Principal carer exceptional circumstances review 102-01130050
This document explains the job seeker principal carer exceptional circumstances exemption review Service Update. This process is to assess if a principal carer job seeker can now meet their mutual obligation requirements or needs a further exemption period. The Service Update includes the following Service Components:
- 212 Exceptional Circs Exemption Update
- 255 Exceptional Circs Exemption Update (Remote)
Exemption review Service Update
When a principal carer job seeker is granted an exceptional circumstance exemption, a start and end date is recorded. The principal carer exceptional circumstance exemption review Service Update will be generated by the system, before the exemption period ends.
The system will automatically book a phone appointment for non-remote job seekers within 21 days of their exemption expiring. This does not apply to remote job seekers.
During the phone appointment, review the job seeker’s current circumstances to determine if the exemption is still appropriate. Reasons for exemption might include:
- major personal disruption to the job seeker's home
- major personal crisis
- jury duty
- being a refugee
- volunteering during a state or national emergency
- a temporary absence from Australia
Family and domestic violence is covered under Social Worker Exemption Reviews.
The process and the actions involved are outlined in the relevant Service Profiling Update Workflow.
Job seekers selected for a principal carer exceptional circumstances exemption review Service Update may be identified by:
- searching for started (STA) Service Components (ID No. 212 or 255) using the Service Component Search (PQCS) and Service Component National Search (PQNS) screens, or
- service update activities showing on the Worklist in Work Optimiser
The Resources page contains a link to the Remote Servicing Customer Referrals intranet page.
Related links
Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers
Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans
Approved activities for principal carers
Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) (Transition to Work)
Mutual obligation requirements exemptions
Exempting a job seeker from mutual obligation requirements due to special circumstances
Managing compliance with compulsory requirements
The Service Strategy (PQSS) screen
Service Component Search (PQCS) and Service Component National Search (PQNS) screens
Shared care for social security payments