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Processing an ABSTUDY claim 010-23061559

This document outlines the process for assessing a claim for ABSTUDY.

Claim processing

ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Teams process all ABSTUDY claims. See Processing arrangements for ABSTUDY claims and enquiries.

Claiming ABSTUDY Allowances and Awards

To help customers or their correspondence nominee claim the correct ABSTUDY Allowances and Awards, see Claiming ABSTUDY.

Job seeker transferring to ABSTUDY

Check the following procedures if the customer is transferring from a current job seeker payment to ABSTUDY, see:

The Resources page contains links to ABSTUDY claim forms, links to useful sites, letter templates, information on the transfer of excess SFA (Group 2) and Accommodation (AC) screen coding for a student under 16 in a private board arrangement.

ABSTUDY Claiming Tool process

Claiming ABSTUDY

ABSTUDY eligibility and requirements

Coding ABSTUDY education details

Not qualified for ABSTUDY if receiving other assistance to study or as an Australian Apprentice

Processing ABSTUDY claims in Process Direct

Tax File Number (TFN) for ABSTUDY

Education Entry Payment (EdEP)

Low Income Health Care Card (LIC)

Processing Low Income Health Care Card (LIC) claims

Using the Desktop Fax workflow to fax forms and modules