Commencing or returning to self-employment for JobSeeker Payment, Youth Allowance and Austudy 102-08030000
Commencing or returning to self-employment
This table below contains an example relating to a customer wanting to commence or return to self-employment.
Item |
Example |
1 |
Customer wants to become self employed
Francis is in receipt of JobSeeker Payment (JSP), is regarded as a computer whiz and has a good idea for setting up a computer consultancy business. Francis wants to know about available assistance. An appointment should be booked with a Service Officer for Francis to discuss available options.
Things to discuss with Francis
- Discuss with Francis the availability of Self-Employment Assistance and the possibility that such a program can provide the skills required to set up a business
- Consider the availability of short courses if Francis is interested in skills upgrading
- Advise Francis that the mutual obligation requirements must still be satisfied if they remain on JSP and operate a business at the same time, unless the self-employment can be approved as an activity to fully meet the mutual obligation requirements
- Explain to Francis the effect any business income will have on JSP
- Explain Working Credits to Francis and how employment income is treated as Francis may have income other than from self-employment
- Advise Francis to declare any income from the business once operational
- Offer information on state based small business organisations
- If Francis does not want to be on JSP any longer, advise that the payments will be cancelled
Actions to take for Francis
Business details (MOD F)
Profit & Loss Statement (SU580)
Application for Payment (SU19)