Child Student/Income Circumstances (CHSI) screen 102-05050100
This document outlines the Child Student/Income Circumstances (CHSI) screen, which is used to assess child eligibility and rate payable for some social security payments.
Information recorded on CHSI screen
Information on the CHSI screen includes:
- CCB School - this field is no longer used. Child Care Subsidy (CCS) replaced CCB from 2 July 2018
- Student code - for 16-19 year old children to assess whether the child is a dependant for the parent/guardians income support payment, including the additional income free area for PPS
- Income over limit for FTB - this field had not been used since 1 May 2014
- Income over limit SSA under and over 16 - to assess dependent child status for parent/guardian’s income support payment
The CHSI screen was used before 1 May 2014 to record student/income details for Family Tax Benefit and Child Care Benefit.
Health Care Card (HCC) and social security payment child income limits
Social security child income limits are used to determine qualification as a dependent child/ Parenting Payment (PP) child. It can also affect:
- the rate of social security pension/benefit paid to a customer caring for the child, and
- the customer's additional income free area for single customers paid Parenting Payment Single (PPS) or paid under the pension Transitional Rate Income Test
Note: until September 2021 the pension system applied the additional child income free area for children aged 16 to 18 without the student code being updated. Some customers may receive a debt if a reassessment occurs for a child where the student code field has not been updated and the customer had income above the income free area. If this occurs and the child is a full time student, updating the information on the CHSI screen will remove the debt.
The References page contains links to relevant definitions, current rates and income limits.
The Resources page contains a link to approved educational institutions and courses, and links to online information.
Related links
Dependents listed on a customer’s concession card
Income Test for single pension customers
Transitional rules for pension customers who were on payment at 19 September 2009
Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child income
Study requirements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) children aged 16 years or over
Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for children aged 16-19 years