Youth Allowance (YA) customer going overseas 102-11280000
This document outlines the procedure for a Service Officer to decide if YA is payable to a customer, and for how long, while they are overseas. It explains the actions the Service Officer and the customer are to take before the customer's departure.
On this page:
Youth Allowance (YA) payability overseas
Approved overseas study or work
Completing the portability interview and coding overseas absence
Youth Allowance (YA) payability overseas
Table 1: This table describes how to determine if YA payments are payable overseas.
Step |
Action |
1 |
The customer's child (or children) is going outside Australia and the customer is remaining in Australia + Read more ...
2 |
YA customer advises they are going overseas + Read more ... Make sure the customer is in receipt of YA (both qualified and payable) or is a continuing student who lodged their claim before leaving Australia. If they are not a continuing student (for example, returning to study following a gap year) and they have recently claimed and will not become payable before leaving Australia, reject the claim CNC - Course Not Commenced. See Resources for examples. Invite the customer to appoint a nominee for the period of their overseas absence. Run the Portability Script - Departures and Returns. The script will determine if the customer has to be referred to specialist staff.
Is the script working?
3 |
Is customer leaving Australia to live in another country? + Read more ...
4 |
Recording the customer is leaving Australia to live in another country + Read more ... Record the change of address on Address Details (AD) screen if the customer has provided a new address. Note: it is not mandatory for the customer to provide an address outside Australia. Update the: Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and check payment will stop from the date of departure for a residence related reason. Note: if the customer ceased study before departure, payment may stop from an earlier date with a different reason. Finalise the activity. Do not suppress the auto advice. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Temporary absence + Read more ... Students and Australian Apprentices applying to have payment start or continue during overseas study or work, see Step 1 in Table 2. In all other cases, establish if the customer is travelling for an approved reason. For help with this decision, see:
Note: evidence is required to support reason for travelling. If a customer has indicated their overseas travel meets the initial criteria for an approved reason, refer the case to Centrelink International Services (CIS) for assessment. Note: CIS approval to continue payment for a specific negotiated period will usually be 2 to 3 weeks. It would be an unusual circumstance to require a customer's attendance overseas for the maximum portability period and is rarely granted. Does the customer have an approved reason for travelling overseas?
6 |
Temporary absence for approved reason + Read more ... Absence is temporary and is for an approved reason (other than overseas study/work):
Process Direct
Customer First:
Note: a stimulus reporter will be re-profiled to a notification reporter from their entitlement period start date (EPSD) on departure. Lodge any outstanding reports. The system will issue any entitlements. Place reporters on variable lodgement (4 or 12 weekly reporting) on 2WE lodgement and have any outstanding reports actioned via the Recording and correcting employment income details. Tell the customer an officer from CIS will contact them as soon as possible. Procedure ends here. |
7 |
Absence is not for an approved reason + Read more ... The customer's payment will suspend from the date of departure (or earlier if they cease to qualify):
Check if the customer has employment income is a stimulus customer Check if the customer has employment income or is a 2WE reporter. If they are, see Recording and correcting employment income details. A stimulus reporter will be re-profiled to a notification reporter from their entitlement period start date (EPSD) on departure. Lodge any outstanding reports. The system will issue any entitlements. Reporters on variable lodgement (4 or 12 weekly reporting) must be placed on 2WE lodgement and have any outstanding reports actioned via the Recording and correcting employment income details. Record details of the decision in a DOC. If written confirmation of the decision is requested by the customer, issue a Pre Departure Interview - Portability Decision (XOB101) letter. See Step 3 in Table 3. |
Approved overseas study or work
Table 2: This table describes how to assess YA for students or Australian Apprentices that can be paid for approved study or work while they are overseas.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Approved study or work + Read more ... For a temporary absence, YA can be paid to:
Written evidence required Customers must provide proof of the reason for their absence. Customers should also advise travel dates so the period of approved portability, including any additional travel time can be assessed, and an overseas contact address. YA students eligible for Relocation Scholarship (RS) will be able to use the same proof of the reason for their absence (for example, a letter from the local educational institution) as verification for scholarship eligibility. A separate Campus Verification Form (SY101) is not required. Note: immediately before the date of departure from Australia, the customer must be:
If not, overseas study provisions cannot be applied. |
2 |
Returns to Australia within an approved overseas study period + Read more ... If the customer is studying overseas, and returns to Australia during their approved study period for less than 6 weeks, no new decision will be required when they depart again to continue their overseas study. Example: a student is given a 6 month approved study period overseas. They return after 3 months for a 2 week break in Australia. When they depart again, they are still within the original approved study period therefore no new portability decision is required. Has the customer been granted an approved overseas study period and are they leaving Australia again within 6 weeks to resume the study?
3 |
Working/training overseas as an Apprentice + Read more ... Is the customer an Australian Apprentice who is working or training overseas as part of their apprenticeship?
4 |
Ceasing full-time study + Read more ... Is the customer intending to cease full-time study before their departure?
5 |
Combining holidays and study/work + Read more ... Is the customer intending to combine a holiday overseas with their approved payment period?
6 |
Customer is combining a holiday overseas with the approved period + Read more ... If the holiday is:
Note: it may be necessary to check study dates (Education Course History (EDCH) screen) and relevant DOCs to ensure continuation of payment during and following an approved overseas study period. See the Resources page for more information and examples on holidays combined with approved study overseas. |
7 |
Evidence of overseas study/work required + Read more ... The customer is required to provide evidence of their overseas study or work that counts toward their Australian qualification. Has the customer provided written evidence?
8 |
Checking proof of the reason for their absence + Read more ... Discuss the verification provided by the customer for studying units of their Australian course or undertaking apprenticeship training/work outside Australia. Keep a copy of the verification on file. Is the Service Officer satisfied the evidence verifies the overseas study or work-related activities?
See Step 1 in Table 3. |
Completing the portability interview and coding overseas absence
Table 3: This table describes the steps to take in completing the portability interview and coding required for YA customers going overseas.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Completing the portability interview + Read more ... Ask the customer if they have a contact address or phone number while outside Australia:
If the customer has employment income or is a stimulus customer Check if the customer has employment income or is a 2WE reporter, see Recording and correcting employment income details. A stimulus reporter will be re-profiled to a notification reporter from their entitlement period start date (EPSD) on departure. Lodge any outstanding reports. The system will issue any entitlements. Reporters on variable lodgement (4 or 12 weekly reporting) must be placed on 2WE lodgement and have any outstanding reports actioned via the Recording and correcting employment income details. Check the Future Activity List (FAL) screen Are any reviews due before the expected date of return? Action and finalise if possible, or advise the customer they must reply to any Services Australia mail while they are overseas. Finalise interview
Departure date changes For students and Australian Apprentices intending to study or work overseas, ensure they are aware if the departure date changes by more than 3 days, the approved reason for travel will no longer apply and payments will stop on departure. The customer must advise the agency of the change and the reason for the travel must be reassessed. |
2 |
No longer meeting activity test + Read more ... If the departure is temporary but the customer no longer satisfies study requirements:
Procedure ends here. |
3 |
Coding overseas absence + Read more ... To code overseas absence:
Is the customer travelling for overseas study/work and have they provided acceptable supporting documentation?