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Determining progress and duration of assistance for ABSTUDY 010-02080040

This page contains processing information relating to determining the progress and duration of assistance for ABSTUDY.

On this page:

Determining reasonable time for a course of study for ABSTUDY

Determine limits of assistance for ABSTUDY

Finalising assessment of reasonable time of study for ABSTUDY

Determining reasonable time for a course of study for ABSTUDY

Table 1: this table describes the steps and actions required to determine the reasonable time for a course of study for ABSTUDY.




Determine the reasonable time for the course of study + Read more ...

Calculate the reasonable time for the course of study for which the customer is applying to receive ABSTUDY.

  • If the normal duration of the course is two years or less, then the student may be paid for twice the normal course duration
  • If the normal duration of the course is longer than two years, then the student may be paid for the normal course duration plus two years

Once reasonable time to complete the course has been calculated, go to Step 2.


Previous study + Read more ...

Review the Education Course History (EDCH) screen to determine how long the student has studied in the current course within the last 10 years.

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, all service delivery staff may complete this step if they are trained. Go to Step 4

Phone contact: Typically done by Smart Centre staff. Staff may complete this step if trained. Is determining the reasonable time assessment considered complex? For example, the student has ceased and recommenced the course multiple times, resulting in partial study periods to be assessed.


Complex assessment + Read more ...

Send an ABSTUDY action request Fast Note to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing team for assistance.

Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY Study Update Required > Confirm.

Place information inside the Fast Note such as:

  • New course end date
  • Investigation notes
  • Any further information provided by the customer

Procedure ends here.


Previous receipt of ABSTUDY for current course + Read more ...

Check if the customer received any ABSTUDY assistance to study the current course, in previous years. Screens used to check may include:

  • Benefit status (XBS)
  • Education Course History (EDCH)
  • Payment summary (PS)

Note: if the customer's current course is an Honours extension and ABSTUDY has been paid for any periods in the undergraduate degree (that lead into the Honours) the customer is considered to have 'received' ABSTUDY for their current course.

Has ABSTUDY previously been paid for this course?


Periods of study which are excluded + Read more ...

There are certain periods that are excluded when assessing the customer's progress. The following are to be disregarded:

  • periods of study for which Living Allowance or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) was not paid, regardless of the reason why these were not paid
  • periods of study in courses other than the one for which reasonable time is being calculated
  • studies undertaken more than 10 years before the year for which assistance is being claimed

Did the customer receive Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES for the current course within the last 10 years?


Calculation of previous study + Read more ...

All periods for which the student received Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES for the current course within the last 10 years are to be included in the assessment for reasonable time limits.

A student's eligibility under reasonable time rules is measured only:

  • at the start of the academic year for which assistance is being sought, or
  • the date on which the student first applies for ABSTUDY in a year (e.g. the student may only commence study in second semester)

At that time, the student must have studied less than the maximum time allowed.

Where a student has not yet reached or exceeded the reasonable time for their course at the time of assessment, they are eligible for ABSTUDY until the end of the academic year in which assistance is being sought, even where reasonable time would be met or exceeded during that year.

See the Resources page for examples to assist in determining reasonable time assessments.

Has the total period for which the student received Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES for the current course within the last 10 years reached or exceeded the reasonable time for the current course?

Determine limits of assistance for ABSTUDY

Table 2: this table describes how to determine the limits of assistance for ABSTUDY.




Limits of Assistance + Read more ...

The ABSTUDY limits of assistance rules limit the length of time a student may receive ABSTUDY to study Certificate 1 and 2 level courses, bachelor's degree, and Masters and Doctorate courses. When a student has met or exceeded the limits, ABSTUDY is no longer payable.

A student's eligibility under limits of assistance is measured at the start of the academic year for which assistance is being sought or the date on which the student first applies for ABSTUDY in a year (e.g. the student may only commence study in second semester), and at that time, the student must have studied less than the maximum time allowed.

Details of previous periods of payment of ABSTUDY and levels of study will be available on the customer's record. This can be checked on following screens:

  • Benefit status (XBS)
  • Education Course History (EDCH)
  • Payment summary (PS)

If the student is studying:

  • a Statement of Attainment level course, or Certificate Level 1 or 2 course, go to Step 2
  • an undergraduate bachelor's degree (including Honours, Masters qualifying year/s, combined degrees and/or prerequisite studies), go to Step 3
  • Masters/Doctorate level course, go to Step 4
  • none of the above, limits of assistance rules do not apply. See Table 3 > Step 2


Limits of assistance for Certificate and Statement of Attainment courses + Read more ...

Payment of ABSTUDY Living Allowance or PES is limited to four years in total, for any combination of Statement of Attainment, Certificate 1 or 2 courses.

To assist with identifying relevant customers, codes specifically for ABSTUDY customers are to be used in the Course Level: field on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen.

  • SC1 - Secondary Level Certificate 1 or Statement of Attainment
  • SC2 - Secondary Level Certificate 2
  • C01 - for Certificate Level 1 or Statement of Attainment
  • C02 - for Certificate Level 2

See the Resources page for examples to assist in determining the limit of assistance.

Has the total period for which the student received Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES for all study at this level within the last 10 years reached or exceeded the four year limit of assistance?


Limits of assistance for undergraduate bachelor's degree courses + Read more ...

Payment of ABSTUDY Living Allowance or PES is limited to one (or time equivalent to one) completed undergraduate bachelor's degree (including Honours, Masters qualifying year/s, combined degrees and/or prerequisite studies).

Students who have already received Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES to complete one undergraduate bachelor's degree (including Honours, Masters qualifying year/s, combined degrees and/or prerequisite studies), regardless of the amount of time spent studying, no longer qualify for any further ABSTUDY for study at this level.

All other students studying at undergraduate bachelor level require an assessment to determine whether they have studied for the time equivalent to one completed course at this level.

The method to determine the time equivalent to one completed course at this level for limits of assistance is the same method used to determine reasonable time. The reasonable time for the current course must then be compared to the total period within the last 10 years for which Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES was paid for any study at the following levels:

  • Undergraduate bachelor's degree
  • Honours program, Masters qualifying year/s, or prerequisite degree for entry into the current course

See the Resources page for examples to assist in determining the limit of assistance.

Note: Where a student has not exceeded limits of assistance at the start of the current academic calendar, they are eligible for ABSTUDY until the end of the academic year, even where limits of assistance would have been met or exceeded during that year.

Has the total period for which the student received Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES for all study at this level within the last 10 years reached or exceeded the limit of assistance?


Limits of assistance for Masters and Doctorate courses + Read more ...

Payment of Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES is limited to two (or time equivalent to two) completed courses at the Masters or Doctorate level.

Students who have already received Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES to complete two courses at the Doctorate or Masters level, regardless of the amount of time spent studying, no longer qualify for any further ABSTUDY for study at this level.

All other students studying at Masters or Doctorate level require an assessment to determine whether they have studied for the time equivalent to two completed courses at this level.

The method to determine the time equivalent to two completed courses at this level for limits of assistance is the same method used to determine reasonable time. For example, where a student has already completed one course at Masters or Doctorate level and is now undertaking a second course, determine the reasonable time for each course and add them together. This must then be compared to the total period within the last 10 years for which Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES was paid for any study at Masters or Doctorate level.

See the Resources page for examples to assist in determining the limit of assistance.

Note: Where a student has not met or exceeded limits of assistance at the start of the current academic calendar, they are eligible for ABSTUDY until the end of the academic year, even where limits of assistance would have been met or exceeded during that year.

Has the total period for which the student received Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES for all study at this level within the last 10 years reached or exceeded the limit of assistance?

Finalising assessment of reasonable time of study for ABSTUDY

Table 3: this table describes the finalisation of assessment of reasonable time for study for ABSTUDY.




Extension due to disability or circumstances beyond the student's control + Read more ...

Students who have exceeded the reasonable time or limit of assistance for their course of study can have an extension of up to one year if:

  • the student's progress has been delayed by physical, psychiatric or intellectual disability or other circumstances beyond their control and
  • the education provider recommends in writing that the student continues the course, and
  • the education provider indicates that the student is expected to complete the course this year

This extension only needs to be granted where reasonable time (and the extension of reasonable time where appropriate) or limits of assistance has been met. It can only be granted for the final year of a course.

Advise the student of the above. If required, send a request for the documentation, see Requesting information (CLK).

Does the customer require an extension for one year and documentation supporting the above criteria been provided?


Customer meets the reasonable time and/or limit of assistance rules for their course of study + Read more ...

As the customer meets the reasonable time and/or limit of assistance rules for their course of study, they remain eligible for Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES.

To update the course details, refer to the following procedure depending on the customer's circumstances;

Note: if the student will exceed reasonable time or limit of assistance after the course duration, there is no requirement to code the Allowable End Date: field. However, if reasonable time or limit of assistance will be reached during the duration of the student's current course (including where reasonable time or limit of assistance will be reached at the end of the current course), the Allowable End Date: field on the EDC screen must be coded to reflect this date, see Coding ABSTUDY education details.

Procedure ends here.


Student has exceeded the reasonable time and/or limit of assistance rules for their current course of study + Read more ...

The customer does not qualify for any further ABSTUDY as they have exceeded the reasonable time and/or limits of assistance for their current course of study.

On the EDCH screen, select the current course. In the Allowable Time End Date field enter the last day of study in the academic year in which reasonable time/limits of assistance has been met or exceeded.

For further coding assistance, see Coding ABSTUDY education details.

Record details of the decision, including the relevant Policy references in a DOC, and advise customer of their review rights.

Procedure ends here.