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Assessing ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) claims 010-05030000

This document outlines the assessment of ABSTUDY PES which is paid fortnightly. The amount payable depends on the qualifying payment the applicant is receiving.

Eligibility and qualification for ABSTUDY PES

Customers receiving a qualifying payment for ABSTUDY PES and who are undertaking qualifying study are qualified for ABSTUDY PES in addition to the primary qualifying income support payment. Qualification for ABSTUDY PES relies mainly on receipt of a qualifying income support payment. Receipt of this payment must be verified before the ABSTUDY PES assessment can proceed.

Customers must satisfy basic qualifications:

ABSTUDY PES and PES differences

Indigenous customers can choose whether they want to apply for ABSTUDY PES or PES. Care should be exercised in offering customers a choice between the two schemes, as there are differences in additional payments available. For example:

Note: see Assessing claim for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

Claim lodgement rules

The closing dates for an ABSTUDY PES claim differs from other benefits administered by Services Australia:

  • 31 March if the course if a full year course starting before 1 April
  • 31 July if the course starts on or after 1 July, or
  • 28 days from the date of qualification if the course if less than one year

To make sure the student is paid from the earliest date possible, they should submit their claim by the closing dates above.

Note: for customers experiencing vulnerability, see Intent to claim and vulnerable customers.

Processing arrangements - ABSTUDY PES, AIC PES and PES

ABSTUDY PES claims are processed by ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing teams. See Processing arrangements for ABSTUDY claims and enquiries.

Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) PES is limited to a very small number of customers and claims and enquiries will be referred to the relevant AIC Smart Centre Processing centre.

See Smart Centre Processing details for: Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC).

PES processing has been consolidated nationally and claims are processed by the Student Network - PES Processing Service Centres. Search PES in Office Locator for details. The Resources page has a link to Office Locator.

Unfavourable decisions

When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

The Resources page contains links to the ABSTUDY PES claim form and Office Locator.


Processing transfers to Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) from ABSTUDY PES to receive Education Entry Payment (EdEP)

Calculating the start day for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and ABSTUDY PES

Late commencement of course for ABSTUDY, Austudy, Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and Youth Allowance (YA)

ABSTUDY eligibility and requirements

Claiming ABSTUDY

Rejecting an ABSTUDY claim

External review of ABSTUDY decisions

Initial contact about a decision and the review of decision process

Making an unfavourable decision

Intent to claim and vulnerable customers