Payment of ABSTUDY when a student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated 102-07020090
This document outlines the procedure to follow when a student or Australian Apprentice is unable to study or continue their Australian Apprenticeship due to an illness or injury.
On this page:
Assessing incapacitated students and Australian Apprentices circumstances
Evidence and eligibility for incapacitated ABSTUDY students
Assessing incapacitated Australian Apprentices
Assessing incapacitated students and Australian Apprentices circumstances
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Current ABSTUDY customer + Read more ... A current ABSTUDY customer advises they are no longer undertaking full-time studies or their Australian Apprenticeship because they are incapacitated. Is the customer receiving ABSTUDY as an Australian Apprentice?
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Customer entitlement + Read more ... The customer may still be entitled to receive Living Allowance or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) payments if they qualify for a study load concession and are studying a sufficient workload to meet the requirements of that concession. Consider if a workload concession applies, see Assessing study load concessions for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). Does the customer meet the requirements to continue receiving benefits under a study load concession?
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Part-time study + Read more ... If the ABSTUDY customer is studying part-time, but unable to qualify for a study load concession, their eligibility for the ABSTUDY Part-time Award should be considered. See Decreasing study load for ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). The ABSTUDY Part-time Award pays a limited range of entitlements and does not pay Living Allowance or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) payments. Therefore, the customer's entitlement to other income support payments or benefits should also be investigated. Procedure ends here. |
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Period of incapacity + Read more ... The appropriate procedure to follow will depend upon whether, because of their incapacity, the customer intends to only be temporarily absent, or is discontinuing studies. If the customer:
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Temporary absence from study + Read more ... The appropriate procedure to follow for customers who will be temporarily absent from studies because of incapacity depends upon the level of study. For:
Evidence and eligibility for incapacitated ABSTUDY students
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Evidence of circumstances + Read more ... Tell the student they must provide evidence of their approved absence. Evidence required is a signed statement from the secondary school explaining the extended absence is approved. Note: an indication by the school in an attendance check that an absence was due to illness or other circumstances beyond the control of the student may generally be accepted as sufficient evidence of an approved absence. Has the student provided appropriate evidence of their circumstances?
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Appropriate evidence provided + Read more ... Tell the student the absence is approved. There is no effect on payment, unless they discontinue study.
Tell the customer to notify within 14 days if their circumstances change |
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ABSTUDY secondary school students who are FTB children + Read more ... An adjusted study load assessment is required if the student is:
Does all of the above apply to the student?
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Tertiary or secondary non-schooling student + Read more ... Tell the tertiary or secondary non-school student that they can remain eligible for payment for up to 8 weeks as long as they remain enrolled by the education institution and provide medical evidence. The student must provide Services Australia with a medical certificate which:
If required, send a request for the documentation, see Requesting information (CLK). Has the student remained enrolled and provided the appropriate medical evidence?
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Continuing enrolment and has appropriate medical evidence + Read more ...
In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action. |
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Does the student require an extension of their period of incapacity beyond the initial 8 weeks? + Read more ...
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Resumption of study + Read more ... Tell the student they will be considered to have discontinued study at the end of the period as specified in the medical certificate unless they resume study or receive an extension as detailed below. Only one period of extension of entitlement beyond the first absence may be granted if:
Students are considered to have stopped study on the last day of the period specified in the second medical certificate if they do not resume full-time or concessional study load study on the following day. If an incapacity results in an approved absence that extends into an end of year vacation period, and the student intends to continue with full-time or concessional study education in the following year, Living Allowance can continue to be paid until the day before commencement of study in the following year. Subsequent year entitlement will be assessed on the student's circumstances in that year. Has an extension to the period of approved absence been given?
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Extension approved + Read more ...
In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action. Procedure ends here. |
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The student is considered to have discontinued studies + Read more ... Entitlement to ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) ceases from the date they were last considered to be a full-time student. Complete the following:
Procedure ends here. |
Assessing incapacitated Australian Apprentices
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Australian Apprentice + Read more ... An ABSTUDY Australian Apprentice customer who is temporarily incapacitated and unable to continue their apprenticeship is eligible to receive ABSTUDY as long as their Commonwealth registration number remains current. If the Commonwealth registration number is suspended or cancelled, there is no entitlement to ABSTUDY as an Australian Apprentice. Obtain the Australian Apprenticeship details from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. Is the Commonwealth registration number current?
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If there is continuing entitlement + Read more ... The customer must provide Services Australia with an original valid medical certificate which:
If the incapacity is permanent, investigate if the customer may be eligible for another income support payment, e.g. JobSeeker Payment (JSP) or Disability Support Pension (DSP). If required, send a request for the documentation, see Requesting information (CLK). When the customer provides the medical certificate, copy and return it to the customer as they may need to provide a copy to their employer. Has the customer provided the appropriate medical evidence?
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If there is ongoing entitlement + Read more ...
Procedure ends here. |
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If there is no entitlement + Read more ... To cancel ABSTUDY, update the Apprenticeship End Date field on the Apprenticeship Details (NAPD) screen with the date advised from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR). Investigate if the customer may be eligible for another Services Australia payment. For a:
Record details on a DOC. |