Study and training requirements for ABSTUDY 010-02080000
This document outlines the study and training requirements for ABSTUDY. This includes course approval, study load concessions and the ABSTUDY activity test.
Study requirements
Students may receive ABSTUDY if they are enrolled in and studying an approved course. They must also be:
- studying full-time (undertaking at least 75 per cent of the normal full-time study load of the course) or
- receiving an approved study load concession
Secondary school students must participate in full-time study. This includes full daily program attendance. If they have more than 5 unapproved absences from school in a term, they may need to enter into an ABSTUDY Activity Agreement (ABAA).
In terms of attendance, tertiary and secondary non-schooling students simply need to meet the education provider's course requirements.
See Assessing study load requirements.
The Process page provides common study requirement procedures. They are grouped according to the student's situation.
Student changes from full-time to part-time studies
Where a student changes from full-time to part-time studies, ABSTUDY may remain payable in certain circumstances.
The Resources page has a table describing what full-time study load requirements are for different students.
Home schooling arrangements for ABSTUDY
ABSTUDY annual board, tuition and scholarship details
Defining level of study for special schools
Eligibility for student payments when enrolled in Open Universities Australia
Approval of a course as full-time or part-time for ABSTUDY
Defining levels of tertiary study
Approved short courses and student payment eligibility
Approved non-high school secondary study
Approved distance education/external study
Effect of late starting courses of study on continuing payments for ABSTUDY
Effect of articulated short courses of study on continuing payment
Student intending to undertake a course at Honours level
Assessing study load requirements
Determining progress and duration of assistance for ABSTUDY
Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study
Determining minimum (normal) time for a course of study
Effect of concurrent secondary and Vocational Education and Training studies on student payments
Exemptions from study for ABSTUDY
Payment of ABSTUDY when a student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated
Assessing study load concessions for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)
Increasing study load for ABSTUDY students102-07020160
Decreasing study load for ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)
Customer no longer an Australian Apprentice
Payment of ABSTUDY when a student is deferring or discontinuing study before the end of the course
Proof of enrolment (POE) in a course of study
Study exemptions for ABSTUDY and Activity Test exemptions for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA)
Effect of school-based apprenticeships on student payments
Referrals to Course Assessment and Liaison Officers (CALOs)
Changing or correcting course of study and/or educational provider for ABSTUDY students
Coding ABSTUDY education details
Related links
Study requirements for ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)