Decreasing study load for ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) 102-07020190
This document outlines the process when a customer changes their study load from full-time to a part-time or concessional study load and they are receiving ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES.
Study requirements
ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES students are required to be undertaking a full-time or concessional study load in an approved course. A student who is undertaking at least 75% of the normal full-time study load is considered to be full-time. If a customer reduces their study load from full time to a part-time or concessional study load, they may no longer be eligible for payment as a student.
Study load assessment
If the customer is unsure whether they are full-time or part-time after their reduction in study load, details of the course subjects need to be obtained so the study load can be assessed by Services Australia.
When a student reduces their study load to less than 75% of the normal amount of full-time study, a Service Officer must assess the student's ongoing entitlement to ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES.
ABSTUDY student ceases full time study
If an ABSTUDY student ceases full time study and is not eligible for a study load concession, and wants to receive payment as a jobseeker, they must notify Services Australia and register as a job seeker. Failure to promptly claim for Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker) or JobSeeker Payment (JSP) from their ABSTUDY cancellation date (Student end date plus one day), will result in the job seeker payment only commencing from the date their claim is lodged.
Note: different processes apply for customers experiencing vulnerability or risk issues, see Intent to claim and vulnerable customers.
Unfavourable decisions
The decision maker must make genuine attempts to contact the customer to advise of an unfavourable decision.
For more information, see Initial contact about a decision and the review of decision process.
Related links
Study requirements for ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)
Assessing study load concessions for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)
Coding ABSTUDY education details
Registering a customer as a job seeker
Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision
Initial contact about a decision and the review of decision process