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Assessing eligibility for Fares Allowance (FAA) for ABSTUDY 010-02100020


ABSTUDY Fares Allowance Claim (SY032)

An attachment is available. Information about ABSTUDY Fares Allowance - Expelled ABSTUDY Students


Level 2 Policy Help Desk

Indigenous Funeral Notices

National Course Approvals sub-site - Semester and Term Dates - Secondary, TAFE and Universities

Q999 Text - Requesting evidence for Compassionate Travel

Table 1





We are writing to ask for more information to help us make the right decision about your ABSTUDY.



What you need to do



You need to provide the following by <insert date 21 days from today as DD MONTH YYYY>:



- evidence to support your compassionate travel claim



You can provide this information by:



- using our Express Plus Centrelink mobile app and selecting Upload document. You can download the free app to your mobile device. Make sure you have the latest version installed.



- going to and signing in to access your Centrelink online account. You can upload your documents (up to 5 MB per file) by selecting the Upload documents icon on the home page. If you do not have a myGov account, you can create one and link it to your Centrelink online account

Examples - Commencement and end of their study period in a year

Table 2: This table describes when an ABSTUDY student can be eligible for FAA at the commencement and end of their study period in a year.




Commencement of course travel

Sally is eligible for ABSTUDY FAA as Sally lives in Tamworth and is about to commence study in Sydney. Sally travels to Sydney with their parents prior to beginning the course.

Sally is offered a lift to Tamworth at the end of the first week of classes. Sally accepts and plans to return by public transport, for which Sally will lodge a claim for FAA.

FAA to commence study cannot be paid for travel taken after study has commenced. Sally would need to claim the travel undertaken before study commenced to be eligible for reimbursement.


External studies

Jason is about to commence correspondence studies with Monash University in Melbourne. To be well prepared, Jason travels to the university to purchase the textbooks before the semester commences. Jason claims FAA for this trip.

FAA is not payable, as Jason is an external student, there is no need to travel to commence the course.


Time frames for travel prior to course start date

Eloise is to recommence a biochemistry degree in the last week of February. Eloise travels to the study location in the second week of January and applies for FAA.

FAA is rejected, as the travel was not within a reasonable period of classes commencing. A student would not normally be expected to need to move to the place of study more than a month before the start of study.

Eloise requests a review of decision. Eloise explains that there has been an offer of part-time work at the university as a lab assistant, commencing early January. This lab work, even though it does not count as part of the course, will give valuable experience.

The decision to reject FAA is overturned. Eloise has justified the early travel and FAA is approved.

Examples - Special Purpose Visit

Table 3: This table describes when an ABSTUDY student can be eligible for FAA for Special Purpose Visit travel.




Graduation events

Harvey is an ABSTUDY boarding student currently in Year 12.

Harvey has travelled home using end of year travel as Year 12 students have completed the study year. Harvey will be required to return to school for a graduation event in one months' time.

Travel for Harvey to return to the school for the graduation event can be approved under SPV travel.

SPV travel has been requested for Harvey and their parent, Michaela, to attend the graduation event.

Harvey has used SPV travel for 3 events in the calendar year, however as the travel is for a graduation event this does not count towards the limit. SPV travel can be approved for Harvey and Michaela to attend the graduation event.


Representing the school at a sporting event at another location within the school term

Yasmin is an approved ABSTUDY secondary boarder attending Ipswich Girls' Grammar School in Queensland. Yasmin has been selected to attend Queensland School Sport 16-18 years Basketball State Championships, representing the Metropolitan West School Sport Girls basketball team. The event is being held in week 5 of Term 3.

Yasmin is required to travel from Ipswich Girls' Grammar School to the Gold Coast to participate in the Queensland Basketball State Championships.

Yasmin's parent would like to support them and is travelling from their home address in Mount Marshall to Ipswich Girls' Grammar School by private motor vehicle. They are going to pick Yasmin up from school where they will then travel together to the Gold Coast. Yasmin's parent has also offered to transport other students to the event.

Yasmin and their parent will need to stay 4 nights on the Gold Coast to allow Yasmin to participate in the event.

They will then travel back to Ipswich Girls' Grammar School in their parent’s car. Yasmin and the other students will remain at the school. Yasmin's parent will continue their journey and return home to Mount Marshall.

Yasmin has accessed SPV travel for two other sporting events in the calendar year.

Eligibility for Fares Allowance is as follows:

Yasmin can access Fares Allowance for up to 3 SPV events (excluding NAIDOC and graduation) per calendar year, for a reasonable number of approved travellers per event. Yasmin has already used 2, so is able to access one more.

As Yasmin is representing the school at an event that is at a location other than the term address, the Gold Coast is considered a temporary study location. Therefore, Yasmin's parent is eligible for a return journey under SPV travel to attend the event.

As the permanent home is in Mount Marshall and the event is on the Gold Coast, the two major routes between these locations both pass through Ipswich, so it is reasonable and practical for the parent and Yasmin to travel together in the same vehicle. Yasmin does not need to access SPV travel for this reason. Yasmin's parent is an approved non-student traveller.

When they reach the Gold Coast, ABSTUDY can be used to pay for the parent's accommodation during the event (under Chapter 90.7.3).

ABSTUDY cannot be used to pay for Yasmin's accommodation. The boarding school bears responsibility for Yasmin's accommodation costs during the term as they are being paid ABSTUDY to provide Yasmin with accommodation. While it may be reasonable for Yasmin and their parent to share accommodation whilst in the Gold Coast, ABSTUDY can only be used to pay for the accommodation cost of the parent. The school is responsible for paying any additional charges for the students to share the accommodation with the parent.


Representing the school at a sporting event in the school holidays

Nahem is an approved ABSTUDY secondary boarder attending St Teresa's Catholic College in Abergowrie. The school has organised a sporting event in the middle of the school holidays in Townsville and Nahem is requesting ABSTUDY to assist with Fares Allowance plus 5 nights' accommodation and meals to attend. Nahem's parent also wishes to attend the event to support them.

Nahem has requested to travel from their permanent home on Murray Island to the sporting event in Townsville.

Nahem has accessed SPV travel for one school music event in the calendar year.

Eligibility for Fares Allowance is as follows:

Nahem can access Fares Allowance for up to 3 SPV events (excluding NAIDOC and graduation) per calendar year, for a reasonable number of approved travellers per event. Nahem has used one, so can access two more.

The event is organised by the school therefore, the Townsville location can be regarded as a temporary study location and Fares Allowance is payable to cover the costs of a return journey for Nahem and their travel supervisor/s (if required) to travel from home to the event location. SPV entitlements can also be used for fares and accommodation for a reasonable number of Nahem's family members or community members to attend the event.

Accommodation for Nahem at the event would not be payable as there are no provisions for overnight accommodation for secondary students under Chapter 90.7.3. While it may be reasonable for some students to share accommodation with a family member with SPV entitlements, ABSTUDY can only be used to pay for the accommodation cost for the non-student traveller/s. If there is an additional charge for the Nahem to share the accommodation, then the school is responsible for paying this.


Attending a non-school related sporting event

Nioka is an approved ABSTUDY secondary student boarding at Rockhampton Girls Grammar School. Throughout the school term, Nioka has been playing Rugby Union on weekends as part of an under 15 girls team affiliated with a local sporting club.

Nioka has been selected in a representative squad to attend a Rugby Union tournament organised by Queensland Rugby Union.

The tournament is being run over 4 days in Brisbane, during the middle weekend of the school holidays.

Nioka accessed vacation travel to return home to Yorke Island for the school holidays. Nioka is now requesting Fares Allowance to travel to the tournament and home again.

Nioka has not accessed any SPV travel in the calendar year.

Eligibility for Fares Allowance is as follows:

Nioka can access Fares Allowance for up to three SPV events (excluding NAIDOC and graduation) per calendar year, for a reasonable number of approved travellers per event. Nioka has all three journeys remaining as none have been used.

As the sporting event is not organised by the school, nor is Nioka representing the school at the sporting event, they do not meet the requirements for SPV travel.

Additional Assistance is also considered for the journey, in lieu of Fares Allowance however, non-school related sporting events cannot be approved even where participation in such events is viewed as a positive factor in a student's ongoing engagement in school.


Attending a school related event - work placement

Samuel is an ABSTUDY secondary student boarding at Mount St Bernard College. Samuel is undertaking a Certificate II in Retail as part of their Year 12 studies and there is a requirement for Samuel to complete three weeks of work experience in Retail.

Samuel and the school have organised for the work placement to be undertaken during the term at Samuel's local shopping mart.

Samuel will travel from Mt St Bernard College to their home community in Doomadgee to undertake the work placement.

Samuael is eligible for SPV travel to attend the work placement int Doomadgee as it is a compulsory part of their study.

As Samuels permanent home is in Doomadgee, Samuel would not be eligible for FAA to cover accommodation and meals during the work placement.

Note: if the Samuel had school vacation travel booked within 2 weeks of the requested SPV travel date and Samuel was not returning to the school before start of the next school term.

Samuel's travel would be booked as a variation to the original school vacation travel and the entitlement to School Vacation Travel would be used instead of SPV travel.

Examples - Graduation

Table 4: This table describes when an ABSTUDY student can be eligible for FAA for Graduation travel.




Eligible for FAA

Ernie recently completed a Bachelor of Science and received ABSTUDY at the Away from Home rate and FAA to commence and end the course each year. Ernie has applied for FAA to attend the graduation ceremony.

Ernie is eligible for FAA.


Not eligible due to course duration

Merina received ABSTUDY for the four years it took to complete a TAFE Diploma. Due to a substantial psychiatric disability, Merina was allowed a study load concession and was undertaking 25% of the normal workload during each year of study. Merina was paid at the Away from Home rate and received FAA to commence and end the course each year. There is to be a graduation ceremony and Merina has applied for FAA to attend.

Merina is not eligible for FAA for graduation travel as the course was only one-year full-time duration and was not an honours or postgraduate degree.


Not eligible due to late claim

Sam meets all the eligibility requirements to receive FAA for graduation travel. The graduation ceremony was held on 15 January (in the year after the year of study) and Sam has now applied for reimbursement of the travel. As the FAA claim was received by Services Australia on 30 January the year following the travel.

Sam cannot be paid FAA as claim was not made within the required 12 months of travel.


Eligible up to equivalent cost

Steve received FAA to undertake a 3-year Bachelor of Education course at the University of Sydney. While undertaking the course, Steve qualified for FAA entitlements between their permanent home in Brisbane and the university in Sydney to commence and end the course each year. Steve has taken up a job as a teacher at Cairns Senior High School and moved to Cairns to commence at the school. Steve is seeking FAA to participate in the graduation ceremony at the University of Sydney.

Steve qualifies for graduation travel from Cairns to Sydney but only up to the equivalent cost of FAA for a journey between the location of the permanent home in Brisbane at completion of the course and the place of study in Sydney. Any additional cost for a journey between Cairns and Sydney must be met by Steve.


Eligible at the rate of the appropriate mode of transport

Dianne received FAA to undertake a 6-year Bachelor of Medicine course at the University of Western Australia. Dianne received ABSTUDY FAA to commencement and end the course each year between their permanent home in Broome and the university in Perth. Dianne is now practicing medicine in Kalgoorlie and is seeking FAA to attend the graduation ceremony in Perth.

Dianne qualifies for graduation travel from Kalgoorlie to Perth at the rate of the appropriate mode of transport for that journey. FAA is payable only up to the equivalent rate of FAA for a journey between the location of Dianne's permanent home in Broome at completion of the course and the place of study in Perth. As a rail journey between Kalgoorlie and Perth is cheaper than a plane journey between Broome and Perth, Dianne qualifies for the rail journey. Dianne cannot access the difference in cost between the 2 modes of transport.


Eligible for graduation travel for distance education course

Jamison received FAA to undertake residential school whilst studying a Diploma of Narrative Approach by distance education at Nunkuwarrin Yunti Institution. The course duration was 81 weeks, Jamison studied for 102 weeks to complete the course. Jamison applied for FAA to attend their graduation and the initial assessment was to reject the request for FAA as the course was less than 2 years in duration.

Further investigation was required to take into consideration that the course was studied via distance education, and that there were no set holiday periods. If Jamison had studied this course via traditional 'in class' mode including holidays, the course duration would have at least 2 years in duration. Further consideration was also applied for ABSTUDY purposes, where a full year course is defined as 30 weeks or more in length, therefore Jamison was reassessed as eligible for graduation travel.

Examples - Examination

Table 5: This table describes when an ABSTUDY student can be eligible for FAA for Examination travel.




Full-time student

Michael is a full-time university student who is receiving ABSTUDY at the Away from Home rate and is eligible for FAA. Due to personal reasons, Michael is unable to undertake 3 of their exams at the end of semester 2, so the university has granted Michael a deferral until mid-January. In the interim period, Michael returns home.

Michael is eligible for FAA fora return journey to sit exams. While Michael has 3 exams, they are one 'set', so FAA is payable once.


Illness or injury

Jasmine suffered from food poisoning shortly before their last exam and was granted a week's deferral. Jasmine will now sit the exam on the last day of the examination period.

FAA is not payable. Although the exam has been deferred, it still falls within the usual examination period.


Resides away from home

Daniel lives in Cairns and studies at university in Brisbane and is eligible for FAA. Various TAFEs throughout the state have an agreement with Daniel's university to provide venues for exams for the university's external students. A session has been planned at Cairns TAFE for all students requiring deferred or supplementary exams, including Daniel.

FAA is not payable for Daniel's deferred exam. Although Daniel is eligible for FAA to study, it is not payable for the exam as it is being held at Daniel's permanent home location.


Supplementary examination

Lois was to finish a degree in second semester but failed one subject. Lois has been granted a supplementary exam. Lois was receiving ABSTUDY, but this ceased on the last day of full-time study.

FAA is payable. Although no longer on an ABSTUDY payment, Lois meets the eligibility requirements for FAA for the supplementary exam.


Literacy and numeracy exams

Jon is receiving ABSTUDY and is about to complete a Bachelor of Education in Armidale where they reside. Jon has been requested to attend the University of Newcastle to sit compulsory literacy and numeracy exams.

FAA is payable as Jon is expected to attend this exam as a compulsory part of the course and can only complete this in Newcastle.

Examples - Compassionate

Table 6: This table describes when an ABSTUDY student can be eligible for FAA for Compassionate travel.




Limits of compassionate travel met

George is a full-time student in the second year of a law degree. George receives ABSTUDY and is eligible for FAA.

In March, George's grandparent gets pneumonia. George asks for compassionate travel to visit, as the condition is critical.

  • Compassionate travel is approved

George's grandparent recovers and George returns to study. In May, George's sibling is seriously injured in a car accident. George again asks for compassionate travel.

  • Compassionate travel is approved

In August, George's parent dies suddenly. George applies for compassionate travel to attend the funeral.

  • In this case, Services Australia cannot approve the travel for George as they have already used the limit of 2 compassionate return trips and should escalate to DSS to seek approval


One compassionate travel journey already granted

Alice was granted compassionate travel earlier this year and claims again to visit a sick parent. Compassionate travel is granted but Alice is told to provide proof of the parent's illness to confirm entitlement for the claim. Upon return to study, Alice provides a medical certificate stating Alice's parent had the flu and was not considered critically ill.

  • As Alice has not provided proof the parent was critically ill, Alice was not eligible for compassionate travel. An overpayment is raised against Alice for the full cost of the travel

Alice's sibling dies and Alice claims compassionate travel to attend the funeral.

  • Compassionate travel is approved. Although Alice was granted compassionate travel twice previously, one of the claims was later rejected. Alice has only had one valid claim this year


Compassionate travel for student and immediate family

Angelene received FAA to start study. The FAA included travel for Angelene's partner and 2 children to accompany Angelene from their home community in Weipa to their term address in Brisbane.

Shortly after study started, Angelene's parent has a heart attack and is in hospital in Rockhampton in a critical condition. Angelene applies for compassionate travel from Brisbane to Rockhampton.

Compassionate travel is approved for Angelene, their partner and children to travel between Brisbane and Rockhampton. Although compassionate travel is usually approved between the term address and permanent home address, approval can be given to start or end a journey along the usual route where it is more convenient or appropriate for the traveller/s. In this case, Rockhampton is along the usual route between Brisbane and Weipa and is cheaper.


Compassionate travel for student to visit ill parent

Isaac contacts Services Australia requesting compassionate travel to return home to Port Augusta because a parent is ill.

  • Isaac advises they cannot provide evidence to support the claim for compassionate travel
    • Compassionate travel is not approved
  • Isaac contacts again seeking compassionate travel. Previously, Isaac had not wanted to disclose that the parent has been hospitalised due to family and domestic violence from an estranged partner. The police confirm an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) was issued against the estranged partner and the parent was hospitalised with critical injuries
    • Compassionate travel is approved for Isaac to travel home to Port Augusta as evidence has been received supporting the reasons for compassionate travel


Compassionate travel for student to an alternate destination

Alex contacts Services Australia requesting FAA for their dependent child, Kirra, to travel from boarding school to a location other than the permanent home to attend a funeral.

Alex advises all family members to have left the community to attend the funeral and there will be no one left to meet Kirra or arrange travel from the community to the funeral location.

Compassionate travel is approved as:

  • the parent left the permanent home to help with funeral arrangements, and
  • Kirra is travelling to join the family and no family members are available at the home address to supervise or arrange travel from the permanent home to the funeral location


Large number of students excluded/expelled from an institution

An educational provider contacts Services Australia to advise that a large number of students are being excluded due to misbehaviour. Several students must return to the same communities and that it is in the students' best interests for as many as possible to travel separately and with supervisors.

The education provider has provided a completed checklist for all excluded/expelled students and all students are eligible for compassionate travel.

Based on the information provided the travel request can be approved for the students and supervisors travel over 1-2 days to reduce any risk.


Evidence needed for student requesting compassionate travel

Callum receives ABSTUDY to attend university and is eligible for FAA. Callum requested travel to attend a tombstone unveiling at their home address on Warraber Island. Callum has not provided evidence to support the request.

ABSTUDY Policy supports compassionate travel for this reason as Services Australia recognises the importance of a student who comes from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community, who observes Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander lore or kinship obligations, to participate in a community activity under these lore or kinship obligations.

Callum needs to provide evidence, but if the reason for the request is genuine and no doubt exists, the travel can be approved pending evidence, so travel is not delayed.

If evidence was requested but not provided, an overpayment for the travel costs may be raised against Callum.

Examples - Vacation

Table 7: This table describes when an ABSTUDY student can be eligible for FAA for Vacation travel.




Eligible for ABSTUDY and FAA - number of journeys

Tim is eligible for ABSTUDY and FAA for a 3-year bachelor's degree. Tim has already travelled home several times this year, once for compassionate reasons, once for the Easter break and once during the mid-year break. There is a long weekend coming up and Tim wants to go home so applies for FAA.

As Tim's course is greater than on semester in length, Tim is entitled to one mid-year return journey between the place of study and permanent home. While Tim received FAA for the compassionate travel, this does not affect the entitlement to vacation travel. As Tim did not request FAA for the other 2 trips, Tim is entitled to this for the long weekend. There is no requirement for this travel to be taken during a vacation period for tertiary students. There is no limit to the number of times travel can be undertaken, but Tim may only claim FAA for one of the trips.


FAA not payable - timing of journey

Jan has completed a course for the year that was commenced in February. Jan wants to return home to see family for Christmas but spend New Year's Eve with friends near the study location. Jan claims vacation travel to go home after their exams have finished and to return to the term address on 29 December.

FAA is not payable for the return journey. Vacation travel must be taken during the period of study in the year. It cannot be used outside of this period, nor can it be accumulated for next year. Jan could claim FAA for the journey to go home as an end of study journey, but the return journey would not meet the FAA guidelines.


Eligible for FAA - discontinuing studies

Cedric is enrolled in a 2-year diploma and is eligible for FAA. Cedric claims and is paid FAA to go home during the mid-semester holidays. On returning to study, Cedric realises the course is not suitable and discontinues study in May. Cedric lodges a claim for FAA for the journey home and for reimbursement of the journey taken to commence study (which had not previously been claimed).

Cedric is entitled to all FAA claimed. Although Cedric did not study for more than one semester, the entitlement is not affected. Cedric will not have a debt raised for the vacation travel, nor will the claim for commencement and end of study travel be rejected.