Actioning Approved Care Organisation (ACO) advice of transfer, discharge or absence of a young person 102-05050030
For ACO processing staff only
This document outlines information relating to the transfers, discharges and absences of young persons to or from Approved Care Organisations (ACO).
Transfers, discharge and absences for Approved Care Organisations (ACOs)
Step |
Action |
1 |
Another party has been granted FTB/DOP for an ACO child + Read more ... Has another party claimed and been assessed as eligible for FTB or DOP?
2 |
ACO spreadsheet received + Read more ... An ACO admission, transfer or discharge spreadsheet is received via email advising Services Australia the young person:
3 |
Young person has left, absconded or is missing from the ACO + Read more ... If a young person has left the care of, absconded or is missing from an ACO, FTB/DOP payments to the ACO for the young person must cease from the date the young person left care, go to Step 4. The Child out of care without consent 14 week rule, which generally applies when a young person leaves a parent/individual care without the parent/individual's consent, does not apply in the case of ACOs. |
4 |
Young person is on a temporary absence + Read more ...
Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Cancel FTB/DOP + Read more ... If the young person has been discharged from the ACO, or the ACO is no longer eligible to receive FTB for the child, cancel FTB/DOP from the date the young person left their care. Child is not a customer
Child has their own PER record
As FTB shared care legislation only applies to individuals, the FTB Shared Care (FSC), SSA Shared Care (SSC) and the Care Alignment Details (!CADDS) screens are not required to be coded. Child changes recorded on one customer's record will 'ripple' to other customers linked to the child. Any changes recorded affecting the 'losing carer' will need to be merged, or left started to make sure the changes flow on correctly, before completion:
Has activity resulted in a debt?
6 |
Select debt shell + Read more ... Select the debt shell activity from the Activity List (AL) screen. Go to the Modify/Assess Debt (OPMA) screen and note the:
Use this information to confirm the details pre-populated in the Raise A Debt guided procedure:
Open the ADEX for the debt shell with the source AMR of the ripple activity. For details on how to view ADEX, see Using ADEX to explain a system generated debt. ADEX displays the total amounts under the Old Rate (amount received) and New Rate (amount entitled) for the debt period. Note these amounts with the other details already noted from the OPMA and OPCA screens. |
7 |
Raise the debt + Read more ... Go to workspace and select the Raise A Debt guided procedure.
8 |
Complete debt information + Read more ... The Component Details screen expands to allow adding further component information if required. Select the Add button to add as many component lines as required:
Type is a drop down box. Select the one off Payment type from this list. Ben is the payment type as paid in the Payment Summary. For example, if it was a Schoolkids Bonus payment paid with Family Tax Benefit, enter Family Tax Benefit. Note: not all payments need a Qualification code. The Type and Ben should be required in most cases.
9 |
Finalise the activity + Read more ... Complete the information which appears in the Account Payable Notice:
Explain the reason for the debt. See rules for entering free text in the Account Payable letter. For example: This is because you received Family Tax Benefit for a child not in your care.