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The Living Arrangements question set 102-05030000

Living Arrangements questions

Table 1

Note: for customers only receiving Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS), or Carer Allowance (CA), the system will not automatically go to the Living Arrangements question set following an update to the customer’s accommodation details. The Living Arrangements questions will need to be verbally asked and if required, appropriate forms manually issued.


Why this question is asked

FTB/CCS/CA only - verbally asking living arrangements questions


Have you shared accommodation at another address with <NAME OF SHARER/S>?

To check if there is a history of the customer and sharer sharing accommodation.

FTB/CCS – not required

CA - required


Have you and <NAME OF SHARER/S> previously lived together as a couple (for example, married, partnered, de facto or in a registered relationship)?

To check if there is a history of a relationship between the customer and the sharer.

If the customer answers ‘yes’ the recommendation is to issue the SS293 to the customer and sharer (if no safety concerns identified).

FTB/CCS – required

CA – required


Do you and <NAME OF SHARER/S> share the parenting/guardianship of any children?

To check if there is a history of a relationship and the possible ongoing nature of the relationship between the customer and the sharer.

If the customer answers ‘yes’ the recommendation is to issue the SS284 to the customer and sharer (if no safety concerns identified).

FTB/CCS – not required

CA - required


Have you and <NAME OF SHARER/S> ever had joint financial commitments (for example, joint bank account, mortgage, or other loans)?

To check whether the financial aspects indicate a possible member of a couple relationship.

If the customer answers ‘yes’ the recommendation is to issue the SS284 to the customer and sharer (if no safety concerns identified).

FTB/CCS – not required

CA - required


Please provide more information. Note: free text box if customer answers 'yes' to Q4

To gain more information about the financial commitment. A significant financial commitment, for example, a house loan or joint finances, means that a member of a couple assessment needs to be undertaken. A less significant financial commitment, for example, joint bank account solely to manage shared rent and household expenses, may not.

If the customer answers ‘yes’ the recommendation is to issue the SS284 to the customer and sharer (if no safety concerns identified).

FTB/CCS – not required

CA - required


If you participate in activities with <NAME OF SHARER/S>, are you considered to be a couple?

Establishes how the customer thinks their relationship with the sharer is seen by others.

If the customer answers ‘yes’ the recommendation is to issue the SS284 to the customer and sharer (if no safety concerns identified).

FTB/CCS – not required

CA - required


Please provide more information. Note: free text box if customer answers 'yes' to Q5.

The customer may provide more details about why they may be seen by others as a couple.

FTB/CCS – not required

CA - required


Are you concerned about your safety if forms are issued to <NAME OF SHARER/S>?

To establish whether the customer has any safety concerns if the forms are issued to the sharer.

If safety concerns have been identified, the relevant forms (SS284 or SS293) are only to be issued to the customer and not the sharer

FTB/CCS – required

CA - required

Approved text for QSS32 Living Arrangement questions

Table 2




Living Arrangements questions – QSS32 questionnaire template

A QSS32 questionnaire may be manually issued if further information is required from the customer to help determine if they share their accommodation.

The text for the free text paragraphs below is approved and must not be modified.

Create a QSS32, see Creating a manual letter or Online Advice (OLA), including within an existing activity.

  • Letter code field, key ‘QSS32

Complete all letter fields by entering the corresponding numbers for the required selection:

  • NOMCLI field, select the appropriate addressee. Nominee = 1, Customer = 2
  • DEBTBN field, select OTHER = 2
  • UD.CLM field, select Otherwise = 2
  • FRTX1 field, select Y=one. Note: in Customer First, a free text paragraph box will appear at the bottom of the page. Free text fields have a limit of 75 characters per line and do not line wrap. To make sure the required text for the first paragraph can be entered as a whole into the free text box, select Next to navigate to the next page. An extended free text box will appear at the top of the page, which will enable staff to copy and paste the entire text below without encountering errors due to free text field limitations. In Process Direct, text for free text fields will automatically wrap
  • Free Text Paragraph field, enter the following text:

To ensure we pay you the correct rate, we need to know if you share your accommodation. We consider you a sharer if you’re single and live with another person who is 16 years or older and isn’t an immediate family member (parent, step-parent, legal guardian, sibling, step-sibling, child, adopted child, step-child, foster-child, grandparent or grandchild) and you share at least 1 major area of accommodation (i.e. kitchen, bedroom or bathroom). If you do share your accommodation, we need to confirm your living arrangements.

  • PLURAL field, select single = 1, plural = 2
  • DAYS field, select within 14 days = 2
  • WARN field, select Y=1
  • CASURE field, select suspension = 2
  • PPLACT field, select Null/Other = 2
  • SSSAFA field, select SSlaw = 1
  • CHAT field, select Teleservice No = 2
  • Bank field, select Null = 2
  • ANSIN field, select Asking questions = 1

Select free text fields as required. Note: only insert questions that are applicable to the customer’s circumstances.


Do you share your accommodation with someone that is 16 years of age or over who is not an immediate family member? If yes, continue to Q2. If no, skip Q2-7 and complete the declaration.


Provide the full name and age of each person you share with and advise which option describes your relationship: Boyfriend/girlfriend/non-binary, friend/housemate or other?


Have you shared accommodation at another address with anyone you share with? If yes, tell us which sharer.


Have you previously lived together as a couple (for example, married, de facto or in a registered relationship) with anyone you share with? If yes, tell us which sharer.


Do you share the parenting/guardianship of any children with anyone you share with? If yes, tell us which sharer.


Do you have any joint financial commitments (e.g. joint bank account, mortgage or other loan) with anyone you share with? If yes, tell us which sharer, the type and purpose of the financial commitment.


If you participate in activities with anyone you share with, are you considered to be a member of a couple? If yes, tell us which sharer and what activities you participate in together.


Would you be concerned about your safety if forms are issued to anyone you share with? If so, which sharer do you have safety concerns about?

Review the letter to make sure the content is correct.

Finalise and print the letter. Note: letter will be printed centrally.