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Eligibility for student payments when enrolled in Open Universities Australia 010-07010130

This document outlines information regarding Open Universities Australia (OUA) including enrolment practices, study loads and course approvals.

Open Universities Australia

Open Universities Australia (OUA) courses may be undertaken with one or more of approximately 30 higher education providers.

The Open Learning Agency of Australia was formed in 1991, becoming Open Universities Australia in 2005. OUA acts as a broker of distance education in conjunction with a number of universities. Prior to 2014, OUA also delivered Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses, however these courses are now conducted by the Open Training Institute.

Students must be recorded as an OUA student on their Centrelink record, even though they receive the qualification from the host education provider. This is particularly important for Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI) reviews.

All OUA courses have various study options and their study materials can be delivered in 4 ways:

  • Online Only - all content, activities, assessments and support services are provided online
  • Web dependent - most of their materials are provided online, with some supplementary materials delivered in other modes, such as print or CD. There could also be some face-to-face involvement
  • Web supplemented - most of their materials are available in print, on CD or DVD, or on audio and video tapes. However, internet access is still required to communication and research
  • Print only - all content, activities and assessments are provided using printed materials, however support services can be contacted by email

Note: Open Universities Australia should not be confused with the generic term 'open learning', which simply means external study. Open Universities Australia is a form of open learning.

Eligibility for student payments

To be eligible for Austudy, Youth Allowance (YA) (student), ABSTUDY or Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), a student must be enrolled in and undertaking a sufficient workload in an approved course at an approved institution. OUA is an approved institution for student payment purposes, but not all of its courses are approved. Whilst all of their undergraduate courses are approved, not all Masters level courses offered are approved. If the student is undertaking a Masters course, the National Course Approvals sub-site should be checked to determine of the course is approved.


There are specific closing dates for ABSTUDY claims for students studying with OUA.

If a student first applies for ABSTUDY in a particular OUA study period, the closing date for the ABSTUDY claim is the last day of that study period, unless extenuating circumstances apply. See Intent to claim and vulnerable customers.

For details of the study period dates, see the National Course Approvals sub-site. A link can be found on the Resources page.

Enrolment structure and course selection

From 1 July 2021 to qualify for student payments the customer must be enrolled in units of study which:

  • equal a full time, or approved concessional, study load, and
  • contribute to a single approved course of study

Customers must nominate a single course of study to be eligible for a student payment. The course details are required to determine:

  • satisfactory progress or allowable time for the course
  • if the student undertaking full time study requirements are being met

Prior to 1 July 2021, OUA students did not need to be enrolled in units of study that contributed to a single approved course of study. Providing students were enrolled full-time (or in an approved concessional study load), customers could qualify for a student payment.

Note: students enrolled through OUA are assessed as studying at OUA and not the partner education provider. Rare exceptions may occur and these will be identified on the National Course Approvals sub-site under Open Universities Australia. Only units that form part of their nominated award can be included for workload purposes.

Study periods and coding education details

Many OUA students do not undertake their entire course at OUA and a significant number only complete one study period. For this reason, only one study period at a time should be recorded on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First, unless the student has provided proof of enrolment indicating enrolment in more than one consecutive study period.

OUA students will be issued a Course End Date review letter 28 days prior to their Student End Date. This review will provide the customer the opportunity to extend their studies to the end of the next study period if required. See End of course reviews for students.

Note: a 'study period' at OUA can be any single period of enrolment including a semester or session, which OUA refers to broadly as 'study terms'. Terminology differs due to the various dates and names for study periods across education providers.

If a student does not supply proof of enrolment in more than one study period, the student must only be recorded as being enrolled in one study period at a time. This is to minimise any potential overpayments for students who decide not to continue. Students who are recorded as studying one period at any time will receive a course end date letter 28 days prior to the end of the study period. If the student is studying in the next study period, they must respond to the course end date letter so their payments can be assessed appropriately for the subsequent study period. Students should be encouraged to use the Manage study details online option to provide further enrolment details to the agency.

Determining study load

The enrolment structure will determine whether a student is considered full time for student payment purposes. A student who enrols in a course which is offered over 4 standard study periods per year is considered full time if they are enrolled in at least 2 units per study period. This is equal to 0.250 Equivalent Full Time Study Load (EFTSL) in each study period.

Customers studying at OUA may be eligible for an assessment under aggregation requirements, where the student is enrolled in 2 or more consecutive study periods. See Assessing study load requirements.

Note: a 'study period' at OUA can be any single period of enrolment including a semester or session, which OUA refers to broadly as 'study terms'. Terminology differs due to the various dates and names for study periods across education providers.

Some courses are offered over 3 study periods. Where the third study period is optional, care must be taken to ensure customers continue to meet the student undertaking full time study requirements. Unless a concessional study load applies, to meet the requirements customers must be enrolled, and undertaking study with an EFTSL of at least:

  • 0.750 over the year, or
  • 0.375 each study period

Masters courses

Masters courses delivered by OUA are not automatically approved courses for Services Australia payments for students. Service Officers must check the National Course Approvals sub-site in all cases. If any doubt exists about the subjects being undertaken in the course, check details with the customer or check the OUA website. A link can be found on the Resources page.

Approved Masters degrees delivered through OUA will be displayed under the University awarding the Master's degree.

Concurrent study

Study with OUA may sometimes be used by a student as part of the requirements for a course at another education provider and vice versa. See Effect on student payments of enrolment in more than one course or at more than one educational institution, for further information.

Continuing/intending students

There is no break, or holiday, between OUA study periods offered at some universities. Staff will need to check the study period dates for students who are on a break to ensure there are no current study periods available for enrolment. In order to be considered a continuing/intending student during a break, the student must be enrolled in the next available study period in which a unit is offered that can contribute to their award.

If a student is studying via study periods where there is a break between periods, they may be considered a continuing student during their break.

Relocation Scholarship

As OUA standard study periods are broken down into 4, Relocation Scholarship may still be payable if the student meets all scholarship qualification requirements and remains in full-time study in the approved scholarship course 35 days after the course commenced.

The Resources page contains a link to the Open Universities Australia website, a list of OUA partner and codes and information about study load when enrolled at Open Universities Australia. It also contains a link to the National Course Approvals sub-site.

Approved correspondence/external study

Approved courses of study for Centrelink administered payments for students