Payment of Youth Allowance (YA) and Austudy when a student is deferring or discontinuing study before the end of the course 102-07020050
This document outlines information for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) customers who have started a course and then deferred or withdrawn from full-time studies before the end of their course.
Notification of change of study circumstances
A change in study details is a change in circumstances that may affect a customer's qualification for payment, and is therefore, a notifiable event. Customers undertaking study or training are obliged to notify Services Australia (the agency) within the notification period if any of the following events occur, or are likely to occur:
- starting or discontinuing a full-time or concessional study load course
- not enrolling in a course as a continuing student by the end of the enrolment period
- not starting the course by the end of the second week
- changing the study load of a course from full-time to part-time, or
- changing their enrolment status in the course (for example, leave of absence, deferral)
Updating study details online
Customers may notify the change by updating their details online.
Customers with a Centrelink online account can view their personal information including study details through the My Profile menu option in the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.
All a customer's addresses (including postal address), and telephone details (including mobile phone numbers) must be checked at every phone and personal contact and updated if needed. Note: if the customer has authenticated themselves via Interactive Voice Response (IVR), address details do not need to be confirmed.
Notification period rule
If a YA (student) or Austudy customer ceases study, they are obliged to notify the agency within the notification period. The Process page has more information on notification periods.
Job seeking payments start from the date the customer makes initial contact with the agency to submit a claim where they:
- fail to notify ceasing to study within the notification period, and
- want to be paid as a job seeker
A debt may be generated for students who fail to notify cessation of studies.
Customers with an intention to study who will not start their course
If a YA or Austudy customer had an intention to study and will not, or did not start their course, see Customer will not commence full-time study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).
Part-time studies
If a student stops full-time study, they stop to qualify for the student payment. However, if the customer has reduced their study load, they may qualify for a study load concession. If a YA customer under 22 years of age is continuing to study part-time, they may be eligible for YA as a jobseeker if they combine this activity with others such as looking for work or part-time work.
Reduction in study load due to temporary incapacity
If a YA full-time student becomes temporarily incapacitated, however remains enrolled in a qualifying course, they may still be able to be paid YA as a student. See Youth Allowance (YA) student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated or impacted by unforeseen or extreme circumstances.
If an Austudy customer reduces their study load due to a temporary incapacity, they:]
- may be eligible to remain on Austudy:
- if they have a reasonable excuse, or
- as a concessional student
- may need to test their eligibility for JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
Away from home rate
If the customer was receiving the away from home rate due to studying, review the customer's entitlement to the away from home rate.
Student becomes a job seeker or Australian Apprentice
YA customers under 22 years of age may continue to qualify for YA as a job seeker if they meet their notification obligations when they change their activity from full-time study to job search. They do not need to lodge a new claim.
Customers currently receiving YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY who will continue to be eligible to receive the same payment as an Australian Apprentice do not need to lodge a claim. See Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship.
YA customers aged 22 and over will no longer qualify for YA if they change their activity from a full-time student (or Australian Apprentice) to a job seeker. They need to transfer to another payment such as JobSeeker Payment (JSP).
Effect on Working Credits
Customers transferring from a YA (student) or Austudy to a payment eligible for Working Credits may be able to transfer all or part of their Student Income Bank to their Working Credit balance.
A carryover of Student Income Bank to Working Credit can occur when a customer transfers between payments, and if granted a social security pension or benefit after a break of up to 12 months.
The Resources page has examples of what date a customer can be paid to, based on when the Service Officer updates the record.
Related links
Payment of ABSTUDY when a student is deferring or discontinuing study before the end of the course
Deferring or discontinuing study before end of course for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)
Changing study or training details for Austudy customers
Commencing or returning to work for Austudy and Youth Allowance (Students)
Raising debts for students and Australian Apprentices
Austudy student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated or impacted by unforeseen or extreme
Registering customer as a job seeker
Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship
Student to job seeker transfers
Accessing and using Centrelink self service
Processing Youth Allowance (YA) (jobseeker) claims
Processing JobSeeker Payment (JSP) claims