Deferring or discontinuing study before end of course for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) 102-07020060
This document outlines the process for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) students who have deferred or withdrawn from full-time studies prior to the end of their course.
Change of circumstances
A change in the student's circumstances that affects their qualification for payment is a notifiable event.
PES students who are undertaking study or training must notify Services Australia within the 14 day notification period if any of the following events occur, or are likely to occur:
- starting or discontinuing a full-time course of study
- not enrolling in a course as a continuing student by the end of the enrolment period
- not beginning in the course on the first day it is offered, or
- changing enrolment in the course
Online accounts
PES students may notify the change to their course end date or other study details by updating their details online via the Manage Study Details service.
Express Plus application
Customers with a Centrelink online account can view their personal information including study details through the 'My Profile' menu option in the Express Plus applications.
Reduced study load
PES students who stop studying full-time may continue to receive their student payment if they may qualify for an approved concessional study load
The Resources page contains a link to the Students Homepage online.
Related links
Changes which may affect the Parental Income Test (PIT)
Cancellation of Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and ABSTUDY PES
Changing study details for Youth Allowance (YA) students
Raising debts for students and Australian Apprentices
Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) student becomes incapacitated
Student to job seeker transfers
Existing recipient starts an Australian Apprenticeship
Student to job seeker transfers
Checking, locking and unlocking Centrelink self service access
Accessing and using Centrelink self service