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Inter-environment change of address (ICOA) transfer of a child record 102-03020030

This document outlines how to use ICoA to transfer the record of a child.

On this page:

Process Direct transfers

Customer First/Customer Record transfers

Process Direct transfers

Table 1




Check the customer circumstances + Read more ...

When an inter-environment change of address (ICoA) is required, the first step is to check the customer circumstances.

In many instances, when a child is transferring with their parents, there is no need to undertake this procedure because if the child is attached to their parent's record, their record will be transferred when the ICoA transfer of the customer record is undertaken.

This procedure is only required when:

If the child does not have a record or there is no change in custody, procedure ends here.


If transfer of a child due to change of care or custody, or if child has their own record + Read more ...

In these circumstances, perform a child search.

  • Select Customer Summary
  • In search include Last Name, Date of Birth, CRN (If known)
  • Select Go

If details are not correct they will need to be updated before the transfer starts. For example:


Determine the gaining and losing environments and clear activities + Read more ...

Check if there are any outstanding activities on the Activity List (AL) screen in the gaining and losing environments.

These activities need to be completed or deleted before the transfer will occur. The transfer can still be scheduled, but these activities will need to be cleared before the transfer will complete.


Start transfer + Read more ...

  • Go to the Inter Environment Transfer (ICOA) screen
  • Select Request Transfer
  • Select Gaining environment
  • Select Customer’s new office code & gaining region
  • Select Transfer


Check Transfer + Read more ...

Monitor the transfer on ICOA screen.

Select Refresh if transfer has not occurred within acceptable time frame.

Customer First/Customer Record transfers

Table 2




Check the customer circumstances + Read more ...

When an inter-environment change of address (ICoA) is required, the first step is to check the customer circumstances.

In many instances, when a child is transferring with their parents, there is no need to undertake this procedure because if the child is attached to their parent's record, their record will be transferred when the ICoA transfer of the customer record is undertaken.

This procedure is only required when:

If the child does not have a record or there is no change in custody, procedure ends here.


If transfer of a child due to change of care or custody, or if child has their own record + Read more ...

In these circumstances, perform a child search from the Name (IN) screen using 'CHI' in the Search Type: field to identify child details, including the child's Customer Reference Number (CRN), linked parents and which environment the current child record is in.

If details are not correct they will need to be updated before the transfer starts. For example:


Determine the gaining and losing environments and clear activities + Read more ...

Check if there are any outstanding activities on the Activity List (AL) screen in the gaining and losing environments.

These activities need to be completed or deleted before the transfer will occur. The transfer can still be scheduled, but these activities will need to be cleared before the transfer will complete.


Check availability of ICoA facility + Read more ...

Go to the InterEnvironment Transfer System Status (ITSS) screen.

  • Check the message at the bottom of the screen to see if users can schedule transfers. The message will either be 'ICoA is in SCHEDULING Mode today the (date)' or 'ICoA is not in SCHEDULING Mode today the (date)'
  • Check if the ICoA facility is available in both the gaining and losing environment
  • Check if any of the payment systems (e.g. PEN. NSS) have been disabled (a transfer can still be scheduled but will not complete until the system is enabled again). Details of any payment systems which are disabled are displayed on the ITSS screen


Start transfer + Read more ...

  • Go to the Start InterEnvironment transfer (ITST) screen in the gaining environment. The Transfer into: field on this screen will default to this environment. Enter:
  • the child's CRN in the Transfer CRN: field
  • the environment which currently holds the record in the Losing Environment: field
  • the payment type (for example, PEN for pension) in the Keyword: field - Use field help ('?') for valid values
  • the 3 letter service centre code for the losing service centre in the Gaining Regional office Code: field. This field is only required if the user's profile has them attached to a Smart Centre
  • The ITST screen is redisplayed with a child sub-header
  • If the details (for example, the status of the payment) are not correct then code 'N' in the Schedule Transfer: field, or [shift F4], to cancel the transfer process. Update the details, then return to the ITST screen
  • If the details are correct, code 'Y' in the Schedule Transfer: field to start the transfer


Check for edits in the gaining environment + Read more ...

If there are gaining environment edits then the Edit List (ITED) screen will be displayed.

See Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) facility edits for help with identifying and clearing edits.

  • Code 'Y' in the Schedule Transfer: field to continue the transfer screen flow and clear the edits later
  • Code 'N' in the Start Transfer: field, or press [shift F4] to cancel the transfer, clear the edits now, and start a new transfer screen flow for the customer


Check for edits in the losing environment + Read more ...

The ITED screen in the losing environment will be displayed.

See Inter-environment Change of Address (ICoA) facility edits for help with identifying and clearing edits.

  • Code 'Y' in the Schedule Transfer: field to continue the transfer screen flow and clear the edits later
  • Code 'N' in the Schedule Transfer: field, or press [shift F4] if the transfer is to be left as started (STA). To complete the transfer, clear the edits, cancel the transfer, and start a new transfer screen flow for the customer. If the transfer is not to be completed, cancel the started transfer from the Scheduled Transfers (ITSC) screen


Schedule the transfer + Read more ...

Once the Schedule Transfer: field has been coded as 'Y' in both the gaining and losing environments, the ICoA facility will schedule the transfer.


Monitor the transfer + Read more ...

The transfer should be complete within approximately 2 hours, unless ITED edits were encountered within the screen flow.

ITED edits encountered during the screen flow must be cleared. Once cleared, the transfer should be completed by the following day.

For help, see: