Assessing eligibility for Fares Allowance (FAA) for ABSTUDY 010-02100020
This document explains how to determine if a student is eligible for ABSTUDY FAA and the travel type.
Specified travel types
Students can access different types of travel if they need to live away from home to attend study or participate in an approved Away from Base activity. These include:
- Travel at commencement and end of study period
- Tertiary and secondary non-schooling travel for study of more than one semester (mid-year travel)
- School vacation travel
- Compassionate travel
- Examination travel
- Graduation travel
- Masters and Doctorate relocation travel
- Orientation Visit travel
- Special Purpose Visit travel
- Emergency and disaster travel
Different types of travel have varying annual limits.
Special Purpose Visit travel (SPV)
For SPV travel, a maximum of 3 events per calendar year can be approved. For these events, students are entitled to a reasonable number of approved travellers to attend the event
The following events do not contribute to the 3 event limit for SPV travel: - Graduation, including Year 12 formals where the formal is close to the Year 12 graduation event and can be completed within the same journey
- NAIDOC Week (at the term address)
- Serious problems of adjustment or similar circumstances
Compassionate travel
There is a maximum of 2 return trips allowed per student per year Under exceptional circumstances, the Department of Social Services (DSS) may approve compassionate travel beyond these limits -
School vacation travel
Secondary school students are entitled to one return journey between the permanent home and the term address to coincide with each of the term vacations to a maximum of 3 per academic year -
Tertiary and secondary non-schooling travel for study of more than one semester (mid-year travel)
Tertiary and secondary non-schooling students undertaking a course of study of more than one semester in duration are entitled to one return journey for mid-year travel in each year of the course -
Start and end of study travel
Secondary schooling, secondary non-schooling and tertiary students are entitled to one trip from the permanent home to the study location to commence study in the course and one trip from the study location to the permanent home when they discontinue or complete the course -
All other travel types
There are no annual limits to all other travel types
The Resources page contains links to the ABSTUDY Fares Allowance Claim (SY032) and examples of FAA eligibility.
Related links
Completing the ABSTUDY Fares Allowance Claim (SY032)
Orientation Visit travel for non-current ABSTUDY customers