The Living Arrangements question set 102-05030000
This is a family and domestic violence interaction point. If the customer is with another person, or on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.
This document explains the Living Arrangements (LA) question set, which streamlines processes for assessing a customer's living arrangements.
On this page:
Specific questions from the Sharer Details and Living Arrangements question set
Manually issue the appropriate Relationship Details form and letter
Initial assessment
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer's current circumstances + Read more ... Action may be needed from a previous contact regarding the customer's sharing arrangements. If the customer contacts and advises they:
If a Service Officer:
2 |
Rent Certificate/lease agreement indicates customer is sharing + Read more ... Check responses to the Sharer Details (SDQ) page to determine if the sharer is already recorded. Where there are indications a single customer may be sharing but the sharer is not recorded, attempt to contact the customer to confirm details of the sharer/s. Make genuine attempts to contact the customer, to confirm sharer/s details. Was the outbound contact to the customer successful?
3 |
QSS32 - Rent Certificate/lease agreement – customer contacts + Read more ... Advise the customer a QSS32 was issued as the Rent Certificate/lease agreement provided indicates they share their accommodation and clarification is needed. If the customer:
4 |
QSS32 - Rent Certificate/lease agreement + Read more ... Has the QSS32 been returned with all the required information? Note: if there is reason to suspect the information provided by the customer is incorrect, refer for investigation via the report suspected fraud and corruption process before proceeding.
5 |
Rent Certificate/lease agreement + Read more ... Has the due date for the return of the QSS32 passed? Note: if there is reason to suspect the information provided by the customer is incorrect, refer for investigation via the report suspected fraud and corruption process before proceeding.
6 |
New claim indicates customer is sharing + Read more ... Where there are indications, a single customer may be sharing but the sharer is not recorded, attempt to contact the customer to confirm their sharer status. Contact must be made to discuss the customer’s sharer status and if required, their living arrangements. Make genuine attempts to contact the customer, to discuss their sharer status. Was contact with customer successful?
7 |
QSS32 issued - new claim - customer contacts + Read more ... Advise the customer a QSS32 was issued as they provided information in their claim that indicates they share their accommodation, and their sharer status needs to be clarified. If the customer advises they are:
8 |
QSS32 returned - new claim + Read more ... Has the QSS32 been returned with all the required information? Note: if there is reason to suspect the information provided by the customer is incorrect, refer for investigation via the report suspected fraud and corruption process before proceeding.
9 |
QSS32 due date - new claim + Read more ... Has the due date for the return of the QSS32 passed?
10 |
Customer under the age of consent - work item allocated for action + Read more ... A manual review falls due when the customer/sharer reaches the applicable age of consent for the state or territory they live in. This is to review the customer’s circumstances and code sharer details/update living arrangements, if applicable. Attempt to contact the customer to confirm if the customer is still sharing and details of the sharer/s. Make genuine attempts to contact the customer. Was the outbound contact to the customer successful?
11 |
Customer under the age of consent – customer contact + Read more ... Advise the customer they have provided information which indicates they share their accommodation and their sharer status needs to be clarified. If the customer:
12 |
Q164 due date - customer under the age of consent + Read more ... Check the record for any relevant DOCs and/or updates to the Sharer Details (SDQ) page. Has the customer contacted in response to the Q164?
13 |
Failed online update - work item allocated for action + Read more ... In some circumstances where a customer has updated their address/accommodation, a work item will be created on a customer’s record due to a failed online update. For example, when the customer advises they will be sharing address/accommodation in the future, manual intervention is required. Service Officer is required to:
Specific questions from the Sharer Details and Living Arrangements question set
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Undertake preliminary checks + Read more ... The Living Arrangements (LA) question set identifies if a customer may be a member of a couple (MOC). Before running the Customer First Change in Contact Details workflow, complete some checks to determine if forms can be overridden at the end of the workflow.
2 |
Determine if the customer is sharing accommodation with a person who is not an immediate family member and is aged 16 years or over + Read more ... In most cases, the Customer First Change in Contact Details workflow will be used. The Sharer Details and Living Arrangements question set screens are built into the Accommodation section of this workflow. Where there is no need to update the Accommodation Details (AC) screen, for example, where the customer has advised of change in sharer details only, the workflow can still be used to update the Sharer Details page by selecting Accommodation. For definition of an immediate family member, see Background > Sharer Details > Immediate family member. Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS) or Carer Allowance (CA) + Read more ... For customers only receiving FTB, CCS or CA, the system will not automatically go to the Sharer Details page following an update to their accommodation details. Note: there is no need to update the Accommodation Details (AC) screen for customers receiving CCS or CA. Is the customer currently sharing accommodation with non-family members who are aged 16 years or over?
All other payments + Read more ... Note: sharer details for dates in the future cannot be coded. Tell the customer to re-contact once they have physically moved address. Is the customer currently sharing accommodation with non-family members who are aged 16 years or over?
3 |
Sharing accommodation with a person who is not an immediate family member and is aged 16 years or over + Read more ... The customer must provide details of all people they are currently sharing accommodation with for the agency to determine if a member of a couple assessment is needed and deliver the correct rate of payment (that is, single or partnered rate). Is the customer willing and able to provide the sharer's details?
4 |
Sharer Details page + Read more ... If the customer has advised they are sharing accommodation with a person who is not an immediate family member and is aged 16 years or over, the Sharer Details page must be completed. Note: as sharer details cannot be edited once the workflow has been finalised, care must be taken when coding sharer details to make sure all information is correct in the first instance. When using the workflow in Customer First, on the Sharer Details (SDQ) page complete the following fields:
Note: if a customer advises they have a boyfriend, girlfriend or non-binary relationship, do not issue a Partner details (MOD P) form in place of a Relationship details form. Do not assess a customer as a member of a couple simply because they have a boyfriend/girlfriend/non-binary relationship. If recommended, the relevant Relationship details form (SS284) will trigger a formal member of a couple assessment to be done. |
5 |
Check sharers details + Read more ... Check details of all sharers with the customer to make sure all recorded information is still current. Is there any information already recorded on the Sharer Details (SDQ) page that is no longer current?
6 |
No longer sharing with listed sharer/s + Read more ... As the customer has advised they are no longer sharing accommodation with person/s listed on their record, the customer's accommodation details must be updated and sharer details must be ended. Use the Customer First Change in Contact Details workflow. On the Sharer Details (SDQ) page:
Does the customer share with any other person not already recorded?
7 |
Living Arrangements questions + Read more ... The agency needs the customer to answer questions about their living arrangements because:
If the customer is sharing with more than one person, the questions must be asked for all sharers and responses recorded accordingly. There are 5 questions that must have responses recorded as well as a safety concern question. Service Officers will need to enter responses 'Y' or 'N' based on the customer's advice for each question. Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS) or Carer Allowance (CA) + Read more ... For customers only receiving FTB, CCS, or CA, the system will not automatically navigate to the Living Arrangements question set following an update to the customer’s accommodation details. See Resources page for Living Arrangements questions > FTB/CCS/CA only – verbally asking living arrangements questions column to determine which question needs to be asked as this will depend on the payment the customer is receiving. All other payments + Read more ... Question: Have you shared accommodation at another address with <NAME OF SHARER/S>?
Question: Have you and <NAME OF SHARER/S> previously lived together as a couple (for example, married, partnered, de facto or in a registered relationship)?
Question: Do you and <NAME OF SHARER/S> share the parenting/guardianship of any children?
Question: Have you and <NAME OF SHARER/S> ever had any joint financial commitments (for example, joint bank account, mortgage, or other loans)
Question: If you participate in activities with <NAME OF SHARER/S>, are you considered to be a couple?
8 |
Safety concerns question + Read more ... The safety concerns question does not need to be asked. Service Officers can record ‘No’ to this question if the customer has responded ‘No’ to the LA questions relevant to their payment type. Family and domestic violence There are specific procedures for a customer who is experiencing family and domestic violence. Under no circumstances should contact be made with the alleged user of violence (generally the other person who is the sharer/ex-partner). The matter must be referred to a social worker to assess appropriate supports and help that may be needed. Question: Are you concerned about your safety if forms are issued to <NAME OF SHARER/S>? Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS) or Carer Allowance (CA) + Read more ... Based on the customer’s responses to the Living Arrangements questions, does the relevant Relationship details form(s) (SS284 or SS293) need to be issued?
All other payments + Read more ... If the customer's response to this question is:
9 |
Living Arrangements question set outcome + Read more ... The outcome of the Living Arrangements question set will depend on the customer's responses to the questions. If the customer has responded with:
10 |
Issue of SS284 or SS293 recommended + Read more ... A 'Y' response to the last 2 questions about joint financial commitments or activities will have triggered a recommendation to issue a SS284 (unless a recommendation for a SS293 has been triggered). The following question will present: Would you like to provide any other information about your responses to these questions for <NAME OF SHARER/S>? This question gives the customer an opportunity to provide any additional information about the nature of the relationship in general and may provide enough detail for a Service Officer to make a determination to override the system recommendation of issuing a form. Does the customer wish to provide further information?
11 |
Decision on issuing recommended SS284 or SS293 + Read more ... Note: customers only receiving Family Tax Benefit, Child Care Subsidy, or Carer Allowance, staff must issue forms manually. If the customer has provided enough information to indicate there is no risk of an undisclosed relationship with the sharer(s), Service Officers can override the issue of the SS284 or SS293 forms. If a customer advises they have a boyfriend, girlfriend or non-binary relationship, do not issue a Partner details (MOD P) form in place of a Relationship details form. Do not assess a customer as a member of a couple simply because they have a boyfriend/girlfriend/non-binary relationship. If recommended, the relevant Relationship details form (SS284) will trigger a formal member of a couple assessment to be done. Is the system recommendation to issue a SS284 or SS293 to be overridden?
Sharer details not provided
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer is unable, or refuses, to provide sharer details + Read more ... When the customer is unable or refuses to provide sharer details during the LA sharer questions workflow, read the following script to the customer: 'To allow us to pay you the correct entitlement, and for you to avoid a possible debt, we require details of the people who share accommodation with you. If you do not provide these details within 14 days, Services Australia will be required to suspend your payment until these details are provided. You can provide this information within 14 days either by telephone or visiting a service centre. This information is requested under Section 63 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999.' Is the customer still unable or refusing to provide sharer details?
2 |
Update Accommodation details + Read more ... While still in the Living Arrangements (LA) questions workflow:
Procedure ends here. |
3 |
Payment to be suspended or claim rejected + Read more ... As the customer has not provided the requested information or contacted the agency, their payment must be suspended, or their claim rejected if it is about a new claim. For:
Manually issue the appropriate Relationship Details form and letter
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
When Relationship details forms may need to be manually issued + Read more ... The Living Arrangements (LA) question set makes sure:
The system will not go to the LA question set following an update to accommodation details if the customer only gets one or more of the following payments:
A manual issue of forms may also be required where advised by the relevant Operational Blueprint procedures. Does the customer's arrangements require an MoC or SUOR assessment?
2 |
Check if safety concerns exist + Read more ... A request for the SS284/SS293 form must not be issued to the other person/ex-partner if the customer has identified safety concerns/family and domestic violence. Ask the customer if they have any concerns if the forms are issued to the other person/ex-partner. Do they have safety concerns?
3 |
Issue forms + Read more ... If a customer lives with:
Do not use Customer First Mail Forms guided procedure to issue the forms, as this will not issue a letter with enough detail for further action. For example, suspension, if they do not return the form. The request can be sent using the Request Documents/Request for Information workflow. If this method is not suitable, the request can be sent using the Q539/Q072 letter. Issue a request to the:
4 |
Insert the required form + Read more ... Download and print the appropriate form to insert with the letter. Record the manual issue of the Q539/Q072 letter and form in a DOC. |
5 |
Create a review + Read more ... In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the following fields:
The review will fall due on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action. |