Determining progress and duration of assistance for ABSTUDY 010-02080040
This document outlines how to determine the duration that ABSTUDY is payable. There are limits placed on the amount of study an ABSTUDY student may undertake and still remain eligible for payment.
Reasonable time rules for ABSTUDY
Reasonable time rules for ABSTUDY customers apply to customers studying secondary non-school or tertiary level courses. Reasonable time is related to the normal length of the student's current course (the normal length of a course is also known as minimum time). To determine whether a student has reached this limit, the student's study in the current course is assessed. Study in previous courses may also be included. If the student is not making sufficient progress towards completing their course, ABSTUDY may cease.
Limits of assistance for courses
Limits of assistance rules apply to Statement of Attainment, Certificate levels 1 and 2, bachelor, Masters or Doctorate level courses.
ABSTUDY assistance is limited to:
- four years of study for any combination of Statement of Attainment, Certificate 1 or 2 level courses, and
- one completed undergraduate bachelor's degree, or time equivalent to one completed undergraduate bachelor degree (including Honours, Masters qualifying year/s, combined degrees and/or prerequisite studies), and
- one of the following three options:
- one (or time equivalent to one) completed degree at Master level and one (or time equivalent to one) completed at Doctorate level
- two (or time equivalent to two) completed degrees at Masters level, or
- two (or time equivalent to two) completed degrees at Doctorate level
Where a student has reached or exceeded the limit of assistance for a particular level of study, no form of ABSTUDY assistance is payable for further studies at that level.
Assessing eligibility for ABSTUDY
When assessing eligibility for ABSTUDY it is necessary to consider:
- how much previous study the student has done (in addition to the current study)
- whether any of that study can be disregarded
- whether addition to/extension of reasonable time should be allowed
The ABSTUDY progress rules limit the length of time a student may receive ABSTUDY to study in a particular course. Where a student has reached or exceeded the reasonable time and/or limit of assistance for study in a course, ABSTUDY is no longer payable.
The Resources page contains examples of situations that may arise when determining the duration of ABSTUDY assistance, a link to Australian Universities as held on the Universities Australia website and links to pages containing links to University and TAFE websites.
Related links
Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)
Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study