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Incorrect date of birth recorded 102-06010010

This page contains details about fixing an incorrect date of birth (DOB) recorded for a customer or their child.

On this page:

Customer queries DOB record

Correcting a DOB record

Customer queries DOB record

Table 1




Customer advises the DOB on their, or their child's, record is incorrect + Read more ...

If the customer is

  • advising that Centrelink has made an error in recording their date of birth, go to Step 2
  • disputing the date of birth Centrelink has recorded, go to Step 3


Customer advises that their, or their child's, DOB is recorded incorrectly + Read more ...

Any possible DOB error on a Centrelink record must be investigated immediately, regardless of the method of customer contact.

Check the customer’s record for evidence, see:

  • DOCs on the record
  • Scanned documents
  • Identity Summary. If DOB has been verified as part of the identity confirmation process, see Identity Confirmation

Is there evidence of an error with the DOB?

  • Yes, correct the DOB on the record See Step 1 in Table 2
  • No, advise the customer to attend a service centre with original evidence of DOB, for example:
    • birth certificate from Births Deaths and Marriages, or
    • overseas passport with an Australian Visa

Record details of the contact and any action taken on a DOC. Procedure ends here.

See also:


Customer disputes the official DOB recorded + Read more ...

A customer's official DOB for Centrelink purposes is the date indicated by:

  • State or Territory Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) (if born in Australia), or
  • Department of Home Affairs (if born outside of Australia)

Only the dates identified on documents issued by BDM or Department of Home Affairs can be accepted as the official DOB.

If a customer states that the DOB recorded on a FA081 for their child is incorrect, they will need to provide the child’s birth certificate.

Note: the exception is where it has been established the birth is not registered. If a customer is unable to provide a document from BDM or Department of Home Affairs, see Verifying the date of birth or age of a customer or child.

If the customer disputes the DOB Centrelink have recorded, then they will need to attend a service centre with original evidence of DOB, for example:

  • newly issued birth certificate from Births Deaths and Marriages, or
  • letter from Department of Home Affairs

Is the customer in a service centre with original evidence of DOB

  • Yes, See Step 1 in Table 2
  • No, and customer is on the phone, advise the customer to attend a service centre with original evidence. Record details of the conversation on a DOC/Note. Procedure ends here

Correcting a DOB record

Table 2




Change the date of birth + Read more ...

If the date of birth correction is for a:

  • customer record, go to Step 4
  • child record that is Family Tax Benefit (FTB) current and the child entered the customer's care:
  • child record that is not FTB current, go to Step 3


Change date of birth for FTB current child who entered the customer's care from DOB + Read more ...

Use the correct Date of Receipt (DOR) for the correction. The DOR must be the date the correct proof of birth was provided.

To correct an FTB child's official date of birth, select the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen in Customer First and:

  • on the Change Child (CCH) screen, amend the Birth Date field
  • on the Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen, amend the Event Date field
  • on the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen, amend the Start Date field
  • on the SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen, amend the Start Date field
  • on the Child Relationships (!CHRE) screen, amend the Start Date field
  • enter details in the Source field
  • enter details in the DOR field using the later of the date FTB was originally claimed for the child or the date the correct proof of birth was provided
  • finalise the activity, and
  • record on a DOC why the DOB has changed and the document provided to support the change

If the activity results in:

  • an overpayment or an arrears payment, go to Step 5
  • no overpayment or arrears payment, and either was expected, contact Local Peer Support (LPS). Procedure ends here
  • no overpayment or arrears payment, and neither was expected, procedure ends here


Change date of birth for non-current FTB child or FTB current child who entered customer's care after DOB + Read more ...

Use the correct Date of Receipt (DOR) for the correction. The DOR must be the date the correct proof of birth was provided.

In Customer First

Select the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen:

  • on the Change Child (CCH) screen, amend the Birth Date field
  • enter details in the Source field
  • enter details in the DOR field. Note: there is no need to enter details in the Action field
  • press [Enter] and finalise the activity
  • record on a DOC why the DOB was changed and the document provided to support the change

If the activity results in:

  • an overpayment or an arrears payment, go to Step 5
  • no overpayment or arrears payment, and either was expected, contact Local Peer Support (LPS). Procedure ends here
  • no overpayment or arrears payment, and neither was expected, procedure ends here


Change customer's date of birth + Read more ...

There should only be one date of birth recorded for a customer. Action the coding below for all current Name Types (except Foreign Pension Name (FPN) where applicable) on the customer’s record.

FPN name types are restricted to International Services staff, and may contain different information. This information is not to be used for any other purposes.

Use the correct Date of Receipt (DOR) for the correction. The DOR must be the date the correct proof of birth was provided. If correcting a Centrelink error, the DOR will be the date the initial proof was provided.

To change a customer’s date of birth in Customer First:

  • go to the Customer Person Detail Summary (CPDS) screen
    • select the first Name Type
    • select continue
    • at the Date of Birth field on the Customer Person Details (CPD) screen, enter the correct date of birth
    • enter detail in the Source field
    • enter details in the DOR field
    • select continue
    • repeat for all current Name Types on the CPDS screen
  • update the earliest Start Date on the Country of Residence (CRES) screen to the correct date of birth (select the line, enter new residence start date in DD.MM.YYYY format, select modify)
  • update the earliest Date of Event of the Country of Citizenship on the (RSLEG) screen to the correct date of birth (select the line, enter the date of event in DD.MM.YYYY format, select modify)
  • open the Marital Status (MS) screen
  • select the earliest Marital Status event
  • add the correct date of birth in the Event Date field
  • select Correct in the Action field
  • select continue
  • action any items on 'Assessment Warning and Error' if required
  • check the outcome via the Assessment Results screen

If the activity results in:

  • an overpayment or an arrears payment, go to Step 5
  • no overpayment or arrears payment, and either was expected, contact Local Peer Support (LPS). Procedure ends here
  • no overpayment or arrears payment, and neither was expected,
    • record details in a DOC to explain why the DOB was changed and the document provided to support the change
    • select finalise to complete the activity. Procedure ends here


Customer or child born in Australia + Read more ...

Was the customer or child born in Australia or has their birth been registered with BDM?


Australian customers and children + Read more ...

The date BDM changed the DOB is the date of event which determines whether arrears are payable or a debt must be investigated.

For help, see:

Select finalise to complete the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Record details on a DOC including:

  • the details of the document sighted, and
  • relevant serial number

Procedure ends here.


Overpayment or arrears when customer or child was born overseas + Read more ...

The Department of Home Affairs is the only agency authorised to change an official DOB for customers born overseas.

Note: the exception is if the customer was born overseas but their birth has been registered in Australia.

The most common reason Department of Home Affairs change a DOB is for refugee migrants whose original DOB may have been assumed when official records were unavailable.

The date Department of Home Affairs changed the DOB, is the date of event which determines whether arrears are payable, or, an overpayment must be investigated.

For help, see:

Select finalise to complete the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Record details on a DOC including:

  • the details of the document sighted, and
  • relevant serial number