Restoration of Youth Allowance (YA) or Austudy for full-time students and Australian Apprentices 102-10040180
This document outlines the process for restoration of YA or Austudy for customers undertaking a full-time or concessional study load or who are full-time Australian Apprentice.
On this page:
Determine reason for and period of suspension or cancellation
Restoration of payments or action to take if restoration not appropriate
Determine reason for and period of suspension or cancellation
Table 1:
Step |
Action |
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Subsequent claim + Read more ... The subsequent claim can be considered an application for review of the original payment cancellation if:
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Cancelled or suspended Whereabouts Unknown (WUK) + Read more ... Is the customer cancelled or suspended WUK?
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Check reason for suspension/cancellation + Read more ... Service Officers are to determine if the payment can be restored on initial contact.
Smart centre staff should only continue with this procedure if the suspension/cancellation reason is restorable by smart centre Service Officer. Note: rejections can never be restored. The reclaim process must be used. Is this reason restorable?
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Determine period of suspension/cancellation + Read more ... Determine how long it has been since the customer was notified of the suspension or cancellation. The customer notification can be located on the History Summary (HS) screen, or in the ACE system. Note: consider how the customer was notified of the decision (online or regular mail). For details on the delivery date of notices, see Customer initiated review of decision.
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More than 13 weeks since notice of suspension/cancellation sent or reason for suspension/cancellation cannot be restored + Read more ... Payment cannot be restored. The customer will need to test their eligibility and reclaim payment. Service Officers must tell the customer of claiming procedures. See Contact in relation to an intended claim. In some cases restoration may occur for cancellation reasons WUK. This is because the customer would be taken to have not received advice of the decision to suspend/cancel, if they were:
This means that the date of effect of the favourable determination (restoration) resulting from review of the decision to suspend/cancel is the date of the original decision (date of suspension/cancellation), as per Legislation. Each customer’s circumstances must be looked at individually to decide if they:
If decision is:
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Notice of suspension/cancellation less than 13 weeks + Read more ... Determine if the payment can be restored on initial contact. Check the customer’s Document List (DL) screen for a DOC about the cancellation/suspension. For customers requesting restoration of their income support payment within 13 weeks of a CAN/DNL, CAN/FRP or CAN/CLR, Service Officers can review the cancellation determination and restore the customer's payment where the customer:
Careful consideration of the customer’s circumstance should be given if a customer has a history of cancelling due to failure to report. Appropriate efforts to verify the customer’s statement should be made before restoring their payment (for example, third party calls and/or written evidence from the customer). It is generally not possible to restore the payments unless the cancellation was in error and/or it can be determined that the customer has continued to meet their student requirements or continued to be a full-time Australian Apprentice since last paid. The customer should be asked how they have supported themselves since last paid by Services Australia, for example, Have they worked? Have they used liquid assets? More action is needed for some suspension/cancellation reasons:
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Suspended or cancelled WUK + Read more ... In some cases restoration may occur for cancellation reason WUK, even if the customer has contacted more than 13 weeks after the notice of suspension/cancellation was sent. This is because if the customer would be taken not to have received advice of the decision to suspend/cancel, if they were:
The date of effect of the favourable decision (restoration) resulting from the review of the decision to suspend/cancel is the date of the original decision (date of suspension/cancelation), as per Legislation. Each customer’s circumstance must be looked at individually to decide if they:
If the decision is:
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Suspension reason ATR + Read more ... For customers whose payments have been suspended with reason ATR, staff must follow the appropriate procedure as follows: For Austudy:
For YA: |
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Other considerations + Read more ...
Does the customer need to give any details or documents, attend an interview, or meet any other requirement before payment can be restored or, is there any other details that prevents customer's record being restored and actioned at first contact?
Restoration of payments or action to take if restoration not appropriate
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer attends for restoration of payment + Read more ... Has the customer supplied required information or taken necessary action to be restored and can the payment be restored?
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Payments can be restored + Read more ... If the customer is under income management (INM on the benefit status line) and they have an arrears or lump sum payment entitlement, the Service Officer is not to make any changes to the customer's record to allow this payment to be made. The Service Officer is to contact the Income Management Team to allow income management to be turned on for the arrears payment before it is made. Check the customer is still eligible for payment and determine date of restart. Some cancellation and suspension codes allow a gap in entitlement, otherwise restoration will take place from date paid to plus one day (DPT+1). See Cancellation, Suspension and Rejection reason codes. If the customer was imprisoned, and:
Confirm with customer if there have been any changes of circumstances they should advise - update accordingly. If the customer's Family Tax Benefit (FTB) is cancelled as a result of the income support payment being suspended/cancelled, restore FTB first where rent assistance is paid with the FTB. Go to Step 3. |
3 |
Restore payments + Read more ... Update the customer's record
Procedure ends here. |
4 |
Payment is not to be restored + Read more ... If the decision is not to restore, document the customer's record with the decision and tell the customer of claiming procedures. See Contact in relation to an intended claim. If the customer has a CAN/FRP debt, the debt amount can be recalculated if there is eligibility for part or all of the debt period. All employment details must be correctly coded in order for the debt to be accurately reassessed. See Recording and correcting employment income details. Any changes to circumstances, assets or investments must also be updated. Create a Fast Note - select Auto text, use Debts > Debt Raising > Debt Raising ACTion DOC Request. Include:
Procedure ends here. |