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Child Student/Income Circumstances (CHSI) screen 102-05050100

This document outlines the Child Student/Income Circumstances (CHSI) screen, which is used to assess child eligibility and rate payable for some social security payments.

On this page:

CHSI screen

Keying and finalising the activity

CHSI screen

Table 1: This table describes the steps to take when assessing the CHSI screen.




To insert correct/ delete recorded details + Read more ...

For dependent children of social security customers OR historical FTB/CCB child updates

In the customer's record, 'S'elect the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen and go to the CHSI screen.

If the child has their own record, key changes on the CHSI screen in the child's record after selecting 'Self' from the CHS screen in the child's record. Details will 'ripple' across to each customer linked to the child.

Details should only be corrected if they were incorrect at the time they were recorded. If circumstances have changed since that time, insert new details. Only delete if the information should never have been recorded.

Details for the most recent event date will be unprotected and can be updated.

Details for an earlier event date will display as protected. Press [PF8/PF7] to scroll forward/back to display the event date to be changed. Details will then display as unprotected.

More than one set of circumstances (page) can be keyed for the same event date.

  • To correct:
    • key 'C' in the Action field and enter correct details
    • go to Step 2
  • To delete:
    • key 'D' in the Action field and press [Enter]
    • A Delete Y/N prompt will display
    • Key 'Y' or 'N' to confirm deletion
    • to finalise the activity, see Table 2, Step 1
  • To insert new details:
    • if no details have been keyed, a blank CHSI screen will display and new details can be inserted
    • Otherwise, the most recent details will display. To input new details, key 'I' in the Action field and press [Enter]. This will create a blank screen and the new details can be inserted
    • For details to code fields, go to Step 2

For current FTB children aged 16-19 years, use the Child Education Details workflow to record or update education details.


Key Event Date field + Read more ...

More than one set of circumstances (page) can be keyed for the same event date. Each new entry will have a new Activity Management Reference (AMR) number but may be on the same page if the event date is the same. Each new event date will have a separate page. The date can be up to 12 months in the future.

  • For dependent children of social security recipients, to update:
  • For Historical Family Tax Benefit and Child Care Benefit (CCB) fields, go to Step 5


Student Code field + Read more ...

Health Care Card (HCC) and Dependent child assessment for parent/guardian’s social security payment

Dependent children aged under 19 may appear on their parent's HCC card.

A child aged 16-19 must be in full time education. For more information see Assessment of dependent children, additional income free area and child income under social security law.

Key one of the following:

  • 'FSC' (Full-time secondary study)
  • 'FTE' (Full-time tertiary study)
  • 'NST' (unemployed or not a full-time student)

To finalise the activity, see Table 2, Step 1.


Social security law dependent child income + Read more ...

For current income limits, see Assessment of dependent children, additional income free area and child income under social security law.

This is used to determine qualification as a dependent child/Parenting Payment (PP) child. It can affect a customer's qualification for:

  • Parenting Payment (PP), or
  • as a principal carer for JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA) and Special Benefit (SpB)

It can also affect:

  • the rate of social security pension/benefit paid to a customer caring for the child, and
  • the customer's additional income free area for single customers paid Parenting Payment Single (PPS) or paid under the pension Transitional Rate Income Test

The following fields are used for payments in the PGA, NSS and PEN systems.

The income limits are different in each case below:

  • Income Over Limit SSA U/16 field. This is a weekly amount
    • Key 'Y' if the child's income is over the limit for a PP child and child is under 16,
    • Otherwise, key 'N'
    • The date of event is the date the child's income reached, exceeded, or fell below the limit. If a child has variable employment income, this could change frequently, affecting the customer's qualification and rate of payment
  • Income Over Limit SSA O/16 field. This is an amount based on the child's income in the current financial year
    • Key 'Y' if the child's income is over the limit for a dependent aged over 16
    • Otherwise, key 'N'
    • The date of event is 1 July of the financial year. At the start of each financial year, customers must estimate whether their child's income will exceed the limit in the financial year or not, and risk overpayment if they are incorrect. All event dates (pages) on the CHSI screen for a financial year must show the same information about the child's income, if 16 years or over

To finalise the activity, see Table 2, Step 1.


Historical FTB and CCB fields + Read more ...

The following fields are no longer used on the CHSI screen. These fields were used for FTB and CCB coding of student/income details before 1 May 2014.

CCB school - the school child status for CCB was used to work out the rate of CCB Note: Child Care Subsidy (CCS) replaced CCB from 2 July 2018.

Student ID and Institution code - no longer coded for periods after 1 January 2013. These fields were used to determine FTB eligibility for a child aged 21-24.

Income Over Limit FTB - was used to determine FTB child eligibility for any period the income limit applies to the child. See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child income for more details.

Keying and finalising the activity

Table 2: Keying and finalising the CHSI screen.




Complete CHSI keying + Read more ...

  • Key the Source and DOR fields on the CHSI screen
  • Press [Enter] to display expanded details


Finalise activity + Read more ...

  • Press [Enter] to continue the activity or go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise
  • Record details on a DOC. Note: if the child's record was updated, record a DOC in both child and customer records