Claiming ABSTUDY 010-02010000
This document outlines how students and Australian Apprentices (or a person on their behalf) can make a claim for ABSTUDY and the process for reviewing claims.
Claiming ABSTUDY
ABSTUDY is available to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and Australian Apprentices. Applicants wanting to claim ABSTUDY must submit a completed ABSTUDY claim.
Claims for ABSTUDY can be lodged by:
- students
- full-time Australian Apprentices
- parents or guardians
- providers, or
- interim applicants
The correct applicant must lodge an ABSTUDY claim, see Determining who should be the ABSTUDY applicant.
Claiming requirements
Early claims can be lodged for ABSTUDY.
ABSTUDY claims must be lodged by the relevant closing date.
There is no requirement for the applicant to be in Australia on the day they make a claim.
It is not always necessary for a customer to lodge an ABSTUDY claim. For further information on when an ABSTUDY claim is required, see the Process page.
Interim claim
An interim claim can be used when a student, or the person who would normally apply on behalf of the student, cannot due to exceptional circumstances such as serious illness, floods or remote locality. See Who is the ABSTUDY applicant and interim claims.
Completing the paper claim
Points to note in completing the claim:
- The claim must be completed in blue or black pen
- All relevant questions on the claim form should be answered. Many questions only require a 'Yes' or 'No' tick
- For an interim claim, the minimum information acceptable is both the student and parent/guardian details
If helping customers and interim applicants to complete a claim form, do not underline or make any comments on the claim that is to be signed by a customer or interim applicant and lodged with Centrelink. Always use a separate sheet of paper to capture any notations or explanations to questions and attach this to the claim.
Identity confirmation
Identity Confirmation does not need to be met for all ABSTUDY payment types. Additional procedures exclusive to ABSTUDY apply in some circumstances.
ABSTUDY paper claims and supporting documents can be lodged by using any of the following options:
Online using the Upload documents service
- Fax - see Processing Service details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES
- Post by a reply paid envelope or by posting to Services Australia. See Processing Service details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES
- In person at a service centre, or in remote areas, with a Centrelink field officer
Accepting claim forms and supporting documents
Service Officers must accept all versions of ABSTUDY paper claim forms, including older versions.
When claims, forms or documents are received, check they are complete and scan to the customer's record.
Documents meeting the scannable document exceptions will be recorded in a DOC. It will show:
- where and when the document was received,
- the action taken and
- where it was sent
Withdrawn claims
A withdrawn claim is treated as though no claim was received.
If a customer contacts regarding a withdrawn claim advise that a new claim is required. The Resources page contains an example of this situation.
ABSTUDY processing
ABSTUDY smart centre processing teams are responsible for the processing of ABSTUDY claims and supporting documents. Look up local Processing Service details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES. See Processing arrangements for ABSTUDY claims and enquiries.
The Resources page contains links to the Services Australia website, forms, mySupport, contact details, examples showing when a new claim for ABSTUDY is or is not required, and information about documents that may be required to support ABSTUDY claims.
Issuing appropriate modules and additional forms for students and Australian Apprentices
Who is the ABSTUDY applicant and interim claims
Aboriginality or Torres Strait Islander status for ABSTUDY
Not qualified for ABSTUDY if receiving other assistance to study or as an Australian Apprentice
Tax File Number (TFN) for ABSTUDY
Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims
Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship
Completing Parent(s)/Guardian(s) details for the Base Tax Year and Current Tax Year (MOD JY)
Related links
ABSTUDY eligibility and requirements
Identifying the most beneficial payment for students or Australian Apprentices
Processing arrangements for ABSTUDY claims and enquiries
Assessing ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) claims
Assessing eligibility for Fares Allowance (FAA) for ABSTUDY
Assessing the ABSTUDY Change of Circumstances/Enquiries Sheet (SY053)
Review of ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme decisions
Payment of tuition fees or Student Contribution for ABSTUDY Masters and Doctorate study
Processing a claim after the death of a customer
Coding Away from Home rate for ABSTUDY tertiary students
Processing arrangements for ABSTUDY claims and enquiries