Decreasing study load for ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) 102-07020190
This document outlines the process when a customer changes their study load from full-time to a part-time or concessional study load and they are receiving ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES.
On this page:
Eligibility assessment for ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES
Eligibility for other payments
Eligibility assessment for ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES
Table 1
Step |
Action |
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Study load to be reduced + Read more ... ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), customer/student advises that they are reducing their study load.
If their study load will be:
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Aggregation of study load + Read more ... If a customer is studying at a tertiary institution which has a normal period of enrolment of a year, they may be able to take advantage of the aggregation of study load rules. Aggregating is 'adding' the study load of semesters/trimesters or equivalent periods together to determine whether someone is undertaking full-time study. For more information, see Aggregation of study load. Could the student still be considered full-time if their study load is aggregated over the full academic year?
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Percentage range of normal study load + Read more ... If the student's study load will be:
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Study load 25% to 74% of the normal full-time study load + Read more ... Students undertaking between 25% and 74% of the normal amount of full-time study, may be eligible to either the disability study load concession, pensioner study load concession or two-thirds study load concession, see Assessing study load concessions for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES. Does the student meet the eligibility criteria for a study load concession? |
Eligibility for other payments
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES students + Read more ... ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES students who do not meet the requirements for a concessional study load can test their eligibility for other allowances under the ABSTUDY scheme. This includes the ABSTUDY Part-time Award. Is the student now eligible for the Part-time Award?
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Update Part-time Award eligibility + Read more ...
Staff should determine that the customer meets the eligibility criteria to receive the Part-time Award. Then use the Education Course Details (EDC) screen to update:
The student will now be entitled to allowances under the ABSTUDY Part-time Award eligibility criteria. |
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ABSTUDY PES + Read more ... Students studying less than 25% study load or studying 25-74% and do not meet a study load concession are not eligible for ABSTUDY PES.
Code the change on the customer's record. On the Education Course History (EDCH) screen:
Cancel the ABSTUDY PES payment as the student is no longer studying full-time or concessional study load. This will not affect their PES attracting payment. To cancel the payment:
The system generates a letter advising the customer of the decision and their review and appeal rights. Record details on a DOC and finalise activity. |
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ABSTUDY new claim required + Read more ... As the customer is still entitled to the Part-time Award, an ABSTUDY new claim is required to display the Part-Time Award entitlements. Note: the customer does not need to complete a new claim form. The new claim activity is due to system restrictions.
Procedure ends here. |
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Requirements not met for a concessional study load + Read more ... The ABSTUDY customer does not meet the requirements for a concessional study or the Part-time Award.
End the current course of study on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen:
Where an ABSTUDY customer has ceased study prior to the course end date, it is important that only the Student End Date: field is amended. Do not amend the Inst. Course End Date: field in these circumstances. Note: if the activity created a debt shell, processing staff should complete the debt raising process end to end. See Raising ABSTUDY debts. For:
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PES customer no longer eligible for ABSTUDY + Read more ... The ABSTUDY PES payment will automatically cancel as the customer is no longer eligible (this will not affect their PES attracting payment). The system should generate a notice in writing advising the customer of the decision and their review and appeal rights. Procedure ends here. |
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Other payment types + Read more ... ABSTUDY payment will automatically cancel as the customer is no longer eligible (this will not affect their PES attracting payment). The system generates a letter advising the customer of the decision and their review and appeal rights. The customer will have to test their eligibility for another payment type if they wish to continue to receive assistance, see: If the customer wishes to claim a different payment, or they are uncertain what payment they may claim, the Service Officer will need to identify if the customer is eligible for income support and other products and services. Customers must claim payments as a jobseeker on or before their ABSTUDY cancellation date to ensure no gap between payments. Whenever a customer discusses claiming a payment with Services Australia it must be recorded in a DOC. |