Assessing eligibility for Fares Allowance (FAA) for ABSTUDY 010-02100020
This document explains how to determine if a student is eligible for ABSTUDY FAA and the travel type.
FAA for ABSTUDY customers
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Initial contact with students + Read more ... Staff can give general advice about ABSTUDY FAA, but should encourage the student or non-student traveller to test their eligibility, particularly in cases of discretionary decisions. Australian Apprentices are not eligible for FAA. See Step 12 in Table 2. Is the customer a:
2 |
Check ABSTUDY status + Read more ... Check if the student is current on ABSTUDY. In Customer First this will display on the Benefit Status field on the Customer Summary screen as ABY/CUR or ABY/ASS. Note: for reimbursements, check the Benefit Status (XDS) screen for the student's ABSTUDY status at time of travel. Is the student current on ABSTUDY?
3 |
Secondary boarding students that have not returned to school + Read more ... Secondary boarding school students, either suspended or cancelled Intent to Board (ITB) or cancelled Not a Student (NAS), are eligible for FAA to travel to school. The travel request is proof of their intention to return to school. Is the student suspended or cancelled ITB or NAS and requesting FAA to travel to school?
4 |
Graduation event + Read more ... Fares Allowance may be approved if:
Is the student requesting travel for a graduation event for studies they received ABSTUDY Away from Home assistance for?
5 |
Not in receipt of ABSTUDY + Read more ... A student must be in receipt of or approved for ABSTUDY to be eligible for FAA. If the ABSTUDY payment has been suspended or cancelled, reasonable attempts must be made to resolve issues and to restore the ABSTUDY payment. Note: if a secondary school student has travelled to their place of study and their ABSTUDY has since cancelled/suspended, under a duty of care, the trip must be booked to travel the student home. Travel should not be booked for the student to return to study until the student's ABSTUDY has been restored. Is the student's ABSTUDY now displaying as CURrent or ASSessed?
6 |
Check if an ABSTUDY claim has been lodged + Read more ... In Customer First, go to the Document List (DL) screen. If a claim has been lodged the DL screen will display either a:
Has a claim for ABSTUDY been lodged but not processed?
7 |
Secondary boarding students + Read more ... If an ABSTUDY claim has been submitted and not assessed, review the Progress of ABSTUDY Claim Display on Access (DOA) DOC in Customer First. Determine if all required documentation has been provided to support the ABSTUDY claim. Has all the required evidence been provided for the claim?
8 |
Secondary students in private boarding arrangements and tertiary students + Read more ... If an ABSTUDY claim has been submitted and not assessed, review the Progress of ABSTUDY Claim Display on Access (DOA) DOC in Customer First. Determine if all required documentation has been provided to support the ABSTUDY claim. Has all the required evidence been provided for the claim?
9 |
Check correct education details are recorded + Read more ... Check the student's study details are correct on the Education Details (EDC) screen in Customer First. Are the study details correct?
10 |
Check if Relocation Allowance has been paid + Read more ... A Masters or Doctorate student who has received Relocation Allowance will not be eligible for FAA. They are deemed to have moved their permanent home to the study location. However, they may still qualify for FAA for an Away from Base activity. Check if Relocation Allowance has been paid on the Supplementary Education Payments (EPSP) screen in Customer First. Has the student already received Relocation Allowance while undertaking their Masters or Doctorate course?
11 |
Check Away from Home rate eligibility + Read more ... Students must meet one of the Away from Home criteria to qualify for FAA. For secondary students:
For tertiary students:
Note: a student does not need to be in receipt of the Away from Home rate of ABSTUDY but must meet one of the criteria for approval of Away from Home. For example, a 30-year-old student whose permanent home is more than 90 minutes from the study location meets one of the Away from Home criteria but is paid at the independent rate due to their age rather than the Away from Home rate. Does the student meet one of the criteria for approval of the Away from Home rate for ABSTUDY?
12 |
Check restrictions on interstate travel + Read more ... Entitlement to interstate travel may vary according to the type, and level of study undertaken by the student. Do restrictions on interstate travel prevent eligibility of FAA?
13 |
Check travel destination + Read more ... A traveller is normally entitled to travel between their permanent home and the study location. However, travel to or from another destination may be approved in some circumstances. See Determining the appropriate travel destination for ABSTUDY FAA. Is the travel request to or from an approved location?
Determining ABSTUDY FAA travel type
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Commencement or end of study travel + Read more ... A full time or concessional study-load tertiary (including Masters and Doctorate) or secondary student is entitled to one trip between the permanent home and the study location at the commencement of study in a year, and one trip at the end of study in a year. Is the student travelling to commence or at the completion of their study?
2 |
School vacation travel + Read more ... A full-time secondary school student is entitled to one return journey between the permanent home and the study location to coincide with each of the school term vacation breaks. Is the student a secondary student travelling due to school holidays?
3 |
Tertiary and secondary non-schooling travel for study of more than one semester (mid-year travel) + Read more ... A tertiary (including Masters and Doctorate) or secondary non-schooling student undertaking a course of study of more than one semester in duration is entitled to one return journey during the academic year between the study location and permanent home to reunite with their family. Is the student a tertiary or secondary non-schooling student requesting travel after commencing study and before the date they are ceasing
4 |
Special Purpose Visit (SPV) travel + Read more ... Students may be eligible SPV travel if one of the following applies:
Has the travel been requested for one of the above reasons?
5 |
Orientation Visit travel + Read more ... For students currently in year 5 or lower, who want to access Orientation Visit travel in preparation for Year 7, see Orientation Visit travel for non-current ABSTUDY customers. Students may be eligible to Orientation Visit travel if:
Is the student travelling for one of the above reasons?
6 |
Compassionate travel + Read more ... A student may be granted compassionate travel when they are not travelling for an Away from Base activity and:
Is the student applying for compassionate travel?
7 |
Away from Base travel + Read more ... Students can request travel to attend an Away from Base (AFB) activity. Is the student travelling to attend an AFB activity? |
8 |
Examination travel + Read more ... An ABSTUDY student may receive FAA to attend an unexpected deferred or supplementary exam (after the end of the normal term or semester period) or where the student is expected to travel to a location other than their normal place of residence to sit an exam. Is the student travelling to attend an exam?
9 |
Graduation travel + Read more ... Graduation ceremonies for completed tertiary courses (including Masters and Doctorate) often take place several weeks to several months after course completion. Students who live a substantial distance from the educational provider will usually have returned home in this time. The FAA entitlement is for the actual cost of one return trip (within Australia) by the appropriate mode of transport between the student's permanent home and the location of the graduation ceremony. Has the student completed a tertiary course and is travelling to attend graduation?
10 |
Masters and Doctorate relocation travel + Read more ... FAA is payable to an ABSTUDY student who is in receipt of the Masters and Doctorate Award for assistance to travel to a new permanent home if they need to relocate to another town or city to undertake their study. Is the student travelling to relocate?
11 |
Emergency and disaster travel + Read more ... Emergency and disaster travel is available to secondary and tertiary ABSTUDY students where their safety or participation in education is at risk due to experiencing an emergency or disaster. Is the student travelling due to an emergency or disaster?
12 |
Not eligible for ABSTUDY FAA + Read more ... Tell the student, or applicant they are not eligible for FAA. If the travel request has been received through:
Commencement or end of study travel
Commencement or end of study travel
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check if enrolled in an external study course + Read more ... An eligible ABSTUDY student is entitled to one trip between the permanent home and the study location at the commencement and end of study in the course for the year. Students may study their course via distance education/external study (previously known as correspondence study). These students do not qualify for FAA to assist them to undertake travel at the commencement and end of the study period. Note: external students may qualify for FAA assistance to attend compulsory on-campus activities. Is the student undertaking a course via an external enrolment study mode?
2 |
Check if travel is to start course or return home at end of study year + Read more ... Check the Student Start Date and Student End Date fields:
3 |
Check if travel is within a reasonable time period + Read more ... Students must travel within a reasonable period prior to commencing or ceasing study. These periods include:
Is the student undertaking travel within a reasonable period prior to commencing study or at the end of study?
4 |
Justified travel date + Read more ... Ask the student why they are not travelling within a reasonable period of the course commencing or ending. The Resources page contains examples of circumstances that would be deemed as satisfactory. Are the reasons for not travelling satisfactory?
5 |
FAA payable + Read more ... The student is only entitled to FAA for travel for one commencement and one end of study per course per year. In Process Direct, select the Fares icon and check if the student has previously claimed FAA for commencement or end of study travel for the course. Has the student already claimed for this specific travel type and course?
6 |
FAA not payable + Read more ... Tell the student they are not eligible for FAA for travel at commencement and end of study period. If the travel request has been received by:
School vacation travel
School vacation travel
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check level of study + Read more ... Secondary school students are entitled to one return journey between the permanent home and the study location to coincide with each of the term vacation breaks to a maximum of 3 journeys per academic year. Check the Course Level field:
Is the student undertaking study at secondary school level?
2 |
Check if the student has commenced study in the course for the year + Read more ... School vacation travel can only be accessed after the student has commenced study in the course for the year. Check these details on the students record Where they are boarding:
For a student boarding:
Has the student commenced study in the course for the year?
3 |
Check scheduled school term breaks + Read more ... The Resources page has a link to school term dates for each State/Territory. Does the journey coincide with a scheduled school term break in that State/Territory?
4 |
Reviewing previous entitlement + Read more ... In Process Direct, select the Fares icon and check if the student has previously claimed school vacation travel for this term as this may only be claimed once per term. Has FAA for vacation travel already been claimed for the term?
5 |
FAA payable + Read more ... Tell the student they are approved and entitled to undertake school vacation travel. If the student is claiming:
All claims for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance are processed by the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Team. Procedure ends here. |
6 |
FAA not payable + Read more ... Tell the student they are not eligible for FAA for school vacation travel. If the travel request has been received by: ABSTUDY Smart Centre Telephony:
ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel Team:
Tertiary and secondary non-schooling mid-year travel
Tertiary and secondary non-schooling mid-year travel
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
Course requirements + Read more ... An eligible full-time tertiary or secondary non-schooling student enrolled in a course of more than one semester is entitled to one single return journey between the study location and the permanent home to be reunited with their family. Check the Education Course Details (EDC) screen:
Is the student undertaking a course that is tertiary or secondary non-schooling level, and more than one semester in length?
2 |
Check if student is residing away from permanent home + Read more ... Mid-year travel is only available to students who are living away from their permanent home to undertake a course of study. Is the student living away from their permanent home to undertake study?
3 |
Has dependant travel been accessed + Read more ... Mid-year travel is not available to students whose dependants have joined them at the study location, as there is no need to travel to the permanent home location to reunite with their family. In Process Direct, select the Fares icon and check the previous travel bookings to determine if the student has utilised dependant's travel in the year of study to bring their dependent family members to live with them at the study location. Has dependant travel been used in the year of study?
4 |
Study commencement + Read more ... Mid-year travel can only be accessed after the student has commenced study in the course for the year. Has the student commenced study in the course for the year?
5 |
Travel requirements + Read more ... Is the student travelling between the study location and the permanent home address?
6 |
Approval of mid-year travel + Read more ... Tell the student that mid-year travel is usually approved between the permanent home and the study location. Does the student have circumstances that allow travel to be approved to or from a location other than the permanent home address or usual study location?
7 |
Check if student is eligible for FAA for mid-year travel + Read more ... In Process Direct, select the Fares icon and check if the student has previously claimed FAA for this travel this year as mid-year travel may only be claimed once per year for a course. Has FAA for mid-year travel already been claimed?
8 |
FAA payable + Read more ... Tell the student they are approved and entitled to undertake mid-year travel. If the student is claiming:
All claims for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance are processed by the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Team. Procedure ends here. |
9 |
FAA not payable + Read more ... Tell the student they are not eligible for FAA for mid-year travel. If the travel request has been received by:
Compassionate travel
Compassionate travel
Table 6
Step |
Action |
1 |
Variations to school vacation travel + Read more ... In Process Direct, select the Fares icon and check if the student has school vacation travel booked within 2 weeks of the requested compassionate travel date. Does the student have school vacation travel booked within 2 weeks of the requested compassionate travel date?
2 |
Eligibility + Read more ... To be eligible for FAA for compassionate travel, the student must:
Does the student meet the eligibility criteria for FAA for compassionate travel?
3 |
Excluded or expelled students + Read more ... Is the student applying for compassionate travel due to being an excluded (expelled) secondary school student?
4 |
Circumstances justifying compassionate travel + Read more ... Does the reason given by the student meet one of the circumstances justifying compassionate travel?
5 |
Compassionate travel is limited to 2 return trips per student per year + Read more ... Trips for excluded students are not included in the limit of return trips for compassionate travel. In Process Direct, select the Fares icon and check if the student has previously claimed FAA for compassionate travel. Have 2 compassionate travel journeys been claimed in the current calendar year?
6 |
Education providers applying for travel for an excluded student + Read more ... Education providers applying for travel for an excluded student must complete the ABSTUDY expulsion checklist. See the Resources page for the checklist. Compassionate travel for an excluded ABSTUDY student to return to their permanent home can be granted if the school confirms all the following:
Note: excluded students required to travel home under supervision, may have a supervisor travel with them. This can be a parent/guardian or a representative from the educational provider. People taking this type of travel will be approved as supervisor travellers under non-student travellers. Does the completed ABSTUDY expulsion checklist confirm all the above criteria have been met?
7 |
Seeking approval for additional compassionate journey/s + Read more ... The student or approved traveller may be eligible for additional compassionate journey/s at the discretion of the Department of Social Services (DSS). Travel Officers must seek approval for additional journey/s by:
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Reason for compassionate travel + Read more ... If the compassionate travel is for:
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Compassionate travel to attend a funeral + Read more ... In some Indigenous communities, mentioning the name of a deceased person may cause distress and/or offence. Attempt to verify the funeral date using the Indigenous Funeral Notices homepage. The Resources page has a link. If unavailable, try to contact the nearest service centre and liaise with the local community or Indigenous Service Officer (ISO) to confirm the funeral details. Students travelling for this reason are still subject to mandatory supervision requirements. A family member may travel as a supervisor if they are escorting the student to the travel location. Can the funeral be confirmed?
10 |
Travel for non-student traveller to visit or accompany ill or injured student + Read more ... FAA travel may be approved for a family or community member when the student is ill or injured. This can be to visit the student or to accompany them to specialist appointments when it is compulsory for the parent/guardian to attend the appointment. To approve this travel, the student must:
Evidence can include, but is not limited to, a statement from:
Where the student is suffering from a terminal illness, both parents/guardians may be approved for FAA. Has the above been confirmed?
11 |
Inform student they must provide evidence + Read more ... Tell the student they must provide documentary evidence to support their compassionate travel claim. Evidence is required to grant FAA for compassionate travel. This may include a statement from:
If the evidence:
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In some circumstances evidence will not be available until after the student's travel + Read more ... Ensure cultural sensitivity is considered with the decision. Refer to an Indigenous Service Officer (ISO) for assistance. Documentary evidence can be provided after the travel has occurred if:
Can documentary evidence be provided after the journey?
13 |
FAA approved + Read more ... If FAA is to be approved, tell the student that if they do not provide evidence (or it is not sufficient), an overpayment will be raised to recover the FAA. If required:
Is the student travelling between their usual study location and permanent home address?
14 |
Check for approved alternate destination + Read more ... Tell the student compassionate travel is usually approved only between the permanent home and the study location. See Determining the appropriate travel destination for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance (FAA). Does the student have exceptional circumstances where travel can be approved to a location other than the permanent home address or usual study address?
15 |
FAA payable + Read more ... FAA for ABSTUDY can be approved for:
Non-student traveller For a non-student traveller, see Non-student travellers for ABSTUDY. Procedure ends here. Student If the student is claiming:
Procedure ends here. Excluded Students Secondary school boarding students who discontinue study during a school term, cease to be eligible for the Away from Home rate from the date they discontinue study. See Cessation of the ABSTUDY Away from Home rate. Travel Service Officers must:
Procedure ends here. |
16 |
FAA is not payable + Read more ... Tell the claimant the student is not eligible for FAA for compassionate travel. If the travel request has been received by:
Examination travel
Examination travel
Table 7
Step |
Action |
1 |
A student is seeking Fares Allowance (FAA) for examination travel + Read more ... Was the student a full-time ABSTUDY student and eligible for FAA in the study period to which the exam relates?
2 |
Exam outside the usual examination period + Read more ... A full-time tertiary or secondary non-school student would be expected to remain at the place of study until the end of their participation in the normal examination period. They would only qualify for examination travel for unexpected supplementary or deferred examinations. Note: a deferred exam may have only been delayed by a few days. See the Resources page for an example. Is the date set for the exam outside the usual examination period?
3 |
Deferred or supplementary exam + Read more ... A student can only qualify for examination travel for unexpected supplementary or deferred examinations.
Note: evidence of deferred or supplementary exam will be required. Acceptable evidence would be a notification from the educational provider confirming that the student is required to take a deferred or supplementary exam. Is the exam a deferred or supplementary exam?
4 |
Reasonable travelling time + Read more ... Is the exam venue within reasonable travelling time of the usual place of residence?
5 |
FAA payable + Read more ... Tell the student they are eligible for FAA for examination travel. If the student is claiming:
All claims for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance are processed by the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Team. Procedure ends here. |
6 |
FAA not payable + Read more ... Tell the student they are not eligible for FAA for examination travel. If the travel request has been received by:
Graduation travel
Graduation travel
Table 8
Step |
Action |
1 |
Fares Allowance (FAA) to attend a graduation ceremony + Read more ... Graduation ceremonies for completed tertiary courses often take place several weeks to several months after course completion. Students who live a substantial distance from the educational provider will usually have returned home in this time. Graduation travel allows them to return to the study location to attend the graduation ceremony for their completed course. Graduation travel can be approved for a completed:
Is the graduation ceremony for a completed course/degree type listed above?
2 |
ABSTUDY assistance + Read more ... Did the student receive ABSTUDY assistance for any period of the course?
3 |
Approval of FAA for travel away from home + Read more ... To qualify for graduation travel, a student must have been approved for one of the following:
Graduation travel is not available if, for the duration of their course, a student only received FAA for the following:
During the course was the student approved for FAA to undertake their study or participate in residential school/s or received travel assistance funded by the IETP to undertake mixed-mode study?
4 |
FAA payable + Read more ... The student is eligible for one return trip (within Australia) between their permanent home and the location of the graduation ceremony. FAA will be payable up to (but not to exceed) the equivalent FAA rate to which the student was entitled during the course of study. See the Resources page for an example of determining the equivalent rate payable. The education provider that delivered the course will need to confirm that the student will be graduating from the course. There is no entitlement to meals or accommodation allowances except where the appropriate mode of transport means the journey must be broken. If the student is claiming:
All claims for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance are processed by the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Team. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
FAA not payable + Read more ... Tell the student they are not eligible for FAA for graduation travel. If the travel request has been received by:
Masters and Doctorate relocation travel
Masters and Doctorate relocation travel
Table 9
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check student receives Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES + Read more ... Masters and Doctorate relocation travel is to assist a Masters/Doctorate student, and their partner and dependent child/ren, to travel to their new permanent home at the place of study. Is the student in receipt of Living Allowance or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) (as a full-time student or concessional study load student) under the Masters/Doctorate Award?
2 |
Relocate to another town or city + Read more ... Will the student (and their partner and dependent child/ren if applicable) relocate to another town or city to take up their Masters/Doctorate studies? This will involve a change in their permanent home address.
3 |
FAA payable + Read more ... The student is entitled to relocation travel and Relocation Allowance. The student (and their partner and dependent child/ren if applicable) are entitled to a one-way journey from their existing permanent home to the study location. Travel for the student, partner and/or dependents will be paid at the economy or student concessional rate of either the:
If the student is claiming:
All claims for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance are processed by the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Team. Procedure ends here. |
4 |
FAA not payable + Read more ... The student is not eligible for Masters and Doctorate relocation travel. If the travel request has been received by:
Orientation Visit travel
Orientation Visit travel
Table 10
Step |
Action |
1 |
Orientation Visit travel + Read more ... For Orientation Visit travel requests, the customer must include the following with the travel request form:
Orientation Visit travel is required for student/s or approved non-student travellers when:
2 |
Prospective student/s attending an interview or selection process + Read more ... Students can travel to attend orientation activities, enrolment interviews or other selection processes prior to:
Some students may have a requirement to attend an interview or selection process in the year/s prior to commencing at secondary school. For these students a new ABSTUDY claim is required if they are not already current on ABSTUDY. This is to confirm the student will meet the eligibility requirements once they commence at the new school. See Early claims. In some cases, there may be a number of students from the same community that are required to complete an interview or selection process. It may be more cost effective for a representative from the education provider to travel to the community to conduct the interviews. See Non-student travellers for ABSTUDY. Is the student and/or non-student traveller attending a confirmed interview or selection process?
3 |
Tertiary study + Read more ... For Orientation Visit travel for tertiary study, the student must be:
Does the student meet all the above?
4 |
Intending secondary boarder + Read more ... Students may access Orientation Visit travel:
Does the student meet the above?
5 |
Boarding provider or school transition program + Read more ... The boarding provider or school can seek approval for a transition (or like) program to assist with Orientation Visit travel for students from remote Aboriginal communities. The boarding provider or school must provide details outlining the program. Has the transition program been approved for Fares Allowance for participating students?
6 |
FAA payable + Read more ... The student and/or non-student traveller is eligible for Orientation Visit travel. Where a family or community member is travelling with the student, they will be considered to be a non-student traveller. Students and non-student travellers may be eligible to claim accommodation costs for their stay. See Additional costs associated with travel for ABSTUDY. Travel is approved to undertake a return journey between the home address and a term address. Travel to a destination other than the permanent home or usual study location may be available in certain circumstances. See the Resources page for scenarios. Note: when paying a reimbursement for an orientation activity with a status of ABY/ASS, see Orientation Visit travel for non-current ABSTUDY customers. If the student is claiming:
All claims for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance are processed by the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Team. Procedure ends here. |
7 |
FAA not payable + Read more ... Student and/or non-student traveller are not entitled to Fares Allowance for Orientation Visit travel. If the travel request has been received by:
Special Purpose Visit (SPV) travel
Special Purpose Visit (SPV) travel
Table 11
Step |
Action |
1 |
Variations to school vacation travel + Read more ... Does the student have school vacation travel booked within 2 weeks of the requested SPV travel date and the student will not be returning to home before the start of the school term?
2 |
Special Purpose Visit (SPV) travel + Read more ... SPV travel for student/s or approved non-student travellers for:
3 |
NAIDOC Week and graduation events + Read more ... A return journey may be approved for a reasonable number of approved travellers between the traveller’s home community and the term address for NAIDOC Week and graduation events. Graduation events SPV travel for a Year 12 formal that can been completed within the same journey as the Year 12 graduation event, is considered as part of the graduation event. NAIDOC Week and graduation events do not contribute to the SPV entitlement of 3 events per calendar year. Where the student:
Is the SPV travel request for a confirmed NAIDOC Week or graduation event?
4 |
Serious problems of adjustment or similar circumstances + Read more ... A student may be considered to have serious problems of adjustment at their boarding or term location if they have:
Note: a trip from the term address to the home address should only be approved as a last resort. This would need to increase the likeliness of the student remaining in education. This does not contribute to the SPV entitlement of 3 events per calendar year. Is the student experiencing confirmed serious problems of adjustment or similar circumstances where a visit is expected to stabilise the situation?
5 |
School related events + Read more ... A return journey may be approved for the student and/or reasonable number of approved travellers between the traveller’s home community and:
A maximum of 3 events per calendar year can be approved for Special Purpose Visit travel. Where the student:
Is the SPV travel request for a confirmed school event?
6 |
Additional Assistance in lieu of Fares Allowance + Read more ... In some circumstances the student or approved traveller may be eligible for ABSTUDY Additional Assistance in lieu of ABSTUDY Fares Allowance. This is payable at the discretion of the Department for Social Services (DSS). Travel Service Officers must seek approval by:
- Travel $0.00 - Accommodation $0.00 - Meals $0.00
7 |
Level 2 Policy Helpdesk response + Read more ... The assessing Travel Officer will be provided with the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk response via the ABSTUDY Travel and Away from Base SO5. Has the additional SPV travel been approved?
8 |
FAA payable + Read more ... The student and/or non-student traveller is eligible for Special Purpose Visit travel. Where a family or community member is travelling with the student, they will be considered a non-student traveller. Travel is approved to undertake a return journey between the home and term address. In some circumstances travel to a destination other than the permanent home or usual study location may be available. See the Resources page for assessment scenarios. If the student is claiming:
Students returning home due to serious problems of adjustment Students who return home temporarily due to serious problems of adjustment remain eligible from the Away from Home rate of Living Allowance if they remain enrolled at the education provider and intend to return to studies. However, any family or community members approved for SPV to attend a school event that the student will not be participating in, are no longer eligible for this travel. Travel Service Officers must:
All claims for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance are processed by the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Team. Procedure ends here. |
9 |
FAA not payable + Read more ... Student and/or non-student traveller are not entitled to travel for Special Purpose Visit. If the travel request has been received by:
Emergency and disaster travel
Emergency and disaster travel
Table 12
Step |
Action |
1 |
Request travel assistance + Read more ... Emergency and disaster travel allows eligible students to return to their home or study location or travel to an alternative safe location if they are affected by an emergency or disaster. A student/applicant or third party organisation can request travel assistance for emergency or disaster travel. There are no limits to emergency and disaster travel. Does the approved traveller live away from home or are they participating in an Away from Base activity?
2 |
Emergency or disaster travel + Read more ... Has the approved traveller been affected by an emergency or disaster event that can be confirmed through a reputable source, such as a website or the education/board provider?
3 |
Identifying students requiring case escalation for assessment + Read more ... Service Officers must escalate claims for assessment by the Department of Social Services (DSS) where there are concerns around the approved traveller's circumstances meeting the definition of experiencing an emergency or disaster event. Are there concerns around the approved traveller experiencing an emergency or disaster?
4 |
Evidence + Read more ... Approved travellers that are impacted by an emergency or disaster that cannot be confirmed through a reputable source will need to provide evidence of their circumstances. Evidence can include:
Has sufficient evidence been provided?
5 |
Unable to provide evidence + Read more ... In some circumstances approved travellers may not be able to immediately provide evidence of their situation. To ensure we do not place the approved traveller at further risk, it may be acceptable to approve FAA and have the evidence provided once the approved traveller is in a safe location. Is it suitable for the approved traveller to provide evidence after the journey?
6 |
Escalation + Read more ... All claims for emergency and disaster travel require assessment by DSS.
Once DSS have determined the customer is:
7 |
FAA payable + Read more ... FAA for emergency and disaster travel is approved. If the student is claiming:
All claims for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance for emergency and disaster travel are processed by the ABSTUDY Travel Team. Procedure ends here. |
8 |
FAA not payable + Read more ... Tell the education provider, parent, or student they are not eligible for FAA for emergency and disaster travel. If the travel request has been received by: