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Assessing ABSTUDY claims 010-02020000

This document outlines the procedures for assessing ABSTUDY claims and supporting documents.

ABSTUDY claims and supporting documents

ABSTUDY is available to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and Australian Apprentices. Applicants who want to claim ABSTUDY must submit a completed ABSTUDY claim, see Claiming ABSTUDY. Claims must be received by the relevant closing date.


ABSTUDY claims and supporting documents can be lodged using any of the following options:

  • Online, using the Upload documents service
  • Fax, see Processing Services details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES
  • Post, via a reply paid envelope or by posting to Services Australia. See Processing Services details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES
  • In person, at a service centre, or in remote areas, with a Centrelink field officer

ABSTUDY processing

ABSTUDY Smart Centre processing teams are responsible for the processing of ABSTUDY claims and supporting documents. Look up local Processing Services details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES.

See Processing arrangements for ABSTUDY claims and enquiries for more information.


ABSTUDY Claiming Tool process

Processing arrangements for ABSTUDY claims and enquiries

Progress of claim - ABSTUDY

Rejecting an ABSTUDY claim

Processing an ABSTUDY claim

Completing an ABSTUDY form

Completing the Study Details MOD St

Assessing and coding the Study details MOD (ST)

Energy Supplement for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders

Payment of Pharmaceutical Allowance (PhA)

Advance payment for non-pension customers

Residence requirements for ABSTUDY

Full-time students attending a Defence Force Reserves training camp

Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI)

Processing Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI) reviews

Qualification for ABSTUDY Lump Sum Bereavement Payment

Treatment of compensation payments for ABSTUDY

ABSTUDY system coding for manual rate of payment ABSTUDY

Assessing the ABSTUDY Additional Information Form (SY023)

Assessing the ABSTUDY Change of Circumstances/Enquiries Sheet (SY053)

Late commencement of course for ABSTUDY, Austudy, Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and Youth Allowance (YA)

Assessing ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) claims

Who is the ABSTUDY applicant and interim claims

Assessing eligibility for Fares Allowance (FAA) for ABSTUDY

Assessing the ABSTUDY Change of Circumstances/Enquiries Sheet (SY053)

Review of ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme decisions

Payment of tuition fees or Student Contribution for ABSTUDY Masters and Doctorate study

ABSTUDY Thesis Allowance

ABSTUDY Relocation Allowance

Processing a claim after the death of a customer

Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims

Tax File Number (TFN) for ABSTUDY

Completing Parent(s)/Guardian(s) details for the Base Tax Year and Current Tax Year (MOD JY)

Assessing Form m (SY031) ABSTUDY Additional Incidentals Allowance Claim

Processing ABSTUDY School Term Allowance payments

Low Income Health Care Card (LIC)