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Payment of ABSTUDY when a student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated 102-07020090

This document outlines the procedure to follow when a student or Australian Apprentice is unable to study or continue their Australian Apprenticeship due to an illness or injury.

Temporary incapacity

An ABSTUDY secondary school student who is temporarily incapacitated and not attending classes may continue to receive payment for as long as their absence is approved by the school.

An ABSTUDY tertiary or secondary non-school student who is temporarily incapacitated and not undertaking full-time or concessional study load can continue to receive payment for up to 8 weeks (or longer in some circumstances) if the absence is approved. To be approved, the absence must be supported by medical evidence. The student must also remain enrolled at their educational institution for the period of the absence.

An ABSTUDY Australian Apprentice who is temporarily incapacitated and unable to continue their Australian Apprenticeship is eligible to receive ABSTUDY as long as their Commonwealth Registration Number remains current. If this number is suspended or cancelled, there is no entitlement to ABSTUDY.

If the student continues to study but at a reduced workload due to an incapacity, they may qualify for ABSTUDY Living Allowance or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) under a workload concession, or the ABSTUDY Part-time Award.

Living Allowance can continue to be paid until the day before study commences in the following year if:

  • an incapacity results in an approved absence that extends into an end of year vacation period, and
  • the student intends to continue with full-time or concessional study load education in the following year

Subsequent year entitlement will be assessed on the student's circumstances in that year.

Change of circumstances

If none of the above apply, the student or Australian Apprentice should claim an appropriate Services Australia administered payment such as Disability Support Pension (DSP), JobSeeker Payment (JSP) - Incapacitated or Youth Allowance (YA) - Incapacitated.

Exemptions from study for ABSTUDY

Assessing the disability study load concession for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)

Assessing the two-thirds study load concession for ABSTUDY

Changing study load from full-time to part-time or concessional study load for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy or PES

Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme student becomes incapacitated

Austudy student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated or impacted by unforeseen or extreme circumstances

Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) student becomes incapacitated

Youth Allowance (YA) student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated or impacted by unforeseen or extreme circumstances

Customer will not commence full-time study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)