Returning to the permanent home when in receipt of the Away from Home rate of ABSTUDY 102-03010130
This document outlines what happens when an ABSTUDY customer has returned to their permanent home when in receipt of the Away from Home rate.
Temporary return to the permanent home
To keep receiving the Away from Home rate, the customer must have returned home:
- to undertake a part of their course (for example, practical training) for up to one term/semester (depending on the structure of the course)
- during a vacation period, (secondary students only)
- during a vacation period and continue to maintain their secondary location residence (secondary non-schooling, tertiary students or Australian Apprentice), or
- for a short visit (for example, a weekend visit)
If the customer has not returned for a valid reason, their eligibility for ABSTUDY and/or Rent Assistance (RA) may be affected.
Permanent return to the permanent home
To ensure ongoing entitlement to ABSTUDY:
- if they a student, they must continue to meet their obligations under the study requirements for ABSTUDY
- if they are an Australian Apprentice. their Commonwealth registration number must remain current in relation to their Australian Apprenticeship
Their rate of payment and entitlement to Rent Assistance (RA) will be reviewed. Where applicable the customer's independent status will also be reviewed.
If a parent/guardian has been receiving FTB for the customer:
- FTB will cease to be paid for the customer if they are receiving ABSTUDY at home rate
- FTB may still be payable for the customer if they are continuing in full-time secondary study and they are no longer receiving ABSTUDY
Secondary boarding students
A secondary boarding student, who is in receipt of the Away from Home rate of ABSTUDY, may have an arrangement where they do not live on campus 100% of the time. They may reside at their permanent home for a few days each week. Away from Home entitlements can continue to be paid as long as the student boards for a minimum of 4 days per week.
Independent customers
A customer who is approved for independent status is not in receipt of the 'Away from Home' rate of payment. They will receive a higher rate of allowance that is determined by whether they live in, or away from the parental home. An independent customer who returns to the parental home will require a review of independence for ABSTUDY.
Related links
Away from Home rate for ABSTUDY
Cessation of the ABSTUDY Away from Home rate
Parents moving in with ABSTUDY or Youth Allowance (YA) customer
Changes which may affect the Parental Income Test (PIT)