This document explains the job seeker principal carer exceptional circumstances exemption review Service Update. This process is to assess if a principal carer job seeker can now meet their mutual obligation requirements or needs a further exemption period. The Service Update includes the following Service Components:
212 Exceptional Circs Exemption Update
255 Exceptional Circs Exemption Update (Remote)
On this page:
Finding participation exemption reviews and booking appointments
Conducting participation exemption review
Finding participation exemption reviews and booking appointments
Table 1: this table outlines how to assess if a principal carer job seeker still needs a Parenting Exceptional Circumstance exemption or is able to meet their mutual obligation requirements.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Principal carer exceptional circumstances exemption review Service Update + Read more ...
These include the following Service Components:
212 Exceptional Circs Exemption Update
The selection of job seekers is done automatically by the system to start the process.
The system automatically books an appointment in the Centrelink Appointment System.
Selected job seekers can be identified by searching for Service Component ID 212 with a status 'STA' (Started), go to Table 2.
255 Exceptional Circs Exemption Update (Remote)
The selection of remote job seeker needs to be done manually to start the process.
Job seekers are identified by searching for Service Component ID 255 with a status 'NST' (Not Started).
To start a Participation Exemption Review for remote customers, go to Step 2.
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Search for the Service Update + Read more ...
To locate Principal Carer job seekers selected for a Participation Exemption Review, code the following fields on the Service Component National Search (PQNS) screen in Customer First:
Service Component ID: enter ‘255’
Status: enter ‘NST’ - not started
Area/CSC: enter appropriate code and select Search
Search Results will display the number of principal carer job seekers that match the search criteria
Select the environment with principal carer job seekers listed
Service Component Search (PQCS) screen will display with search criteria
Select Continue
Enter ‘S’ elect next to each Customer CRN (up to a maximum of 15 can be selected at one time)
Select Continue
Service Strategy (PQSS) screen will display
Go to Step 3.
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Starting the Service Component + Read more ...
Start the Service Component by updating the status of the Manually Schedule Contact Service Action:
Record an ‘X’ in the field to the left of Exceptional Circs Exemption Update (Remote) (255)
Record an 'I' in the field to the left of the Service Action - Manually Schedule Contact
Change the status from not started 'NST' to completed 'COM'
Code Source: and DOR: fields
Select Continue and go to Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise to activity
The Service Component status on the PQSS screen will display as started ('STA')
Go to Step 4.
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Manually book an appointment + Read more ...
Manually book an appointment in Customer First using the Book and Manage Appointments in Workspace. See Booking appointments in the Centrelink Appointment System.
Complete all the required information, including:
Appointment Type: Post Exemption Review Appt
Appointment Channel: preferred option is Phone:
Face to face interviews may be required if the job seeker has no phone contact details recorded
If a remote job seeker has no contact details, consider referring them to the Remote Servicing Team. For Remote Servicing Customer Referrals option, see the Resources page.
Service Reason: select appropriate payment type from the drop down field
On this day: at least 14 days into the future for online letters or at least 29 days into the future for notification by mail
Once an appointment is booked, the Centrelink Appointment System sends a letter to the customer.
Procedure ends here.
Conducting participation exemption review
Table 2: this table describes how to contact the job seeker, manage appointment attendance, conduct the review and assess if a principal carer job seeker requires an Exceptional Circumstance exemption or is required to meet their mutual obligation requirements.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Type of appointment booked + Read more ...
Is the Principal carer exceptional circumstances review being conducted as a:
2 |
Issuing the pre-call SMS + Read more ...
Attempt to contact the job seeker at the scheduled appointment time. If they have a SMS preference recorded, send them a pre-call SMS to before calling. See Centrelink letters online and Electronic Messaging.
If unable to contact the job seeker on the first attempt, try again approximately 15 minutes later. Two genuine contact attempts must be made.
Go to Step 3.
3 |
Preparing for Interview + Read more ...
Check the job seeker's record to determine their circumstances and the reason for their exemption.
The exceptional circumstances exemption reason is granted to principal carer job seekers where:
the job seeker is unable to meet their mutual obligation requirements, and
no other exemption fits their circumstances
Examples of when this exemption would be granted include:
sick children
exceptional personal crisis associated with a relationship breakdown where family and domestic violence is not involved
caring for a frail, aged or disabled person (but not eligible for Carer Allowance or Carer Payment)
overseas and recently returned to Australia
caring for children during school holidays or before starting school
major personal disruption to the customer's home
jury duty
being a refugee
undertaking a Community Service Order for more than 20 hours per week
volunteering during a state or national emergency
a temporary absence from Australia, or
job seekers whose livelihood is affected by drought where they would meet the criteria for Farm Household Allowance
For more details, see Exempting a job seeker from mutual obligation requirements due to special circumstances.
Go to Step 4.
4 |
Contact job seeker to conduct interview + Read more ...
Has the job seeker attended the appointment?
5 |
Did Not Attend (DNA) process + Read more ...
If the job seeker fails to attend the appointment Service Officers must check if:
they have lodged any new evidence to extend exemption, go to Step 8
they are fully meeting their mutual obligations requirements through an approved activity, go to Step 9
they are referred to an Employment Service Provider, go to Step 9
none of the above apply, consider if the job seeker’s payment should be suspended, go to Step 6
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Suspension of payment following DNA + Read more ...
Finalise the appointment
In Customer First, from Quick Links:
Select Appointments > Book and Manage Appointments
Select and highlight the appointment details
Select Did Not Attend
Select Finish
For more information, see Complete and finalise appointment in the Centrelink Appointment System.
Before suspending, check that it is appropriate to do so. For information about factors to consider, see Suspension of payments (CLK).
When considering whether to suspend payment, take into account:
the existence and type of any vulnerability and its impact on the job seeker's capacity to comply
barriers to participation for indigenous job seekers (where job seeker identifies as indigenous)
any recent events (as documented) that may impact on the job seekers capacity to comply
any other known factors that may indicate the job seeker was unable to comply, or had a reasonable excuse for not doing so
if referral to a specialist officer such as Social Worker, Indigenous Services Officer or Multicultural Services Officer is appropriate
Appropriate to suspend payment + Read more ...
If it is appropriate to manually suspend a job seeker Failing to attend (FAI) their appointment.
In Customer First:
Code the suspension in the relevant system (for example, PEN or NSS)
Go to Benefit Action (BA) screen
Service Reason: select appropriate payment type from the drop down field
Action: Suspend
Reason: FAI - Fail to attend Interview
Effect Date: enter the date the customer failed to attend appointment
Source: select relevant source
Receipt Date: date the information was recorded
Select Submit Change and go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
Create a DOC to record the decision to suspend:
Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason
Update the relevant Fast Note fields as required
Select the Link to existing activity option in the Document Completion field. If multiple started activities exist on the job seekers record, select the appropriate activity from the drop down list to link the Fast Note DOC
Include details of the reason for suspension - Failed to attend appointment on <date>. Attempts to contact the job seeker were made at <time> and <time>
Record the Date of Event and Date of Effect fields
Include the follow-up action required if the customer contacts - Service Officer needs to book a Post Exemption Review Appt for job seeker to attend
Advise if contact with the agency is required before payment can be restored or if Smart Centre Telephony staff can restore the payment
Select Continue to complete the Fast Note. The DOC will be attached to the started suspension activity on the AL screen
Select and finalise the started activity on the AL screen
Procedure ends here
Not appropriate to suspend payment + Read more ...
Issue a Q164 letter asking the customer to contact Services Australia:
They have 14 days to respond after they receive the letter
Add extra days to allow time for mail delivery
Hold the work item until the Q164 response due date + 1 day
For example, If a customer living in a major city was issued a Q164 on 2 July (day 0), the response due date will be 25 July (day 23). Set the Hold expiry date to 25 July, this will ensure the activity is allocated for action on 26 July
Reasons for not suspending must be clearly documented on the job seeker's record
If the job seeker has no or incorrect contact details, create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC and include:
why the job seeker has been requested to contact
the action to take if they do contact - Service Officer needs to review the job seekers contact details and book a Post Exemption Review Appt for job seeker to attend
Procedure ends here.
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At the appointment + Read more ...
If the job seeker has limited English language skills and their preferred language has been recorded, consider engaging an interpreter. See Interpreter Services.
Discuss the job seeker's current circumstances. Determine if an exemption is still appropriate.
Does the exemption still apply?
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Exemption still required + Read more ...
If it is deemed appropriate, code an exemption in Process Direct.
In the job seeker's record, key 'AEX' in the Super Key and select [Enter]
The Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) will display
Select Add icon in the top right corner of the Manual Activity and Exemptions table
The Create manual activity/exemption screen will display
Complete the Activity Type, Start date, End date and select Save
Complete the Receipt Date, Channel and Service Reason fields and select Save
Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
Select Assess again and then select Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
Select Finalise to complete the transaction
Tell the job seeker they will be booked another appointment when their exemption period is due to expire to discuss their circumstances.
Go to Step 10.
9 |
Negotiating a Job Plan + Read more ...
Job seekers are required to enter into a Job Plan at the end of their exemption period with either Services Australia or their Employment Services Provider.
Outline part-time mutual obligation requirements for principal carers
Discuss options to meet their mutual obligation requirements:
actively seeking work (for job seekers)
working 15 hours or more per week
studying 15 hours or more per week
joining a program or starting study
a combination of paid work and studying 15 hours or more per week
a combination of self-employment and studying 15 hours or more per week
voluntary work of 15 hours or more per week, if appropriate
Principal carer job seekers fully meeting mutual obligation requirements, for example, through 30 hours per fortnight of paid work and/or approved study are Centrelink managed and do not need to be connected to a provider. However, they may volunteer to be connected to employment services:
If the job seeker is not fully meeting requirements and not already connected with a provider, or if they volunteer to access employment services, register them as a Fully Eligible Participant (FEP):
In Process Direct, select
> Participation Summary > Job seeker registration & provider referral information > Start job seeker registration
If they are provider managed the provider will negotiate a Job Plan
Explain their compliance and reporting requirements
Tell the job seeker of other support available
Go to Step 10
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Complete the Service Profiling Update + Read more ...
Complete the exceptional circumstance exemption Service Update.
In Customer First, if the exceptional circumstance exemption service update was:
completed via a booked appointment:
Launch the Service Profiling Update workflow via CRN/BP: > APPOINTMENTS Tab
Select Execute option for the Exemption Rvw Appt
not completed via a booked appointment:
Launch the Service Profiling Update workflow via the Customer First Workspace
Select Exceptional Circumstance Exemption Review
Select Next
Complete the question set
Select Finish
This will automatically update the status of the Service Component and the appointment (if booked) to COM (completed). Note: when the Service Component is completed, it cannot be restarted
Document all the interview information, use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Jobseekers > Update > Service Profiling Update Appointment
Complete any outstanding activities if required