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Recording information in the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) 065-25013019

This document outlines the standards that apply to recording information not captured elsewhere in the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP).

When information must be recorded

While not every interaction needs to be recorded, there are circumstances when information received from or given to a provider will need to be documented. This documented information builds a history of advice and actions taken when interacting with providers.

When a Service Officer obtains relevant information that cannot be recorded using any other method or screen, it must be recorded in a Note.

Details of contacts

When a service provider contacts there may be a need for follow up now or in the future. If the follow up reason is not obvious from other information on the provider or care recipients ACSP record, the details of who, what and where must be recorded in a Note.

Record details of a contact after discussions with a provider if:

  • they are unhappy with advice or the result of an assessment
  • they are likely to make a complaint, including complaints to the Ombudsman's office or Department of Health and Aged Care (DOHAC)
  • there are payment affecting impacts, for example an event related to a care recipient in their care
  • the discussion was about eligibility for a payment or supplement

Information not to be recorded

Care recipients have the right to request specific information relating to their own record under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. When recording information, consider that the care recipient may request to read their information.

It is inappropriate to record:

  • a Services Australia staff member’s name and location
  • Medicare card numbers
  • judgemental statements or personal opinions about the customer or their situation
  • information not mindful of FOI and privacy
  • information that is not relevant to an activity, or decision
  • information of a sensitive or personal nature, for example sensitive information of a medical or personal nature, including medical abbreviations
  • unapproved abbreviations including use of text language
  • abusive or offensive language - interactions deemed as aggressive or counterproductive behaviour should be reported to a Team Leader

Note: this is not an exhaustive list. Staff must apply appropriate judgement when deciding what information to record in a Note. If unsure, seek advice from Medicare and Aged Care - Local Peer Support (LPS).

Recording information in ACSP

Service notes

Service notes should be recorded when a provider contacts regarding claims or payments. See Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) – Service in Context.

Care recipient notes

Care recipient notes should be recorded when a provider contacts regarding an individual care recipient. See Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) – Care Recipient in Context (CRiC).

The Resources page contains intranet links for Freedom of Information and privacy.

Quality standards in service delivery

Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) – Service in Context

Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) – Care Recipient in Context (CRiC)

Quality standards in service delivery

Privacy incidents