommodation Charge |
Concessional Supplement |
20.3.2008 Residential Care |
BDF – Basic Daily Fee / Basic Daily Care Fee |
BDF Supplement |
ITF – Income Tested Fee |
ITSR – Income Tested Subsidy Reduction |
Accommodation Bond |
N/A |
Accommodation Charge |
Accommodation Supplement |
1.7.2014 Home Care |
N/A |
BDF – Basic Daily Fee / Basic Daily Care Fee |
ITF – Income Tested Fee ITCF – Income Tested Care Fee MTF – Means Tested Fee (ACMPS displays) |
ITSR – Income Tested Subsidy Reduction |
1.7.2014 Residential Care |
Low Means |
BDF – Basic Daily Fee / Basic Daily Care Fee |
BDF Supplement (commenced 2012) |
DAC – Daily Accommodation Contribution MTC – Means Testing Contribution ACC CONT – Accommodation Contribution (SPARC display) |
MTAS – Means Tested Accommodation Supplement |
RAC – Refundable Accommodation Contribution (lump sum) Accommodation Payment |
MTAS – Means Tested Accommodation Supplement |
MTCF – Means Tested Care Fee (with change in circumstances) MTF – Means Tested Fee (with change in circumstance |
MTSR – Means Tested Subsidy Reduction |
Not Low Means |
BDF – Basic Daily Fee / Basic Daily Care Fee |
BDF Supplement |
MTCF – Means Tested Care Fee MTF – Means Tested Fee |
MTSR – Means Tested Subsidy Reduction |
RAD – Refundable Accommodation Deposit (lump sum) Accommodation Payment |
N/A |
DAP – Daily Accommodation Payment |
N/A |
Note: hardship supplements apply to Residential Respite Care and Permanent Residential Care and from 1 July 2014 for Home Care. The supplements include the Hardship Supplement and the Hardship Accommodation Supplement.
Operations team – escalation form
Aged Care Programmes - Operations team Escalation Form
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